mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 01:10:33 +08:00
NEW: You can use additional syntax derived from CCS to define colors in style.ini.files (or when using jkqtp_String2QColor() ): You can use full CSS-color syntax with functions "rgb(R,G,B)", "rgba(...)", "hsl(...)", "hsv(...)", "gray(...)", "green(...)", "red(...)", "blue(...)"
This commit is contained in:
@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ std::string jkqtp_booltostr(bool data){
# undef rgb
#define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
#define rgba(r,g,b,a) ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
#define gray(g) rgb(g,g,g)
#define gray_p(p) gray(static_cast<uint8_t>(g/100.0*255.0))
@ -423,6 +424,15 @@ static const struct RGBData {
{ "ghostwhite", rgb(248, 248, 255) },
{ "gold", rgb(255, 215, 0) },
{ "goldenrod", rgb(218, 165, 32) },
{ "gray10", gray(255*1/10) },
{ "gray20", gray(255*2/10) },
{ "gray30", gray(255*3/10) },
{ "gray40", gray(255*4/10) },
{ "gray50", gray(255*5/10) },
{ "gray60", gray(255*6/10) },
{ "gray70", gray(255*7/10) },
{ "gray80", gray(255*8/10) },
{ "gray90", gray(255*9/10) },
{ "gray", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "green", rgb( 0, 128, 0) },
{ "greenyellow", rgb(173, 255, 47) },
@ -510,7 +520,7 @@ static const struct RGBData {
{ "teal", rgb( 0, 128, 128) },
{ "thistle", rgb(216, 191, 216) },
{ "tomato", rgb(255, 99, 71) },
{ "transparent", 0 },
{ "transparent", rgba(0,0,0,0) },
{ "turquoise", rgb( 64, 224, 208) },
{ "violet", rgb(238, 130, 238) },
{ "wheat", rgb(245, 222, 179) },
@ -540,6 +550,7 @@ QString jkqtp_rgbtostring(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, uns
return rgbTbl[i].name;
if (r==g && r==b) return QString("grey%1").arg(static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(r)/255.0*100.0));
return QString("#%1%2%3").arg(static_cast<int>(r), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(g), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(b), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
// if we reach this, we have an unnamed transparent color
@ -562,7 +573,8 @@ QString jkqtp_QColor2String(QColor color, bool useSpecialTransparencySyntax) {
QColor jkqtp_lookupQColorName(const QString &color) {
QColor jkqtp_lookupQColorName(const QString &color, bool namesOnly, bool *nameFound) {
if (nameFound) *nameFound=true;
const QString col=color.toLower().trimmed();
if (col=="window") return QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Window);
if (col=="windowtext") return QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
@ -590,40 +602,203 @@ QColor jkqtp_lookupQColorName(const QString &color) {
for (int i=0; i<rgbTblSize; i++) {
if (col==rgbTbl[i].name) return QColor(rgbTbl[i].value);
return QColor(color);
if (!namesOnly) return QColor(color);
if (nameFound) *nameFound=false;
return Qt::black;
QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(const QString &color)
QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(QString color)
//qDebug()<<"jkqtp_String2QColor: "<<color;
// simplify string an convert to lower-case
if (color.startsWith('"')||color.startsWith('\'')) color=color.mid(1);
if (color.endsWith('"')||color.endsWith('\'')) color=color.left(color.size()-1);
if (color.isEmpty()) return Qt::black;
// fish out all #RGB #RRGGBB, ... sequences, withoud added alpha/transparency-value after comma
if (color.startsWith("#") && !color.contains(",")) return QColor(color);
// check whether we have a names color
bool nameFound=false;
const QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(color, true, &nameFound);
if (nameFound) return col;
// declare som helper functors
static auto valUnitToInt=[](const QString& v, const QString& unit="", int intMax=255) {
if (v.isEmpty()) return -1;
if (unit=="%") {
return qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v)/100.0*intMax, intMax);
} else if (unit=="deg") {
int vv=qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v), intMax);;
if (vv<0) vv=vv+static_cast<int>(qCeil(static_cast<double>(-vv)/360.0)*360.0);
return vv;
return qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v), intMax);
static auto valUnitToAlphaInt=[](const QString& v, const QString& unit="", int intMax=255) {
if (v.isEmpty()) return -1;
if (unit=="%") {
return intMax-qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v)/100.0*intMax, intMax);
} else if (unit=="deg") {
int vv=qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v), intMax);;
if (vv<0) vv=vv+static_cast<int>(qCeil(static_cast<double>(-vv)/360.0)*360.0);
return vv;
return qBound<int>(0, QLocale::c().toDouble(v), intMax);
// now we check for diverse special syntaxes
// P: "color,NN%" NN=TRANSPARENCY in percent
// AP: "color,aNN\%" NN=ALPHA in percent
// NP: "color,[a]NN\%" NN=ALPHA 0..255
// Frac: "grey25"
// ColMod: "rgb(R,G,B)", "hsl(H,S,V)" ... (CSS-Syntax)
QRegularExpression rxP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*t?\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
QRegularExpression rxAP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
QRegularExpression rxNP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a?\\s*([\\d]+)");
static QRegularExpression rxP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*t?\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
static QRegularExpression rxFrac("([a-zA-Z]{3,})(\\d{1,3})\\%?");
static QRegularExpression rxColMod("\\s*(rgb|hsl|hsv|rgba|gray|grey|red|green|blue)\\(\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)(%|deg)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s\\/\\s)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s\\/\\s)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s*\\/\\s*)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?\\s*\\)\\s*");
static QRegularExpression rxAP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
static QRegularExpression rxNP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a?\\s*([\\d]+)");
const auto mP=rxP.match(color);
const auto mColMod=rxColMod.match(color);
if (mColMod.hasMatch()) {
QColor col(Qt::black);
const QString name=mColMod.captured(1);
const int v1=valUnitToInt(mColMod.captured(2), mColMod.captured(3));
const int h1=valUnitToInt(mColMod.captured(2), mColMod.captured(3), INT_MAX);
const int v2=valUnitToInt(mColMod.captured(4), mColMod.captured(5));
const int a2=valUnitToAlphaInt(mColMod.captured(4), mColMod.captured(5));
const int v3=valUnitToInt(mColMod.captured(6), mColMod.captured(7));
const int a4=valUnitToAlphaInt(mColMod.captured(8), mColMod.captured(9));
if (name=="gray"||name=="grey") {
if (v2<0) col.setRgb(v1,v1,v1);
else col.setRgb(v1,v1,v1,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="red") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="green") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="blue") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="rgb") {
if (a4<0) col.setRgb(v1,v2,v3);
else col.setRgb(v1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="rgba") {
return col;
else if (name=="hsl") {
if (a4<0) col.setHsl(h1,v2,v3);
else col.setHsl(h1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="hsv") {
if (a4<0) col.setHsv(h1,v2,v3);
else col.setHsv(h1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
} else {
qDebug()<<"unrecognized CSS-color:'"<<color<<"'";
if (mP.hasMatch()) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(mP.captured(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(mP.captured(2));
const double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(mP.captured(2));
return col;
const auto mAP=rxAP.match(color);
if (mAP.hasMatch()) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(mAP.captured(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(mAP.captured(2));
const double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(mAP.captured(2));
return col;
const auto mNP=rxNP.match(color);
if (mNP.hasMatch()) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(mNP.captured(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toInt(mNP.captured(2));
const double a=QLocale::c().toInt(mNP.captured(2));
return col;
const auto mFrac=rxFrac.match(color);
if (mFrac.hasMatch()) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(mFrac.captured(1));
const double a=static_cast<double>(QLocale::c().toInt(mFrac.captured(2)))/100.0;
if (mFrac.captured(1)=="grey"||mFrac.captured(1)=="gray") col.setRgbF(a,a,a);
else col.setRgbF(col.redF()*a, col.greenF()*a, col.blueF()*a);
return col;
QRegExp rxP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*t?\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
QRegExp rxAP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
QRegExp rxNP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*a?\\s*([\\d]+)");
QRegExp rxFrac("([a-zA-Z]{3,})(\\d{1,3})\\%?");
QRegExp rxColMod("\\s*(rgb|hsl|hsv|rgba|gray|grey|red|green|blue)\\(\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)(%|deg)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s\\/\\s)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s\\/\\s)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?(?:\\s+|\\s*,\\s*|\\s*\\/\\s*)?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)?(%)?\\s*\\)\\s*");
if (rxColMod.exactMatch(color)) {
QColor col(Qt::black);
const QString name=rxColMod.cap(1);
const int v1=valPercToInt(rxColMod.cap(2), rxColMod.cap(3));
const int h1=valUnitToInt(mColMod.captured(2), mColMod.captured(3), INT_MAX);
const int v2=valPercToInt(rxColMod.cap(4), rxColMod.cap(5));
const int a2=valPercToAInt(rxColMod.cap(4), rxColMod.cap(5));
const int v3=valPercToInt(rxColMod.cap(6), rxColMod.cap(7));
const int a4=valPercToAInt(rxColMod.cap(8), rxColMod.cap(9));
if (name=="gray"||name=="grey") {
if (v2<0) col.setRgb(v1,v1,v1);
else col.setRgb(v1,v1,v1,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="red") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="green") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="blue") {
if (v2>=0) col.setAlpha(a2);
return col;
else if (name=="rgb") {
if (a4<0) col.setRgb(v1,v2,v3);
else col.setRgb(v1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="rgba") {
return col;
else if (name=="hsl") {
if (a4<0) col.setHsl(h1,v2,v3);
else col.setHsl(h1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
else if (name=="hsv") {
if (a4<0) col.setHsv(h1,v2,v3);
else col.setHsv(h1,v2,v3,a2);
return col;
} else {
qDebug()<<"unrecognized CSS-color:'"<<color<<"'";
if (rxP.exactMatch(color)) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(rxP.cap(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(rxP.cap(2));
@ -642,6 +817,13 @@ QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(const QString &color)
return col;
if (rxFrac.exactMatch(color)) {
QColor col=jkqtp_lookupQColorName(rxFrac.cap(1));
const double a=static_cast<double>(QLocale::c().toInt(rxFrac.cap(2)))/100.0;
if (rxFrac.cap(1)=="grey"||rxFrac.cap(1)=="gray") col.setRgbF(a,a,a);
else col.setRgbF(col.redF()*a, col.greenF()*a, col.blueF()*a);
return col;
return jkqtp_lookupQColorName(color);
@ -209,20 +209,29 @@ JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QString jkqtp_QColor2String(QColor color, bool useSpecialT
* \ingroup jkqtptools_string
* This returns a QString which contains the name of named colors and the RGBA values in a QT readable form othertwise.
* \param color the color name to convert
* \param namesOnly if \c true , the function only compares against the list of CSS colors; otherwise it passes the string also on to QColor()-constructor, which interprets e.g. \c #AABBCC
* \param nameFound[out] optional return value that signifies whether a name was found
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QColor jkqtp_lookupQColorName(const QString& color);
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QColor jkqtp_lookupQColorName(const QString& color, bool namesOnly=false, bool* nameFound=nullptr);
/** \brief converts a QString into a QColor, compatible with jkqtp_QColor2String(QColor color);
* \ingroup jkqtptools_string
* This returns a QString which contains the name of named colors and the RGBA values in a QT readable form othertwise.
* This function allows to add the alpha-value as \c "<color_name>,<alpha>" as integer betwee 0 and 255
* This function converts a color name to a QColor. It extends the names by the following optional synatxes (basically the CSS-syntax with even more options):
* - This function allows to add the alpha-value as \c "<color_name>,<alpha>" as integer betwee 0 and 255
* or as \c "<color_name>,<transparency_percent>%" in the range of 0..100 % (i.e. (1-transparency_percent/100)*255).
* Also \c "<color_name>,a<alpha_percent>%" in the range of 0..100 % (i.e. alpha_percent/100*255).
* - Also \c "<color_name>,a<alpha_percent>%" in the range of 0..100 % (i.e. alpha_percent/100*255).
* - \c "gray<percent>" in the range of 0..100 generates a gray value with 0%=black and 100%=white. Also works for "blue"|"green"|"red"|...
* - You can use full CSS-color syntax with functions \c "rgb(R,G,B)" , \c "rgba(...)" , \c "hsl(...)" , \c "hsv(...)" , \c "gray(...)" , \c "green(...)" , \c "red(...)" , \c "blue(...)".
* The function also support %-values as parameters and whitespace, comma or slash as value separatos!
* - Finally the default Qt color definitions are supported, i.e. \c #RGB , \c #RRGGBB , \c #AARRGGBB , \c #RRRGGGBBB , \c #RRRRGGGGBBBB
* .
* Finally the default Qt color definitions are supported, i.e. \c #RGB , \c #RRGGBB , \c #AARRGGBB , \c #RRRGGGBBB , \c #RRRRGGGGBBBB
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(const QString& color);
JKQTCOMMON_LIB_EXPORT QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(QString color);
/** \brief clean a string to be usable as a variable name, e.g. in an expression parser, or a C++-expression
* \ingroup jkqtptools_string
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