# JKQtPlotter This is an extensive library of function/data plotter classes for Qt (>= 4.7, tested with Qt up to 5.11). This software is licensed under the term of the [GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 (LGPL 2.1)](./LICENSE) or above. ## Continuous Integration Status [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/vq2o9pfi97isxm2a/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jkriege2/jkqtplotter/branch/master) ## [Examples](./examples/) There is a [large set of usage examples (with explanations for each) and tutorials](./examples/) in the folder [`./examples/`](./examples). All test-projects are Qt-projects that use qmake to build. You can load them into QtCreator easily. [![EXAMPLES-Page](./screenshots/examplesbanner.png)](./examples/README.md) ## [Screenshots](./screenshots/) The [Screenshots-page](./screenshots/) contains several screenshots, partly taken from the provided examples, but also from other software using this libarary (e.g. [QuickFit 3.0](https://github.com/jkriege2/QuickFit3)) [![EXAMPLES-Page](./screenshots/screenshotsbanner.png)](./screenshots/README.md) ## Building Building instructions can be found here: - include necessary files into QMake project: [`./lib/*.pri`](./lib/README.md) - [build a static library](./staticlib): [`./staticlib/*.pro`](./staticlib/README.md) - [build a shared library (DLL, SO, ...)](./sharedlib): [`./sharedlib/*.pro`](./sharedlib/README.md)