/** \example functionplot.cpp * Shows how to plot Mathematical Functions as Line Graphs with JKQTPlotter (as evaluated C/C++ functions) * * \ref JKQTPlotterFunctionPlots */ #include #include #include #include #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h" #include "jkqtplotter/graphs/jkqtpevaluatedfunction.h" double sinc(double x) { return 10.0*sin(x)/x; } struct SincSqr { public: inline SincSqr(double amplitude): a(amplitude) {} inline double operator()(double x) { return a*sin(x)*sin(x)/x/x; } private: double a; }; template void drawExample(QApplication& app, const QString& name) { // 1.1 create a window that contains a line-edit to edit a function // and a JKQTPlotter to display the function, combine everything in a layout QWidget* mainWin=new QWidget(); mainWin->setWindowTitle(name); JKQTPlotter* plot=new JKQTPlotter(mainWin); QVBoxLayout* layout=new QVBoxLayout; mainWin->setLayout(layout); layout->addWidget(plot); // 1.2 add checkbox that allows to switch the display of sample points QCheckBox* chkShowSamples=new QCheckBox(app.tr("display sample points")); chkShowSamples->setChecked(false); layout->addWidget(chkShowSamples); // 2. now we add a JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph object, which will draw a simple function // the function is defined as C++ inline function TFUNCGRAPH* func1=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func1->setPlotFunctionFunctor([](double x) { return 0.2*x*x-0.015*x*x*x; }); func1->setTitle("C++-inline function $0.2x^2-0.015x^3$"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func1->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func1); // 3. now we add a JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph object, which will draw a simple function // the function is again defined as C++ inline function, but now uses internal // parameters (handed over to the function as a pointer to QVector TFUNCGRAPH* func2=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func2->setPlotFunctionFunctor([](double x, const QVector& p) { return p.at(0)*sin(2.0*JKQTPSTATISTICS_PI*x*p.at(1)); }); // here we set the parameters p0, p1 func2->setParamsV(5, 0.2); func2->setTitle("C++-inline function with int. params $p_0\\cdot\\sin(x*2.0*\\pi\\cdot p_1)$"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func2->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func2); // 4. of course the function may also be any C+ funtor object: TFUNCGRAPH* func4=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func4->setPlotFunctionFunctor(SincSqr(-8)); func4->setTitle("C++ functor $-8*\\sin^2(x)/x^2$"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func4->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func4); // 5. now we use a JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph to draw a static C function TFUNCGRAPH* func5=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func5->setPlotFunctionFunctor(&sinc); func5->setTitle("static C function $10*\\sin(x)/x$"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func5->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func5); // 6. finally JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph defines a small set of common functions TFUNCGRAPH* func6=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func6->setSpecialFunction(TFUNCGRAPH::Line); // here we set offset p0=-1 and slope p1=1.5 of the line p0+p1*x func6->setParamsV(-1,1.5); func6->setTitle("special function: linear p_0=-1, p_1=1.5"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func6->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func6); // 7. finally JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph defines a small set of common functions TFUNCGRAPH* func7=new TFUNCGRAPH(plot); func7->setSpecialFunction(TFUNCGRAPH::Line); // here we set offset p0=1 and slope p1=-1.5 of the line p0+p1*x by adding these into a column // in the internal datastore and then set that column as parameterColumn for the function graph QVector params; params << /*p0=*/1 << /*p1=*/-1.5; size_t paramCol=plot->getDatastore()->addCopiedColumn(params); func7->setParameterColumn(paramCol); func7->setTitle("special function: linear p_0=1, p_1=-1.5"); QObject::connect(chkShowSamples, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool en) { func7->setDisplaySamplePoints(en); plot->redrawPlot(); }); plot->addGraph(func7); // 8. set some axis properties (we use LaTeX for nice equation rendering) plot->getXAxis()->setAxisLabel(QObject::tr("x-axis")); plot->getYAxis()->setAxisLabel(QObject::tr("y-axis")); plot->getPlotter()->setKeyPosition(JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomLeft); // 9. scale the plot so the graph is contained plot->setXY(-10,10,-10,10); plot->redrawPlot(); // show window and make it a decent size mainWin->show(); mainWin->resize(800,800); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); drawExample(app, "functionplot: JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph"); drawExample(app, "functionplot: JKQTPYFunctionLineGraph"); return app.exec(); }