* reworked color-palette-system:
1. added several new (JKQTPMathImageBone, JKQTPMathImageCool, JKQTPMathImageCopper, JKQTPMathImageAutumn, JKQTPMathImageSeismic, JKQTPMathImageTerrain, JKQTPMathImageViridis, JKQTPMathImageMagma, JKQTPMathImageInferno, JKQTPMathImagePlasma)
2. reworked LUT-types (now a QVector, instead of a C-array, suing malloc)
3. reworked available functions to build LUTs (cleanup, more options, clearer names)
4. added functions to load palettes from files
5. Improved documentation
* added example for user-controlled color palettes
2019-07-28 20:59:09 +08:00
/** \example imageplot_userpal.cpp
* Shows how to plot colored math images/matrices with JKQTPlotter, using user-defined image palettes
* \ref JKQTPlotterImagePlot
#include <QApplication>
#include <cmath>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/graphs/jkqtpimage.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/gui/jkqtpcomboboxes.h"
#include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpbasicimagetools.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// 0. tell the library where to find additional palettes.
// this needs to be done BEFORE first using JKQTPlotter
// 0.1 first we want to build a user-defined palette with five colors
// from a simple list of these colors:
JKQTPImageTools::LUTType pal{
JKQTPImageTools::registerPalette("userpal_list", pal, QObject::tr("User Palette simple list"));
// 0.2 first we want to build a user-defined palette with five colors
// the function JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUT builds a full-sized palette
// with steps from the given 5 colors.
// Note that you need to double the last color in order to define its range's
// beginning and end
QList<QPair<double, QRgb> > palsteps1;
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.0, QColor("blue").rgba());
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.2, QColor("green").rgba());
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.4, QColor("white").rgba());
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.6, QColor("yellow").rgba());
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.8, QColor("red").rgba());
palsteps1<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(1.0, QColor("red").rgba());
JKQTPImageTools::registerPalette("userpal_1_steps", JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUT(palsteps1), QObject::tr("User Palette 1, steps"));
// With the double value (first argument), you can determine where the next color
// band starts, with respect to the other colors. As an example, we make the central
// white band narrow, as well as the bands at the borders:
QList<QPair<double, QRgb> > palsteps2;
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.00, QColor("blue").rgba());
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.05, QColor("green").rgba());
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.45, QColor("white").rgba());
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.55, QColor("yellow").rgba());
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(0.95, QColor("red").rgba());
palsteps2<<qMakePair<double, QRgb>(1.00, QColor("red").rgba());
int userpalette_id=JKQTPImageTools::registerPalette("userpal_2_steps", JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUT(palsteps2), QObject::tr("User Palette 2, steps"));
// 0.2 If we use JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUTLinInterpolate() instead of JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUT(),
// the palettes will be smooth (linearly interpolated between the single given colors:
JKQTPImageTools::registerPalette("userpal_1_linear", JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUTLinInterpolate(palsteps1), QObject::tr("User Palette 1, linear"));
JKQTPImageTools::registerPalette("userpal_2_linear", JKQTPBuildColorPaletteLUTLinInterpolate(palsteps2), QObject::tr("User Palette 2, linear"));
// 0.3 Now we load a whole set of additional palettes from an XML-file:
// 1. create a window containing a plotter and a combobox to select the color palette
// ... and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience)
QWidget win;
QVBoxLayout* lay=new QVBoxLayout();
JKQTPMathImageColorPaletteComboBox* cmbPalette=new JKQTPMathImageColorPaletteComboBox(&win);
JKQTPlotter* plot=new JKQTPlotter(&win);
JKQTPDatastore* ds=plot->getDatastore();
// 2. now we create data for the charts (taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Energiemix_Deutschland.svg)
const int NX=100; // image dimension in x-direction [pixels]
const int NY=NX; // image dimension in x-direction [pixels]
const double dx=0.6e-2; // size of a pixel in x-direction [micrometers]
const double dy=0.6e-2; // size of a pixel in x-direction [micrometers]
// 2.1 Parameters for airy disk plot (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airy_disk)
double NA=1.1; // numerical aperture of lens
double wavelength=488e-3; // wavelength of the light [micrometers]
// 2.2 calculate image of airy disk in a row-major array and immediately store the values
// in a new image column cAiryDisk
size_t cAiryDisk=ds->addCalculatedImageColumn(NX, NY, [&](size_t ix, size_t iy)->double {
double x=static_cast<double>(static_cast<int>(ix)-NX/2)*dx;
double y=static_cast<double>(static_cast<int>(iy)-NY/2)*dy;
const double r=sqrt(x*x+y*y);
2019-11-24 17:42:44 +08:00
const double v=2.0*JKQTPSTATISTICS_PI*NA*r/wavelength;
* reworked color-palette-system:
1. added several new (JKQTPMathImageBone, JKQTPMathImageCool, JKQTPMathImageCopper, JKQTPMathImageAutumn, JKQTPMathImageSeismic, JKQTPMathImageTerrain, JKQTPMathImageViridis, JKQTPMathImageMagma, JKQTPMathImageInferno, JKQTPMathImagePlasma)
2. reworked LUT-types (now a QVector, instead of a C-array, suing malloc)
3. reworked available functions to build LUTs (cleanup, more options, clearer names)
4. added functions to load palettes from files
5. Improved documentation
* added example for user-controlled color palettes
2019-07-28 20:59:09 +08:00
if (ix==NX/2 && iy==NY/2) return 1.0;
2019-11-24 17:42:44 +08:00
else return pow(2.0*jkqtp_j1(v)/v, 2);
* reworked color-palette-system:
1. added several new (JKQTPMathImageBone, JKQTPMathImageCool, JKQTPMathImageCopper, JKQTPMathImageAutumn, JKQTPMathImageSeismic, JKQTPMathImageTerrain, JKQTPMathImageViridis, JKQTPMathImageMagma, JKQTPMathImageInferno, JKQTPMathImagePlasma)
2. reworked LUT-types (now a QVector, instead of a C-array, suing malloc)
3. reworked available functions to build LUTs (cleanup, more options, clearer names)
4. added functions to load palettes from files
5. Improved documentation
* added example for user-controlled color palettes
2019-07-28 20:59:09 +08:00
}, "imagedata");
2019-11-24 17:42:44 +08:00
// 3. create a grapJKQTPSTATISTICS_PIKQTPColumnMathImage) with the column created above as data
* reworked color-palette-system:
1. added several new (JKQTPMathImageBone, JKQTPMathImageCool, JKQTPMathImageCopper, JKQTPMathImageAutumn, JKQTPMathImageSeismic, JKQTPMathImageTerrain, JKQTPMathImageViridis, JKQTPMathImageMagma, JKQTPMathImageInferno, JKQTPMathImagePlasma)
2. reworked LUT-types (now a QVector, instead of a C-array, suing malloc)
3. reworked available functions to build LUTs (cleanup, more options, clearer names)
4. added functions to load palettes from files
5. Improved documentation
* added example for user-controlled color palettes
2019-07-28 20:59:09 +08:00
// The data is color-coded with the color-palette JKQTPMathImageMATLAB
// the converted range of data is determined automatically because setAutoImageRange(true)
JKQTPColumnMathImage* graph=new JKQTPColumnMathImage(plot);
graph->setTitle("default MATLAB palette");
// set the image column with the data
// where does the image start in the plot, given in plot-axis-coordinates (bottom-left corner)
// width and height of the image in plot-axis-coordinates
// color-map is taken from cmbPalette
plot->connect(cmbPalette, &JKQTPMathImageColorPaletteComboBox::currentPaletteChanged,[&](JKQTPMathImageColorPalette p) { graph->setPalette(p); plot->redrawPlot(); });
// 4. add the graphs to the plot, so it is actually displayed
// 5. fix axis and plot aspect ratio to 1
// 6. autoscale the plot so the graph is contained
// 7. Finally we add two buttons that save the current palette to a PNG-file and all loaded palettes:
QPushButton* btnSavePal=new QPushButton(QObject::tr("save current palette"), &win);
btnSavePal->connect(btnSavePal, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() {
auto img=JKQTPImageTools::GetPaletteImage(cmbPalette->currentColorPalette(), JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, 16);
QPushButton* btnSaveAllPal=new QPushButton(QObject::tr("save all palettes"), &win);
btnSavePal->connect(btnSaveAllPal, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() {
for (auto pn: JKQTPImageTools::getPredefinedPalettes()) {
auto p=JKQTPImageTools::String2JKQTPMathImageColorPalette(pn);
auto img=JKQTPImageTools::GetPaletteImage(p, JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, 16);
// 8. show plotter and make it a decent size
win.setWindowTitle("JKQTPColumnMathImage, USer Palettes");
return app.exec();