/*! \page page_whatsnew What's New (Release Notes/Versions) This page lists release notes for the diferent version of JKQTPlotter \tableofcontents \section page_whatsnew_TRUNK trunk/master \subsection page_whatsnew_TRUNK_OVERVIEW trunk: Overview Changes, compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V4_0_0 "v4.0.0" include: \subsection page_whatsnew_TRUNK_DOWNLOAD trunk: Download This release is available from: - Source code branch: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter - Source Code download (ZIP): https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/archive/master.zip - Git-Link: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter.git . \section page_whatsnew_V4_0_0 V4.0.0: Qt6 compatibility & diverse improvements + bugfixes \subsection page_whatsnew_V4_0_0_OVERVIEW V4.0.0: Overview Changes, compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V2019_11 "v2019.11" include: \subsection page_whatsnew_V4_0_0_DOWNLOAD trunk: Download This release is available from: - Source code branch: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/v4.0.0 - Latest Release/Tag: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/releases/tag/v4.0.0 (2021-April-xx) . \section page_whatsnew_V2019_11 v2019.11: Major rework of the library Starting in summer 2018, JKQTPlotter received some major workover. During this, it lost compatibility to the QuickFit 3.0 code base. \subsection page_whatsnew_V2019_11_OVERVIEW v2019.11: Overview Changes, compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V2018_08 "v2018.08" include: \subsection page_whatsnew_V2019_11_DOWNLOAD v2019.11: Download This release is available from: - Source code branch: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/v2019.11 - Latest Release/Tag: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/releases/tag/v2019.11.1 (2019-Dec-05) . \section page_whatsnew_V2018_08 v2018.08: Minor Modifications (Final QuickFit3-compatible Version) \subsection page_whatsnew_V2018_08_OVERVIEW v2018.08: Overview This is the final version of JKQTPlotter, which is still compatible with the QuickFit 3.0 code base. It contains minor changes as compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V2015_10 "v2015.10": - new: added Qt data model to switch graphs on/off - update: some improvements to test programs . \subsection page_whatsnew_V2018_08_DOWNLOAD v2018.08: Download This release is available from: - Source code branch: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/v2018.08 - Latest Release/Tag: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/releases/tag/v2018.08 (2018-Aug-19) . \section page_whatsnew_V2015_10 v2015.10: Initial Release \subsection page_whatsnew_V2015_10_OVERVIEW v2015.10: Overview This is the initial release of the library. It was developed initially as part of QuickFit 3.0 and then separated out into a separate repository. \subsection page_whatsnew_V2015_10_DOWNLOAD v2015.10: Download This release is available from: - Source code branch: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/v2015.10 - Latest Release/Tag: https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/releases/tag/v2015.10 (2015-Oct-20) . */