\page page_todo Todo List für Future Releases/Versions
This page lists several todos and wishes for future version of JKQTPlotter
- JKQTPlotter:
- graph: matrix plots with boxes, labels, ...
- graph: text labels at positions/for graphs
- plot: secondary axes: independent and dependent (i.e. with transformation function from primary axis)
- graphs: rounded rectangles for barcharts (also controllable by styles)
- graphs: matrix plots with symbols: symbol-type, color, size should be parametric, cf. scatter plots
- styling: color gradients as fill-styles in style-INIs
- styling: style.ini with glowing colors in dark background ("techno" or "cyberpunk")
- plot: axis labels above/below/centered around tick
- plot: elongated grid to left of tick labels
- graphs: different styles above/below baseline for barcharts ...
- graphs: vector field graph (arrows), variant (x,y,dx,dy), (x,y,alpha,length), (x1,y1,x2,y2) ... different head/tail styles
- graphs: gant-chart as simplufier vector field with (x,y1,y2) or (x1,x2,y), or (x,y,dx), (x,y,dy) ... different head/tail style
- graphs: barchart/ranges chart with (x,y1,y2) or (x1,x2,y)
- user interactions: dialog(s) to edit x/y-range
- better styling/more styling options for data-tooltips
- graphic elements: annotation graphic element with text positionable like legend, or with (0..1),(0..1)-coordinates within plot
- graphic elements: cubic/bezier curves for graphic elements
- data management: allow for other datatypes than double, would be good to have, double, float, ints, bool, string ... as for images
- data management: binding for the Eigen library
- user interactions: support for touch/pad gestures
- graphic elements: make coordinate systems selectable for all: x/y-axis, 0..1/0..1, topleft/topright...
- plot: reqork layouting of legends: there are some inconsistencies/too large gaps ...
- plot: legend positioning as combination of 3 values: inside|outside + left|center|right + top|vcenter|bottom
- styling/plot: make axes more customizable, e.g. color for each element, font for each element ...
- plot: axes with symlog (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/24/2/027001) and logit (https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logit) scaling?
- graphs: add candlestick charts (financial, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart)
- graphs: add OHLC charts (financial, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-high-low-close_chart)
- graphs: explore/demonstrate/improve plotting speed for large dataset (e.g. only draw visible elements, use algorithm to draw fewer lines if they overlay ...)
- plot: refactor print preview/export preview code
- JKQTMathText:
- check sub/superscript with italic text in math mode, possibly a correction is necessary
- explore where QFontMetricsF::horizontalAdvance() can be used (for Qt >=5.15)
- add support for \\bigl,\\bigr,\\Bigr,... commands for fixed-size but large paramtheses
- explore options to make font-environment-modifying commands avails, like "{blacktext\\color{red}redtext}", today only commands like "\\textcolor{red}{redtext}" work
- maybe: add support for text with linebreaks by adding a JKQTMathTextVerticalListNode in addition to JKQTMathTextListNode
- maybe: add tool programs to auto-generate some example images
- improve support for array-environment with limited support for formatting string like l|r|c and maybe add support for \\hline command, possibly also \\cellcolor etz.