/*! \defgroup jkqtplotter JKQTPlotter: Qt based Scientific Plotter Class A Qt based plotter for 2D scientific graphs. Main Plotting widget is JKQTPlotter. \defgroup jkqtplotter_general General Information \ingroup jkqtplotter This group assembles documentation of general principles and definitions behind the JKQTPlotter library. \defgroup jkqtpplotterclasses Plotter Class & Plotter Widget \ingroup jkqtplotter This group contains the actual plotter classes, that implement layout management code, coordinate system management an actual plotter widget ... There are two main classes: - JKQTBasePlotter is a QObject-derived class that implements all the plotting logic and drawing code. It does not implement a Qt widget though. - JKQTPlotter is a QWidget-based class that contains a JKQTBasePlotter and uses it to draw plots onto a Qt form. . \defgroup jkqtpplottersupprt Support Classes and Functions \ingroup jkqtplotter \defgroup jkqtpqtwidgetsttools Qt Widgets/Tools to work with JKQTPlotter \ingroup jkqtplotter This group assembles several Qt widgets and tool classes that are linked to JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter and allow to build advanced GUIs for these (e.g. model/view access to internal data ...) \defgroup jkqtpgraphsmodel Qt Data Models to Access Graphs in a JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter \ingroup jkqtpqtwidgetsttools Data models in this group allow to access different internal data from a JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter and in part to manipulate these. \defgroup jkqtpcomboboxes Comboboxes for Properties of JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter \ingroup jkqtpqtwidgetsttools This group contains several QComboBox-derived classes that can be used to select different enum-values (e.g. with JKQTPMathImageColorPaletteComboBox you can select a color-palette from JKQTPMathImageColorPalette ). */