/** \example jkqtplotter_simpletest_errorbarstyles.cpp * Shows how to use different error indicator styles with JKQTPlotter * * \ref JKQTPlotterErrorBarStyles */ #include #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h" #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphs.h" #include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // 1. create a plotter window and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience) JKQTPlotter plot; JKQTPDatastore* ds=plot.getDatastore(); // 2. now we create data a vector of x-values for a simple plot // and generate some values for varying errors // y-data for the pot will be generated later to position the // plot at different locations. QVector X, Yerror, Xerror; const int Ndata=7; // number of plot points in each curve for (int i=0; iaddCopiedColumn(X, "x"); size_t columnXError=ds->addCopiedColumn(Xerror, "xerror"); size_t columnYError=ds->addCopiedColumn(Yerror, "yerror"); // 3. now we make several plots with different error styles // for that we iterate over every style from the vector errorStyles // the array showXandYError indicates whether we want x- and y-error // for a style for all stywhere this is false, only y-error-indicators // are shown QVector errorStyles {JKQTPNoError, JKQTPErrorBars, JKQTPErrorSimpleBars, JKQTPErrorLines, JKQTPErrorPolygons, JKQTPErrorBoxes, JKQTPErrorEllipses, JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons, JKQTPErrorBarsLines, JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines, JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons }; QVector showXandYError { false , true , true , false , false , true , true , false , false , false , false }; for (int errorID=0; errorID Y; for (auto& xx: X) { Y<(errorID)*2.5; } JKQTPXYLineErrorGraph* graph=new JKQTPXYLineErrorGraph(&plot); // copy data into datastore and immediately set the yColumn graph->setXColumn(columnX); graph->setYColumn(ds->addCopiedColumn(Y, "y"+QString::number(errorID))); graph->setXErrorColumn(columnXError); graph->setYErrorColumn(columnYError); // set error style, for the y-axis graph->setYErrorStyle(errorStyles[errorID]); // no error indicators for the x-values graph->setXErrorStyle(JKQTPNoError); // ... unless: for some error styles we want error in both directions if (showXandYError[errorID]) { graph->setXErrorStyle(errorStyles[errorID]); graph->setDrawLine(false); } // make error indicator 30% transparent QColor c=graph->getErrorFillColor(); c.setAlphaF(0.3); graph->setErrorFillColor(c); // set error indicator line width graph->setErrorWidth(1); // set length of small bars at the end of error bars graph->setErrorbarSize(15); // set symbol (cross/X) + pen style (and color)dashed) graph->setSymbol(JKQTPCross); graph->setStyle(Qt::DashLine); // set symbol size graph->setSymbolSize(5); // set width of symbol lines graph->setSymbolWidth(1); // set width of graph line graph->setLineWidth(1); // graph title is made from symbol+errorStylestyle, we use the LaTeX instruction \verb around the // result of JKQTPErrorPlotstyle2String(), because it contains underscores that would otherwise // lead to lower-case letter, which we don't want graph->setTitle("\\verb{"+JKQTPErrorPlotstyle2String(errorStyles[errorID])+"}"); // add the graph to the plot, so it is actually displayed plot.addGraph(graph); } // 4. autoscale the plot so the graph is contained plot.zoomToFit(); // 6. change locaion of key (outside top-right) plot.getPlotter()->setKeyPosition(JKQTPKeyOutsideRightTop); // ... and switch off the grid plot.getXAxis()->setDrawGrid(false); plot.getXAxis()->setDrawMinorGrid(false); plot.getYAxis()->setDrawGrid(false); plot.getYAxis()->setDrawMinorGrid(false); // 7. show plotter and make it a decent size plot.show(); plot.resize(800,600); return app.exec(); }