<li> fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/34">#34: Skip drawing the line for negative values in log plots</a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/certik">user:certik</a></li>
<li> fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/43">#43: jkqtp_format() had undefined behaviour</a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/Makis42">user:Makis42</a></li>
<li> fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/41">#41: Build error when JKQtPlotter_BUILD_INCLUDE_XITS_FONTS set to OFF </a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/smistad">user:smistad</a></li>
<li> fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/37">#37: CMake installs things into $PREFIX/doc/*.txt </a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/certik">user:certik</a></li>
<li> fixed issue <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/pull/45">#45: Build error on mac jkqtfastplotter.cpp:342:28: Variable has incomplete type 'QPainterPath'</a>, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/abdedixit">user:abdedixit</a></li>
<li>removed the usage of some deprecated functions and objects (e.g. QMatrix)</li>
<li>improved: geometric objects now use an adaptive drawing algorithm to represent curves (before e.g. ellipses were always separated into a fixed number of line-segments)</li>
<li>improved: constructors and access functions for several geometric objects (e.g. more constructors, additional functions to retrieve parameters in diferent forms, iterators for polygons, ...)</li>
<li>new: added geometric plot objects JKQTPGeoArrow to draw arrows (aka lines with added line-end decorators, also extended JKQTPGeoLine, JKQTPGeoInfiniteLine, JKQTPGeoPolyLines to draw line-end decorator (aka arrows)</li>
<li>new: all geometric objects can either be drawn as graphic element (i.e. lines are straight line, even on non-linear axes), or as mathematical curve (i.e. on non-linear axes, lines become the appropriate curve representing the linear function, connecting the given start/end-points). The only exceptions are ellipses (and the derived arcs,pies,chords), which are always drawn as mathematical curves</li>
Starting in summer 2018, JKQTPlotter received some major workover. During this, it lost compatibility to the <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/QuickFit3">QuickFit 3.0</a> code base.
<li> new: Mix-In classes to unify plot styleing functions (setters/getters) in all graphs </li>
<li> new: additional options for graph filling (color gradients, textures, ...) as provided by QBrush </li>
<li> new: added a general feature to JKQTPPlotElement which allows to show a graph in a highlighted state (if supported by the derived graph class!) </li>
<li> new: JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph: added functors to transform column values into symbol type+size and line-width to give even more control </li>
<li> new: user-interaction tool that shows coordinates of data points near the current mouse position (when mouse is dragged, while mouse button is pressed), see: jkqtpmdaToolTipForClosestDataPoint </li>
<li> new: user-interaction tool that measures distances and angles when mouse is dragged, while mouse button is pressed), see: jkqtpmdaRuler </li>
<li> changed: removed old selection-code and replaced by general highlighting feature </li>
<li> changed: JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph has been renamed to JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph (vertical variants also) and have gained additional features (baseline for filling and drawing of symbols) </li>
<li> changed: filled curve graphs (e.g. JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph) are now merely a specializedly initialized JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph </li>
<li> update: improvements to contour plots (e.g. highlighting single contour levels, split into a class for simple C-arrays [JKQTPContourPlot] and one for image data in a JKQTPDatastore column [JKQTPColumnContourPlot]) + added example, see JKQTPColumnContourPlot and \ref JKQTPlotterContourPlot </li>
This is the final version of JKQTPlotter, which is still compatible with the <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/QuickFit3">QuickFit 3.0</a> code base. It contains minor changes as compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V2015_10 "v2015.10":
This is the initial release of the library. It was developed initially as part of <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/QuickFit3">QuickFit 3.0</a> and then separated out into a separate repository.