/*! \brief returns the property xErrorColumnLower ( \copybrief xErrorColumnLower ). \details Description of the parameter xErrorColumnLower is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc xErrorColumnLower </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see xErrorColumnLower for more information */
/*! \brief returns the property xErrorColumn ( \copybrief xErrorColumn ). \details Description of the parameter xErrorColumn is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc xErrorColumn </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see xErrorColumn for more information */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for x-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower x-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if xErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
/*! \brief returns the property yErrorColumnLower ( \copybrief yErrorColumnLower ). \details Description of the parameter yErrorColumnLower is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc yErrorColumnLower </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see yErrorColumnLower for more information */
/*! \brief returns the property yErrorColumn ( \copybrief yErrorColumn ). \details Description of the parameter yErrorColumn is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc yErrorColumn </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see yErrorColumn for more information */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for y-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower y-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
/** \brief indicates whether the y-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the y-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if yErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
/*! \brief returns the property xErrorColumnLower ( \copybrief xErrorColumnLower ). \details Description of the parameter xErrorColumnLower is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc xErrorColumnLower </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see xErrorColumnLower for more information */
/*! \brief returns the property xErrorColumn ( \copybrief xErrorColumn ). \details Description of the parameter xErrorColumn is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc xErrorColumn </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see xErrorColumn for more information */
/*! \brief returns the property yErrorColumnLower ( \copybrief yErrorColumnLower ). \details Description of the parameter yErrorColumnLower is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc yErrorColumnLower </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see yErrorColumnLower for more information */
/*! \brief returns the property yErrorColumn ( \copybrief yErrorColumn ). \details Description of the parameter yErrorColumn is: <BLOCKQUOTE>\copydoc yErrorColumn </BLOCKQUOTE>. \see yErrorColumn for more information */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for x-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower x-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for x-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower x-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for y-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower y-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for y-error indicators */
/** \brief set the column from which to read the error values for lower y-error indicators (if not set [=-1], the xErrorColumn-values will be used for upper and lower error indicators) */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
/** \brief indicates whether the y-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if xErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the y-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if yErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is