* BugFix
* Resolve several issues
1: Allow mouse scroll events to pass through to parent if the plot has not mouse scroll events to do. i.e. if scroll to zoom is disabled, and the graph is part of a scroll area, this allows scrolling the scroll area while the mouse is over the plot.
2: Fixed bug with resize timer resetting itself every time, rather than actually performing the countdown and calling the function.
3. Fixed bug with margins being calculated incorrectly, preventing the complete removal of margins from a plot.
- NEW: Added the Fira Math fonts as sans-serif symbol font to the library (as a ressource) and added JKQTMathText::useFiraMath()
- NEW: Added JKQTMathText::useGuiFonts()</li>
- NEW: Using JKQTMathText::useGuiFonts() for FONT rendering by default
- for Qt 5.15: added missing #include statements that became necessary since Qt 5.15
- for Qt 5.15: fixed use of several deprecated functions
- for Qt 5.15/6: removed usage of QMatrix
- enabled compiler-warnings in CMake-build
- several bugfixes (also to appveyor.yml)
- removed some function from JKQTBasePlotter, which were (messy) shortcuts to adding graphs
new: iterator interface and improved documentation for JKQTPDatastore
reorganization of library (better separation of common code in jkqtpcommon and other code e.g. in jkqtplotter or jkqtmathtext)
new: user-interaction tool that measures distances and angles when mouse is dragged, while mouse button is pressed)
update: reworked error indicator base classes and styling settings
update: improved boxplot styling with a separate full-featured pen for the whiskers
- some reorganizations into different files
- additional options for graph filling (color gradients, textures, ...) as provided by QBrush
- PREPARATIONS: added a general feature to JKQTPPlotElement which allows to show a graph in a highlighted state (if supported by the derived graph class!)
- JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph: added functors to transform column values into symbol type+size and line-width to give even more control
- JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph has been renamed to JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph (vertical variants also) and have gained additional features (baseline for filling and drawing of symbols)
- filled curve graphs (e.g. JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph) are now merely a specializedly initialized JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph
- improved documentation
- changed: using static const variables instead of \c #define for fixed default values (e.g. JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, JKQTPImageTools::PALETTE_ICON_WIDTH, JKQTPlotterDrawinTools::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH, JKQTMathText::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH ...)
- new: added debugging option, which surrounds different regions with visible rectangles (JKQTBasePlotter::enableDebugShowRegionBoxes() )
- fixed: colorbars at top were positioned over the plot label
- new: frames (plot viewport, key/legend ...) may be rounded off at the corners
- new: diverse new styling options (default font name/size ...)
- speed improvements to JKQTMathText::useSTIX()