# Example (JKQTPlotter): Step Line Plots in Different Styles {#JKQTPlotterStepPlot}
This project (see `./examples/simpletest_stepplots/`) simply creates a JKQTPlotter widget (as a new window) and adds a single line-graph (a sine-wave). Data is initialized from two QVector<double> objects.
The source code of the main application can be found in [`jkqtplotter_simpletest_stepplots.cpp`](../simpletest_stepplots/jkqtplotter_simpletest_stepplots.cpp). For the most part, several datasets of cosine-curves are generated. then thrre tuples of graphs are added: One of type `JKQTPXYLineGraph`, which simply indicates the location of the actual datapoints. the second is of type `JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph`, which adds the step-graph to the plot:
Note that you can configure the step type (left/center/right by `graph->setStepType(JKQTPStepLeft)`. With `graph->setFillCurve(true)` you can draw the curve filled until the y=0-axis and with `graph->setDrawLine(true)` you can switch the line along the values on and off (e.g. to only have the filled area, but no line).
In addition to the symbol type and line style, you can also alter the size of the symbols (`graph->setSymbolSize(14)`), the line-width used to draw them (`graph->setSymbolWidth(1.5)`) and the line width of the graph line (`graph->setLineWidth(1)`). If you want to switch off the line altogether, use `graph->setDrawLine(false`.