IMPROVED/REWORKED: legend/key positioning as combination of 3 values, e.g. \c JKQTPKeyOutsideTop|JKQTPKeyTop|JKQTPKeyRight or \c JKQTPKeyInside|JKQTPKeyTopJKQTPKeyRight
- NEW: Added the Fira Math fonts as sans-serif symbol font to the library (as a ressource) and added JKQTMathText::useFiraMath()
- NEW: Added JKQTMathText::useGuiFonts()</li>
- NEW: Using JKQTMathText::useGuiFonts() for FONT rendering by default
1. added several new (JKQTPMathImageBone, JKQTPMathImageCool, JKQTPMathImageCopper, JKQTPMathImageAutumn, JKQTPMathImageSeismic, JKQTPMathImageTerrain, JKQTPMathImageViridis, JKQTPMathImageMagma, JKQTPMathImageInferno, JKQTPMathImagePlasma)
2. reworked LUT-types (now a QVector, instead of a C-array, suing malloc)
3. reworked available functions to build LUTs (cleanup, more options, clearer names)
4. added functions to load palettes from files
5. Improved documentation
* added example for user-controlled color palettes
- enabled compiler-warnings in CMake-build
- several bugfixes (also to appveyor.yml)
- removed some function from JKQTBasePlotter, which were (messy) shortcuts to adding graphs
new: iterator interface and improved documentation for JKQTPDatastore
reorganization of library (better separation of common code in jkqtpcommon and other code e.g. in jkqtplotter or jkqtmathtext)
- improved documentation
- changed: using static const variables instead of \c #define for fixed default values (e.g. JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, JKQTPImageTools::PALETTE_ICON_WIDTH, JKQTPlotterDrawinTools::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH, JKQTMathText::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH ...)
- new: added debugging option, which surrounds different regions with visible rectangles (JKQTBasePlotter::enableDebugShowRegionBoxes() )
- fixed: colorbars at top were positioned over the plot label
- new: frames (plot viewport, key/legend ...) may be rounded off at the corners
- new: diverse new styling options (default font name/size ...)
- speed improvements to JKQTMathText::useSTIX()