mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 07:58:08 +08:00
fixes/improvements: JKQTMathText renders several LaTeX strings better (simple braces in math mode, +-*... as symbols with proper sizes in math mode, added some missing instruction aliases, improved size of \vec and \hat, corrrected fonts usage for mathrm,
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Changes, compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V4_0_0 "v4.0.0" include:
<li>fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/70">#70: Typo in jkqtplotter/CMakeLists.txt</a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/tedlinlab">user:tedlinlab</a></li>
<li>fixed: styling was not properly applied to coordinate axes of colorbars outside the plot</li>
<li>fixed: JKQTMathText added a little whitespace before and after the LaTeX-string. This was removed as it disturbed the layout of text in plots</li>
<li>fixes/improvements: JKQTMathText renders several LaTeX strings better (simple braces in math mode, +-*... as symbols with proper sizes in math mode, added some missing instruction aliases, improved size of \vec and \hat, corrrected fonts usage for mathrm</li>
<li>improved: high-dpr-support in JKQTMathText</li>
<li>improved: QT6-compatibility by removing deprecated warnings</li>
<li>NEW: JKQTPFilledCurveXGraph and JKQTPFilledCurveYGraph can now plot wiggle plots with different fill styles above and below the baseline (feature request <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/issues/68">#68 Wiggle Plots</a> from <a href="https://github.com/xichaoqiang">user:xichaoqiang</a> </li>
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TestForm::TestForm(QWidget *parent) :
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 3", "leftharpoonup: $\\leftharpoonup$\\ rightharpoonup: $\\rightharpoonup$\\ upharpoonleft: $\\upharpoonleft$\\ downharpoonleft: $\\downharpoonleft$\\ leftrightharpoon: $\\leftrightharpoon$\\ rightleftharpoon: $\\rightleftharpoon$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 4", "coprod: $\\coprod$\\ leftharpoondown: $\\leftharpoondown$\\ rightharpoondown: $\\rightharpoondown$\\ upharpoonright: $\\upharpoonright$\\ downharpoonright: $\\downharpoonright$\\ nwarrow: $\\nwarrow$\\ nearrow: $\\nearrow$\\ ");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 5", "searrow: $\\searrow$\\ swarrow: $\\swarrow$\\ mapsto: $\\mapsto$\\ div: $\\div$\\ multimap: $\\multimap$\\ maporiginal: $\\maporiginal$\\ mapimage: $\\mapimage$\\ ");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 6", "times: $\\times$\\ propto: $\\propto$\\ bullet: $\\bullet$\\ neq: $\\neq$\\ ne: $\\ne$\\ equiv: $\\equiv$\\ approx: $\\approx$\\ otimes: $\\otimes$\\ oplus: $\\oplus$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 6", "times: $\\times$\\ ast: $\\ast$\\ star: $\\star$\\ propto: $\\propto$\\ bullet: $\\bullet$\\ neq: $\\neq$\\ ne: $\\ne$\\ equiv: $\\equiv$\\ approx: $\\approx$\\ otimes: $\\otimes$\\ oplus: $\\oplus$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 7", "oslash: $\\oslash$\\ cap: $\\cap$\\ land: $\\land$\\ cup: $\\cup$\\ lor: $\\lor$\\ supset: $\\supset$\\ supseteq: $\\supseteq$\\ supsetnot: $\\supsetnot$\\ subset: $\\subset$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("named symbols 8", "subseteq: $\\subseteq$\\ in: $\\in$\\ notin: $\\notin$\\ cdot: $\\cdot$\\ wedge: $\\wedge$\\ vee: $\\vee$\\ cong: $\\cong$\\ bot: $\\bot$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("symbols", "$\\ll\\gg\\leq\\geq\\leftrightarrow\\leftarrow\\rightarrow\\to\\uparrow\\downarrow\\updownarrow\\Leftrightarrow\\iff\\Leftarrow\\Rightarrow\\Uparrow\\Downarrow\\Updownarrow\\pm\\mp\\nexists\\ni\\notni\\circ\\sim\\emptyset\\odot\\ominus\\subsetnot\\bot\\leftharpoonup\\rightharpoonup\\upharpoonleft\\downharpoonleft\\leftrightharpoon\\rightleftharpoon\\coprod\\leftharpoondown\\rightharpoondown\\upharpoonright\\downharpoonright\\nwarrow\\nearrow\\searrow\\swarrow\\mapsto\\div\\multimap\\maporiginal\\mapimage\\times\\propto\\bullet\\neq\\ne\\equiv\\approx\\otimes\\oplus\\oslash\\cap\\land\\cup\\lor\\supset\\supseteq\\supsetnot\\subset\\subseteq\\in\\notin\\cdot\\wedge\\vee\\cong\\bot$");
@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ TestForm::TestForm(QWidget *parent) :
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace10 test", "\\left\\{\\left[\\left( r^{123}\\right)\\right]\\right\\} -- $\\left\\{\\left[\\left( r^{123}\\right)\\right]\\right\\}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace11 test: floor", "\\left\\lfloor\\left\\lfloor\\left\\lfloor r^{123}\\right\\rfloor\\right\\rfloor\\right\\rfloor -- $\\left\\lfloor\\left\\lfloor\\left\\lfloor r^{123}\\right\\rfloor\\right\\rfloor\\right\\rfloor$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace12 test: ceil", "\\left\\lceil\\left\\lceil\\left\\lceil r^{123}\\right\\rceil\\right\\rceil\\right\\rceil -- $\\left\\lceil\\left\\lceil\\left\\lceil r^{123}\\right\\rceil\\right\\rceil\\right\\rceil$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace13 test: non-left/right ( )", "(((r^{123}))) -- $(((r^{123})))$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace14 test: non-left/right [ ]", "[[[r^{123}]]] -- $[[[r^{123}]]]$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace15 test: non-left/right { }", "\\{\\{\\{r^{123}\\}\\}\\} -- $\\{\\{\\{ r^{123}\\}\\}\\}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace16 test: non-left/right | |", "|||r^{123}||| -- $|||r^{123}|||$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("brace17 test: non-left/right { | }", "\\{r^{123}|r\\equiv 5\\} -- $\\{r^{123}|r\\equiv 5\\}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("sub-, superscript test", "r^{1234}_{321} r_{321}^{1234} -- $r^{1234}_{321} r_{321}^{1234} -- \\kappa^2 -- \\kappa_2 -- \\kappa_2^2$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("super-, subscript test", "r^{123}_{4321} r_{4321}^{123} -- $r^{123}_{4321} r_{4321}^{123} -- \\kappa^2 -- \\kappa_2 -- \\kappa_2^2$");
//ui->cmbTestset->addItem("", "");
@ -111,7 +116,7 @@ TestForm::TestForm(QWidget *parent) :
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 12 (under/overbrace)", "$\\underbrace{\\overbrace{x+x+...+x}{k\\ \\mathrm{times}} \\overbrace{x+x+...+x}{k\\ \\mathrm{times}}}{2k\\ \\mathrm{times}}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 13", "$y_1''\\ \\ \\ y_2'''$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 14", "$f(x)=\\begin{cases} 1/3 & \\mathrm{if}\\ 0\\leq x\\leq1 \\\\ 2/3 & \\mathrm{if}\\ 3\\leq x\\leq4 \\\\0 & \\mathrm{elsewhere} \\end{cases}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 15", "$\\Re{z} =\\frac{n\\pi \\dfrac{\\theta +\\psi}{2}}{\\left(\\dfrac{\\theta +\\psi}{2}\\right)^2 + \\left( \\dfrac{1}{2}\\log \\left\\lvert\\dfrac{B}{A}\\right\\rvert\\right)^2}.$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 15", "$\\Re(z) =\\frac{n\\pi \\dfrac{\\theta +\\psi}{2}}{\\left(\\dfrac{\\theta +\\psi}{2}\\right)^2 + \\left( \\dfrac{1}{2}\\log \\left\\lvert\\dfrac{B}{A}\\right\\rvert\\right)^2}.$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 16", "$\\sum_{m=1}^\\infty\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty\\frac{m^2\\,n}{3^m\\left(m\\,3^n+n\\,3^m\\right)}$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 17", "$\\phi_n(\\kappa) =\\frac{1}{4\\pi^2\\kappa^2} \\int_0^\\infty\\frac{\\sin(\\kappa R)}{\\kappa R}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial R}\\left[R^2\\frac{\\partial D_n(R)}{\\partial R}\\right]\\,dR$");
ui->cmbTestset->addItem("math 18", "${}_pF_q(a_1,\\dots,a_p;c_1,\\dots,c_q;z)= \\sum_{n=0}^\\infty\\frac{(a_1)_n\\cdots(a_p)_n}{(c_1)_n\\cdots(c_q)_n}\\frac{z^n}{n!}$");
@ -415,11 +415,12 @@ QString JKQTMathText::MTtextNode::textTransform(const QString &text, JKQTMathTex
switch(c.unicode()) {
case '-': txt+=QString(QString(" ")+QChar(0x2212)); break;
case '+': txt+=QString(QString(" +")); break;
case '/': txt+=QString(QString(" / ")); break;
case '<': txt+=QString(QString(" < ")); break;
case '>': txt+=QString(QString(" > ")); break;
case '=': txt+=QString(QString(" = ")); break;
case '/': txt+=QString(QString(" /")); break;
case '<': txt+=QString(QString(" <")); break;
case '>': txt+=QString(QString(" >")); break;
case '=': txt+=QString(QString(" =")); break;
case ';': txt+=QString(QString("; ")); break;
case ',': txt+=QString(QString(", ")); break;
default: txt+=c; break;
@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTinstruction1Node::setupMTenvironment(JKQTMathText::MTenviro
else if (name=="ol" || name=="overline" || name=="overlined") ev.overline=true;
else if (name=="strike") ev.strike=true;
else if (name=="rm" || name=="textrm") { ev.font=JKQTMathText::MTEroman; ev.italic=false; }
else if (name=="mathrm" || name=="operatorname") { ev.font=JKQTMathText::MTEroman; ev.italic=false; }
else if (name=="mathrm" || name=="unit" || name=="operatorname") { ev.font=JKQTMathText::MTEroman; ev.italic=false; }
else if (name=="mathbfit" || name=="bfit" || name=="textbfit") { ev.bold=true; ev.italic=true; }
else if (name=="text" || name=="mbox" || name=="ensuretext") { ev.insideMath=false; ev.font=JKQTMathText::MTEroman; ev.italic=false; }
else if (name=="mat") { ev.font=JKQTMathText::MTEroman; ev.italic=false; ev.bold=true; }
@ -1185,7 +1186,7 @@ double JKQTMathText::MTdecoratedNode::draw(QPainter& painter, double x, double y
if (decoration==MTDvec) {
QPolygonF poly;
poly<<QPointF(x+deltax, dpos)<<QPointF(xnew+deltax-0.2*wc, dpos)<<QPointF(xnew-0.4*wc+deltax, dpos-dheight/2.0);
poly<<QPointF(x+deltax, dpos)<<QPointF(xnew+deltax-0.2*wc, dpos)<<QPointF(xnew-0.4*wc+deltax, dpos-dheight*2.0/3.0);
} else if (decoration==MTDoverline) {
@ -1227,7 +1228,7 @@ double JKQTMathText::MTdecoratedNode::draw(QPainter& painter, double x, double y
} else if (decoration==MTDhat) {
QPolygonF poly;
poly<<QPointF(x+w/2.0-0.35*wc+deltax, dpos+dheight/2.0)<<QPointF(x+w/2.0+deltax, dpos)<<QPointF(x+w/2.0+0.35*wc+deltax, dpos+dheight/2.0);
poly<<QPointF(x+w/2.0-0.25*wc+deltax, dpos+dheight/2.0)<<QPointF(x+w/2.0+deltax, dpos)<<QPointF(x+w/2.0+0.25*wc+deltax, dpos+dheight/2.0);
@ -2177,8 +2178,13 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getWinSymbolProp(JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::Sy
props.italic = -1;
props.font = fnt.first;
if (n == "_") { props.symbol = "_"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "}") { props.symbol = "}"; }
else if (n == "{") { props.symbol = "{"; }
else if (n == "}") { props.symbol = "}"; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "{") { props.symbol = "{"; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "]") { props.symbol = "]"; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "[") { props.symbol = "["; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "(") { props.symbol = "("; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == ")") { props.symbol = ")"; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "|") { props.symbol = "|"; props.italic=-1; }
else if (n == "hbar") { props.symbol = "h"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; props.drawBar = true; }
else if (n == "euro") { props.symbol = ""; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "cent") { props.symbol = QChar(0xA2); props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
@ -2187,11 +2193,19 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getWinSymbolProp(JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::Sy
else if (n == "div") { props.symbol = QChar(0xF7); props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "backslash") { props.symbol = "\\"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
//else if (n=="|") { symbol="||"; bold=0; italic=0; }
else if (n == "/") { props.symbol = "/"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "+") { props.symbol = "+"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "-") { props.symbol = "-"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "*") { props.symbol = "*"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "=") { props.symbol = "= "; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == ">") { props.symbol = ">"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "<") { props.symbol = "<"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "$") { props.symbol = "$"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "%") { props.symbol = "%"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "&") { props.symbol = "&"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "#") { props.symbol = "#"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "ast") { props.symbol = "*"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "asterisk") { props.symbol = "*"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "glq") { props.symbol = "'"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "grq") { props.symbol = "'"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "glqq") { props.symbol = "\""; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
@ -2354,9 +2368,21 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getStandardTextSymbolProp(JKQTMathText::MTsymbo
//qDebug()<<" +--- getStandardTextSymbolProp("<<n<<")";
if (n == "_") { props.symbol = "_"; }
else if (n == "backslash") { props.symbol = "\\"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "+") { props.symbol = "+"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "-") { props.symbol = "-"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "/") { props.symbol = "/"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "=") { props.symbol = "= "; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "<") { props.symbol = "<"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == ">") { props.symbol = ">"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "|") { props.symbol = "|"; props.bold = 0; }
else if (n == "}") { props.symbol = "}"; }
else if (n == "{") { props.symbol = "{"; }
else if (n == "backslash") { props.symbol = "\\"; props.bold = 0; props.italic = 0; }
else if (n == "]") { props.symbol = "]"; }
else if (n == "[") { props.symbol = "["; }
else if (n == "(") { props.symbol = "("; }
else if (n == ")") { props.symbol = ")"; }
else if (n == "|") { props.symbol = "|"; }
else if (n == "$") { props.symbol = "$"; }
else if (n == "%") { props.symbol = "%"; }
else if (n == "&") { props.symbol = "&"; }
@ -2381,6 +2407,10 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getUnicodeBaseSymbolProp(JKQTMathText::MTsymbol
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("infty", QChar(0x221E));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("partial", QChar(0x2202));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("times", QChar(0x2A2F));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("*", QChar(0x2217));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("ast", QChar(0x2217));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("asterisk", QChar(0x2217));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("star", QChar(0x22C6));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("bullet", QChar(0x2219));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("copyright", QChar(0x00A9));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("registered", QChar(0x00AE));
@ -2413,6 +2443,9 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getUnicodeBaseSymbolProp(JKQTMathText::MTsymbol
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("cdots", QString(QChar(0x00B7)) + QString(QChar(0x00B7)) + QString(QChar(0x00B7)));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("approx", QChar(0x2248));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("Angstroem", QChar(0x212B));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("-", QChar(0x2212));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("dots", QChar(0x2026));
unicodeBaseSymbol.insert("ldots", QChar(0x2026));
QHash<QString, QString>::iterator itbasesymbol = unicodeBaseSymbol.find(n);
@ -2738,7 +2771,7 @@ JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::SymbolProps JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getSymbolPro
if (extendWInMM.contains(n)) {
@ -2820,23 +2853,34 @@ JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::SymbolProps JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::getSymbolPro
if (itsimplehia != simpleTranslations_heightIsAscent.end()) {
props.symbol = itsimplehia.value();
props.heightIsAscent = true;
} else {
if (!getSymbolProp(props, n, currentEv, mathFontFactor)) {
errorExplanation="didn't find symbol given font def:"+fnt.first+"["+encoding2String(fnt.second)+"] / sym:"+fntSym.first+"["+encoding2String(fntSym.second)+"] / grk:"+fntGreek.first+"["+encoding2String(fntGreek.second)+"]";
} else {
if (!getSymbolProp(props, n, currentEv, mathFontFactor)) {
errorExplanation="didn't find symbol given font def:"+fnt.first+"["+encoding2String(fnt.second)+"] / sym:"+fntSym.first+"["+encoding2String(fntSym.second)+"] / grk:"+fntGreek.first+"["+encoding2String(fntGreek.second)+"]";
if (addWhitespace) props.symbol+=" ";
static QSet<QString> extraSymbolName = {
"|", " ", "quad", "qquad", "space", ";", ":", ",", "!",
"|", " ", "quad", "qquad", "space", ";", ":", ",", "!","%"
"longleftarrow", "longrightarrow",
"Longleftarrow", "Longrightarrow",
"longleftrightarrow", "Longleftrightarrow"
static QSet<QString> extraSymbolNonItalic = {
"+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "=", "|", "{", "(", "[", "]", ")", "}", "\\"
if (props.symbol.simplified().isEmpty() && extraSymbolNonItalic.contains(n)) {
if (n=="=") props.symbol="= ";
if (props.symbol.simplified().isEmpty() && !extraSymbolName.contains(n)) {
parent->error_list.append(tr("unknown symbol '%1' found (%2)!").arg(n).arg(errorExplanation));
@ -3129,6 +3173,9 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::toHtml(QString &html, JKQTMathText::MTenvironme
entitylut.insert("propto", "∝");
entitylut.insert("partial", "∂");
entitylut.insert("bullet", "•");
entitylut.insert("star", "⋆");
entitylut.insert("ast", "∗");
entitylut.insert("asterisk", "∗");
entitylut.insert("neq", "≠");
entitylut.insert("ne", "≠");
entitylut.insert("equiv", "≡");
@ -3194,6 +3241,7 @@ bool JKQTMathText::MTsymbolNode::toHtml(QString &html, JKQTMathText::MTenvironme
entitylut.insert("DC", "=");
entitylut.insert("cdots", "⋅⋅⋅");
entitylut.insert("dots", "...");
entitylut.insert("ldots", "...");
entitylut.insert("cent", "¢");
@ -3585,8 +3633,12 @@ QPair<QString,JKQTMathText::MTfontEncoding> JKQTMathText::getReplacementFont(con
return res;
QPair<QString, JKQTMathText::MTfontEncoding> JKQTMathText::getFontData(JKQTMathText::MTenvironmentFont font, bool /*in_math_environment*/, FontSubclass subclass) const
QPair<QString, JKQTMathText::MTfontEncoding> JKQTMathText::getFontData(JKQTMathText::MTenvironmentFont font, bool in_math_environment, FontSubclass subclass) const
if (in_math_environment) {
if (font==MTEroman) font=MTEmathRoman;
if (font==MTEsans) font=MTEmathSans;
const auto fd=fontDefinitions.value(font);
if (subclass==FontSubclass::Greek) return QPair<QString, JKQTMathText::MTfontEncoding>(fd.symbolfontGreek, fd.symbolfontGreekEncoding);
if (subclass==FontSubclass::Symbols) return QPair<QString, JKQTMathText::MTfontEncoding>(fd.symbolfontSymbol, fd.symbolfontSymbolEncoding);
@ -4055,12 +4107,17 @@ JKQTMathText::tokenType JKQTMathText::getToken() {
if (parsingMathEnvironment) {
// inside math environments we split texts at every brace {[(|)]} so that
// braces form their own MTtextNode and may be formated accordingly
if (c=='(' || c=='[' || c=='|' || c==')' || c==']') {
static QSet<QChar> mathEnvironmentSpecialChars, mathEnvironmentSpecialEndChars;
if (mathEnvironmentSpecialChars.size()==0) {
mathEnvironmentSpecialChars<<'(' << '[' << '|' << ')' << ']' << '+' << '-' << '*' << '/' << '<' << '>' << '=';
mathEnvironmentSpecialEndChars<<'(' << '&' << '[' << '|' << ')' << ']' << '\\' << '$' << '{' << '}' << '_' << '^' << '+' << '-' << '/' << '*' << '=' << '<' << '>';
if (mathEnvironmentSpecialChars.contains(c)) {
//std::cout<<"found text node '"<<currentTokenName.toStdString()<<"'\n";
return currentToken=MTTtext;
while (c!='(' && c!='&' && c!='[' && c!='|' && c!=')' && c!=']' && c!='\\' && c!='$' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!='_' && c!='^' && (currentTokenID<parseString.size())) {
while (!mathEnvironmentSpecialEndChars.contains(c) && (currentTokenID<parseString.size())) {
// add whitespaces only once
if (c.isSpace()) {
if (!currentTokenName.isEmpty()) {
@ -4071,7 +4128,7 @@ JKQTMathText::tokenType JKQTMathText::getToken() {
if (currentTokenID<parseString.size())c=parseString[currentTokenID];
if (c=='&' || c=='(' || c=='[' || c=='|' || c==')' || c==']' || c=='\\' || c=='$' || c=='{' || c=='}' || c=='_' || c=='^' || c.isSpace()) currentTokenID--;
if (mathEnvironmentSpecialEndChars.contains(c) || c.isSpace()) currentTokenID--;
//std::cout<<"found text node '"<<currentTokenName.toStdString()<<"'\n";
return currentToken=MTTtext;
@ -4107,7 +4164,19 @@ JKQTMathText::MTnode* JKQTMathText::parseLatexString(bool get, const QString& qu
QString text=currentTokenName;
bool addWhite=(getToken()==MTTwhitespace) && (!parsingMathEnvironment);
nl->addNode(new MTtextNode(this, text, addWhite, parsingMathEnvironment));
if (parsingMathEnvironment) {
static QSet<QString> mathEnvironmentSpecialText;
if (mathEnvironmentSpecialText.size()==0) {
if (mathEnvironmentSpecialText.contains(text.trimmed())) {
nl->addNode(new MTsymbolNode(this, text, addWhite));
} else {
nl->addNode(new MTtextNode(this, text, addWhite, parsingMathEnvironment));
} else {
nl->addNode(new MTtextNode(this, text, addWhite, parsingMathEnvironment));
} else if (currentToken==MTTinstruction) {
QString name=currentTokenName;
if (name=="\\") break; // break on linebrak character
@ -4262,7 +4331,7 @@ JKQTMathText::MTnode* JKQTMathText::parseLatexString(bool get, const QString& qu
nl->addNode(new MTdecoratedNode(this, MTDdoubleunderline, parseLatexString(true)));
} else if (name=="ooline"||name=="ool") {
nl->addNode(new MTdecoratedNode(this, MTDdoubleoverline, parseLatexString(true)));
} else if (name=="arrow") {
} else if (name=="arrow"||name=="overrightarrow"||name=="overarrow") {
nl->addNode(new MTdecoratedNode(this, MTDarrow, parseLatexString(true)));
} else if (name=="hat") {
nl->addNode(new MTdecoratedNode(this, MTDhat, parseLatexString(true)));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user