[JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatisticsGroupedStat]: @ref JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatisticsGroupedStat "1-Dimensional Group Statistics with JKQTPDatastore"
This tutorial project (see `./examples/simpletest_datastore_statistics/`) explains several advanced functions of JKQTPDatastore in combination with the [[statisticslibrary]] conatined in JKQTPlotter.
***Note*** that there are additional tutorial explaining other aspects of data mangement in JKQTPDatastore:
The source code of the main application can be found in [`jkqtplotter_simpletest_datastore_statistics.cpp`](https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/master/examples/simpletest_datastore_statistics/jkqtplotter_simpletest_datastore_statistics.cpp).
This tutorial cites only parts of this code to demonstrate different ways of working with data for the graphs.
The code segments below will fill four instances of JKQTPlotter with different statistical plots. All these plots are based on three sets of random numbers generated as shown here:
size_t randomdatacol1=datastore1->addColumn("random data 1");
size_t randomdatacol2=datastore1->addColumn("random data 2");
size_t randomdatacol3=datastore1->addColumn("random data 3");
std::random_device rd; // random number generators:
std::mt19937 gen{rd()};
std::uniform_int_distribution<> ddecide(0,1);
std::normal_distribution<> d1{0,1};
std::normal_distribution<> d2{6,1.2};
for (size_t i=0; i<150;i++){
double v=0;
const int decide=ddecide(gen);
if (decide==0) v=d1(gen);
else v=d2(gen);
datastore1->appendToColumn(randomdatacol1, v);
if (decide==0) datastore1->appendToColumn(randomdatacol2, v);
The column `randomdatacol1` will contain 150 random numbers. Each one is drawn either from a normal dirstribution N(0,1) (`d1`) or N(6,1.2) (`d2`). the decision, which of the two to use is based on the result of a third random distribution ddecide, which only returns 0 or 1. The two columns `randomdatacol2` and `randomdatacol3` only collect the random numbers drawn from `d1` or `d2` respectively.
The three columns are generated empyt by calling `JKQTPDatastore::addColumn()` with only a name. Then the actual values are added by calling `JKQTPDatastore::appendToColumn()`.
Based on the raw data we can now use JKQTPlotter's [statisticslibrary] to calculate some basic properties, like the average (`jkqtpstatAverage()`) or the standard deviation (`jkqtpstatStdDev()`):
Both statistics functions (the same as all statistics functions in the library) use an iterator-based interface, comparable to the interface of the algorithms in the C++ standard template library. To this end, the class `JKQTPDatastore` provides an iterator interface to its columns, using the functions `JKQTPDatastore::begin()` and `JKQTPDatastore::end()`. Both functions simply receive the column ID as parameter and exist in a const and a mutable variant. the latter allows to also edit the data. In addition the function `JKQTPDatastore::backInserter()` returns a back-inserter iterator (like generated for STL containers with `std::back_inserter(container)`) that also allows to append to the column.
note that the iterator interface allows to use these functions with any container that provides such iterators (e.g. `std::vector<double>`, `std::list<int>`, `std::set<float>`, `QVector<double>`...).
The output of these functions is shown in the image above in the plot legend/key.
Of course, several other functions exist that calculate basic statistics from a column, e.g.:
- 5-Number Summary (e.g. for boxplots): `jkqtpstat5NumberStatistics()`, `jkqtpstat5NumberStatisticsAndOutliers()`, `jkqtpstat5NumberStatisticsOfSortedVector()`, `jkqtpstat5NumberStatisticsAndOutliersOfSortedVector()`
All these functions use all values in the given range and convert each value to a `double`, using `jkqtp_todouble()`. The return values is always a dohble. Therefore you can use these functions to calculate statistics of ranges of any type that can be converted to `double`. Values that do not result in a valid `double`are not used in calculating the statistics. Therefore you can exclude values by setting them `JKQTP_DOUBLE_NAN` (i.e. "not a number").
As mentioned above and shown in several other examples, JKQTPlotter supports [Boxplots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot) with the classes `JKQTPBoxplotHorizontalElement`, `JKQTPBoxplotVerticalElement`, as well as `JKQTPBoxplotHorizontal` and `JKQTPBoxplotVertical`. You can then use the 5-Number Summray functions from the [statisticslibrary] to calculate the data for such a boxplot (e.g. `jkqtpstat5NumberStatistics()`) and set it up by hand. Code would look roughly like this:
In order to save you the work of writing out this code, the [statisticslibrary] provides "adaptors", such as `jkqtpstatAddVBoxplot()`, which basically implements the code above. Then drawing a boxplot is reduced to:
Here `-0.25`indicates the location (on the y-axis) of the boxplot. and the plot is calculated for the data in the `JKQTPDatastore` column `randomdatacol2`.
Usually the boxplot draws its whiskers at the minimum and maximum value of the dataset. But if your data contains a lot of outliers, it may make sense to draw them e.g. at the 3% and 97% quantiles and the draw the outliers as additional data points. This can also be done with `jkqtpstat5NumberStatistics()`, as you can specify the minimum and maximum quantile (default is 0 and 1, i.e. the true minimum and maximum) and the resulting object contains a vector with the outlier values. Then you could add them to the JKQTPDatastore and add a scatter plot that displays them. Also this task is sped up by an "adaptor". Simply call
0.25, 0.75, // 1. and 3. Quartile for the boxplot box
0.03, 0.97 // Quantiles for the boxplot box whiskers' ends
As you can see this restuns the `JKQTPBoxplotHorizontalElement` and in addition a `JKQTPSingleColumnSymbolsGraph` for the display of the outliers. The result looks like this:
Calculating 1D-Histograms is supported by several functions from the [statisticslibrary], e.g. `jkqtpstatHistogram1DAutoranged()`. You can use the result to fill new columns in a `JKQTPDatastore`, which can then be used to draw the histogram (here wit 15 bins, spanning the full data range):
Especially when only few samples from a distribution are available, histograms are not good at representing the underlying data distribution. In such cases, [Kernel Density Estimates (KDE)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_density_estimation) can help, which are basically a smoothed variant of a histogram. The [statisticslibrary] supports calculating them via e.g. `jkqtpstatKDE1D()`:
Both histograms and KDEs support a parameter `bool cummulative`, which allows to accumulate the data after calculation and drawing cummulative histograms/KDEs:
The output of the full test program [`jkqtplotter_simpletest_datastore_statistics.cpp`](https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/tree/master/examples/simpletest_datastore_statistics/jkqtplotter_simpletest_datastore_statistics.cpp) looks like this: