added Example for JKQTPXYScatterGraph and JKQTPXYScatterErrorGraph

This commit is contained in:
jkriege2 2022-08-26 12:43:00 +02:00
parent b156fc7e40
commit 7839983310
9 changed files with 203 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ if(JKQtPlotter_BUILD_EXAMPLES)
# custom target that generates the images for the JKQTMathText documentation # custom target that generates the images for the JKQTMathText documentation
set(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots_DefaultOptions --screenshotdir="${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../screenshots/" --screenshot --smallscreenshotplot) set(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots_DefaultOptions --screenshotdir="${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../screenshots/" --screenshot --smallscreenshotplot)
set(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots_From set(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots_From
) )
add_custom_target(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots add_custom_target(JKQTPlotter_GenerateDocScreenshots

View File

@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ All test-projects are Qt-projects that use qmake to build. You can load them int
<tr><td> \image html jkqtplotter_simpletest1_small.png <tr><td> \image html jkqtplotter_simpletest1_small.png
<td> \subpage JKQTPlotterSimpleTest <td> \subpage JKQTPlotterSimpleTest
<td> `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++-style QVector arrays of data <td> `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++-style QVector arrays of data
<tr><td> \image html scatter_small.png
<td> \subpage JKQTPlotterscatter
<td> `JKQTPXYScatterGraph` <br> Iterator-Interface for JKQTDatastore
<tr><td> \image html speed_small.png <tr><td> \image html speed_small.png
<td> \subpage JKQTPlotterSpeedTest <td> \subpage JKQTPlotterSpeedTest
<td> `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> external `std::array<double,N>` data, not owned by datastore <br> live-data, measure plotting speed <br> tipps to increas plotting speed <td> `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> external `std::array<double,N>` data, not owned by datastore <br> live-data, measure plotting speed <br> tipps to increas plotting speed

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot)
add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_cimg) add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_cimg)
add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_opencv) add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_opencv)
add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_qt) add_subdirectory(rgbimageplot_qt)
add_subdirectory(speed) add_subdirectory(speed)
add_subdirectory(stackedbars) add_subdirectory(stackedbars)
add_subdirectory(stepplots) add_subdirectory(stepplots)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ All test-projects are Qt-projects that use qmake to build. You can load them int
| Screenshot | Description | Notes | | Screenshot | Description | Notes |
|:-------------:| ------------- | ------------- | |:-------------:| ------------- | ------------- |
| [![](]( | [Very Basic Example (Line Graph)]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++-style QVector arrays of data | | [![](]( | [Very Basic Example (Line Graph)]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++-style QVector arrays of data |
| [![](]( | [Very Basic Example (Scatter Graph)]( | `JKQTPXYScatterGraph` <br> Iterator-Interface for JKQTDatastore |
| [![](]( | [Line Graph with Live Data / Speed Test]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> external `std::array<double,N>` data, not owned by datastore <br> live-data, measure plotting speed <br> tipps to increas plotting speed | | [![](]( | [Line Graph with Live Data / Speed Test]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> external `std::array<double,N>` data, not owned by datastore <br> live-data, measure plotting speed <br> tipps to increas plotting speed |
| [![](]( | [Line Graph with Different Symbols and Line Styles]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++ vector of data <br> setting line styles and symbol styles <br> automatic graph coloring | | [![](]( | [Line Graph with Different Symbols and Line Styles]( | `JKQTPXYLineGraph` <br> C++ vector of data <br> setting line styles and symbol styles <br> automatic graph coloring |
| [![](]( | [Special Step Line Plots in Different Styles]( | `JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph` <br> C++ vector of data <br> different step modes, filled and line-only | | [![](]( | [Special Step Line Plots in Different Styles]( | `JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph` <br> C++ vector of data <br> different step modes, filled and line-only |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
set(EXAMPLE_NAME scatter)
set(EXENAME jkqtptest_${EXAMPLE_NAME})
message( STATUS ".. Building Example ${EXAMPLE_NAME}" )
# Set up source files
set(SOURCES scatter.cpp )
set(UIS )
add_executable(${EXENAME} WIN32 ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${RESOURCES} ${UIS})
target_include_directories(${EXENAME} PRIVATE ../../lib)
target_link_libraries(${EXENAME} JKQTPlotterLib)
target_link_libraries(${EXENAME} JKQTPlotterSharedLib)
target_link_libraries(${EXENAME} JKQTPExampleToolsLib)
# precomiled headers to speed up compilation
target_precompile_headers(${EXENAME} PRIVATE ../../lib/jkqtplotter/private/jkqtplotter_precomp.h)
# Installation
#Installation of Qt DLLs on Windows

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Example (JKQTPlotter): Very simple scatter-graph {#JKQTPlotterscatter}
This project (see `./examples/scatter/`) simply creates a JKQTPlotter widget (as a new window) and adds a single scatter graph of type JKQTPXYScatterGraph (a sine-wave with noise).
The source code of the example can be found in [`jkqtplotter_scatter.cpp`](
First we create a plotter window and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience):
JKQTPlotter plot;
JKQTPDatastore* ds=plot.getDatastore();
Now we add two columns to the JKQTPDatastore and obtain back-inserter iterators for these:
size_t columnX=ds->addColumn("x");
auto colXInserter=ds->backInserter(columnX);
size_t columnY=ds->addColumn("y");
auto colYInserter=ds->backInserter(columnY);
Now we create data for a simple plot (a sine curve with random noise):
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0,0.5);
const int Ndata=100;
for (int i=0; i<Ndata; i++) {
// put data
const double x=double(i)/double(Ndata)*8.0*JKQTPSTATISTICS_PI;
// advance back-inserters
Here we create a graph in the plot, which plots the dataset X/Y:
JKQTPXYScatterGraph* graph1=new JKQTPXYScatterGraph(&plot);
graph1->setTitle(QObject::tr("sine graph"));
Now we add the graph to the plot, so it is actually displayed:
Finally we autoscale the plot so the graph is contained:
The result looks like this:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/** \example scatter.cpp
* A very basic example for the usage of JKQTPScatterGraphh
* \ref JKQTPlotterscatter
#include <QApplication>
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/graphs/jkqtpscatter.h"
#include "jkqtpexampleapplication.h"
#include <random>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); // DPI support
QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); //HiDPI pixmaps
JKQTPExampleApplication app(argc, argv);
// 1. create a plotter window and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience)
JKQTPlotter plot;
JKQTPDatastore* ds=plot.getDatastore();
// 2. add two columns to the JKQTPDatastore and obtain back-inserter iterators for these
size_t columnX=ds->addColumn("x");
auto colXInserter=ds->backInserter(columnX);
size_t columnY=ds->addColumn("y");
auto colYInserter=ds->backInserter(columnY);
// 3. now we create data for a simple plot (a sine curve with random noise)
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0,0.5);
const int Ndata=100;
for (int i=0; i<Ndata; i++) {
// put data
const double x=double(i)/double(Ndata)*8.0*JKQTPSTATISTICS_PI;
// advance back-inserters
// 4. create a graph in the plot, which plots the dataset X/Y:
JKQTPXYScatterGraph* graph1=new JKQTPXYScatterGraph(&plot);
graph1->setTitle(QObject::tr("sine graph"));
// 5. add the graph to the plot, so it is actually displayed
// 6. autoscale the plot so the graph is contained
// show plotter and make it a decent size
plot.getPlotter()->setPlotLabel(QObject::tr("Scatter Example"));;
return app.exec();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# source code for this simple demo
SOURCES = scatter.cpp
# add tools library
# configure Qt
CONFIG += link_prl qt
QT += core gui xml svg
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets printsupport
# output executable name
TARGET = scatter
# include JKQTPlotter source headers and link against library
DEPENDPATH += ../../lib ../../qmake/staticlib/jkqtplotterlib
INCLUDEPATH += ../../lib
CONFIG (debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += -L../../qmake/staticlib/jkqtplotterlib/debug -ljkqtplotterlib_debug
} else {
LIBS += -L../../qmake/staticlib/jkqtplotterlib/release -ljkqtplotterlib
message("LIBS = $$LIBS")
win32-msvc*: DEFINES += NOMINMAX

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += jkqtplotterlib scatter
jkqtplotterlib.file = ../../qmake/staticlib/jkqtplotterlib/
scatter.depends = jkqtplotterlib