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<h1><a class="anchor" name="qtexengineinstall">README.txt </a></h1><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">QTeXEngine GNU GPL v. 3.0
AUTHOR: Ion Vasilief
FEATURES:  QTeXEngine enables Qt based applications to easily export graphics created <span class="keyword">using</span> the 
       QPainter <span class="keyword">class </span>to the .tex format using Pgf/TikZ packages (http:<span class="comment">//sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/).</span>
DEPENDENCIES: You need Qt (http:<span class="comment">//www.qtsoftware.com) installed on your system in order to build QTeXEngine.</span>
COMPILING: QTeXEngine uses qmake for the building process. 
    qmake is part of a Qt distribution: 
    qmake reads project files, that contain the options and rules how to build a certain project. 
    A project file ends with the suffix "*.pro". Please read the qmake documentation for more details.

After installing Qt on your system, type the following command lines: 

    $ qmake
    $ make

if you use MinGW, or:

    $ qmake -tp vc -r

if you use Microsoft Visual Studio (this will generate Visual Studio .vcproj project files in the "src" and "example" folders).

USE: a short demo application is provided in the "example" folder of the source archive.
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<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Aug 17 15:34:11 2009 for QTeXEngine by&nbsp;
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