/** \example imageplot_modifier.cpp * Shows how to plot colored math images/matrices modified by a second data-column/image with JKQTPlotter * * \ref JKQTPlotterImagePlotModifier */ #include "jkqtpexampleapplication.h" #include #include #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h" #include "jkqtplotter/graphs/jkqtpimage.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { JKQTPAppSettingController highDPIController(argc, argv); JKQTPExampleApplication app(argc, argv); JKQTPlotter plot; // 1. create a plotter window and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience) plot.getPlotter()->setUseAntiAliasingForGraphs(true); // nicer (but slower) plotting plot.getPlotter()->setUseAntiAliasingForSystem(true); // nicer (but slower) plotting plot.getPlotter()->setUseAntiAliasingForText(true); // nicer (but slower) text rendering JKQTPDatastore* ds=plot.getDatastore(); // 2. now we create data for the charts (taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Energiemix_Deutschland.svg) const int NX=150; // image dimension in x-direction [pixels] const int NY=150; // image dimension in x-direction [pixels] double image[NX*NY]; // row-major image double modifier[NX*NY]; // row-major modfier image // 2 calculate image of airy disk in a row-major array double x, y=-static_cast(NY)/2.0; for (int iy=0; iy(NX)/2.0; for (int ix=0; ixaddCopiedImageAsColumn(image, NX, NY, "imagedata"); size_t cModifier=ds->addCopiedImageAsColumn(modifier, NX, NY, "modifier"); // 4. create a graph (JKQTPColumnMathImage) with the column created above as data // The data is color-coded with the color-palette JKQTPMathImageMATLAB // the converted range of data is determined automatically because setAutoImageRange(true) JKQTPColumnMathImage* graph=new JKQTPColumnMathImage(&plot); graph->setTitle(""); // image column with the data graph->setImageColumn(cImage); // now set the modifier image: graph->setModifierColumn(cModifier); graph->setAutoModifierRange(true); // ... and specify which image property is modified (here the saturation, but ModifyAlpha for the transparency and ModifyValue from the HSV color-model are also possible): graph->setModifierMode(JKQTPMathImageModifierMode::ModifySaturation); // set size of the data (the datastore does not contain this info, as it only manages 1D columns of data and this is used to assume a row-major ordering graph->setNx(NX); graph->setNy(NY); // where does the image start in the plot, given in plot-axis-coordinates (bottom-left corner) graph->setX(-NX/2.0); graph->setY(-NX/2.0); // width and height of the image in plot-axis-coordinates graph->setWidth(NX); graph->setHeight(NY); // color-map is "MATLAB" graph->setColorPalette(JKQTPMathImageMATLAB); // determine min/max of data automatically and use it to set the range of the color-scale graph->setAutoImageRange(true); // 5. add the graphs to the plot, so it is actually displayed plot.addGraph(graph); // 6. set axis labels plot.getXAxis()->setAxisLabel("x [{\\mu}m]"); plot.getYAxis()->setAxisLabel("y [{\\mu}m]"); // 7. fix axis and plot aspect ratio to 1 plot.getPlotter()->setMaintainAspectRatio(true); plot.getPlotter()->setMaintainAxisAspectRatio(true); // 8 autoscale the plot so the graph is contained plot.zoomToFit(); // show plotter and make it a decent size plot.show(); plot.resize(600,600); plot.setWindowTitle("JKQTPColumnMathImage"); return app.exec(); }