#include #include #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h" #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphsparsedfunction.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // 1. create a window that conatins a line-edit to edit a function // and a JKQtPlotter to display the function, combine everything in a layout QWidget mainWin; QLineEdit* edit=new QLineEdit(&mainWin); edit->setToolTip("enter a function in dependence of the variable x and press ENTER to update the graph"); JKQtPlotter* plot=new JKQtPlotter(&mainWin); QVBoxLayout* layout=new QVBoxLayout; mainWin.setLayout(layout); layout->addWidget(edit); layout->addWidget(plot); // 2. now we add a JKQTPxParsedFunctionLineGraph object, which will draw the function from // the line edit JKQTPxParsedFunctionLineGraph* parsedFunc=new JKQTPxParsedFunctionLineGraph(plot); plot->addGraph(parsedFunc); // finally we connect the line edit with the graph, whenever RETURN is pressed, // the graph is updated: auto updateGraphFunctor= [=]() { parsedFunc->set_title("user function: \\verb{"+edit->text()+"}"); parsedFunc->set_function(edit->text()); plot->update_plot(); }; QObject::connect(edit, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, updateGraphFunctor); QObject::connect(edit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, updateGraphFunctor); edit->setText("sin(x*8)*exp(-x/4)"); updateGraphFunctor(); // 3. set some axis properties (we use LaTeX for nice equation rendering) plot->getXAxis()->set_axisLabel(QObject::tr("x-axis")); plot->getYAxis()->set_axisLabel(QObject::tr("y-axis")); // 4. scale the plot so the graph is contained plot->setXY(-10,10,-10,10); // show window and make it a decent size mainWin.show(); mainWin.resize(600,400); return app.exec(); }