\page page_buildinstructions_CMAKE Build using CMake
\section page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_RUN Running a Build with CMake
The preferred way to build JKQTPlotter is using <a href="https://cmake.org/">CMake</a>. You can find a detailed explanation of CMake at https://cliutils.gitlab.io/modern-cmake/. The CMake-build is defined in `CMakeLists.txt` files, found in many of the directories of the code repository. Especially in the root directory and the two subdirectories <code> ./lib/ </code> and <code> ./examples/ </code> .
You can build JKQTPlotter (and also the examples) by either opening the file <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt">CMakeLists.txt</a> in QTCreator (which has CMake integration), or by calling \c CMake by hand. How to do this depends on your local system und build environment.
\subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_MAKEFILE Building with MinGW/GNU/... Makefiles
\subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_VSTUDIO Building with Visual Studio
For Visual Studio it could look like this:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_your_qt_sources>"
Where \c \<path_to_your_qt_sources\> could be e.g. \c C:/development/Qt5/5.12.0/msvc2017_64 . This call results in a Visual Studio solution \c build/JKQTPlotter.sln that you can load and compile from the Visual Studio IDE. Alternatively you can also build the solution directly calling:
\section page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_CONFIG Configuring a Build with CMake
The CMake build system offers several configuration variables that you may set/change to modify the outcome of the build:
- \c CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : add the path to your Qt installatrion to this variable, so the \c find_package(Qt5...) commands find the libraries you want to use
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS : Build as shared library (default: \c ON )
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_STATIC_LIBS : Build as static library (default: \c ON )
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_INCLUDE_XITS_FONTS : Include XITS fonts as resources in library (default: \c ON )
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_FORCE_NO_PRINTER_SUPPORT : switches off print-support (when set to \c ON ), even if the current platform supports it (default: \c OFF )
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_DECORATE_LIBNAMES_WITH_BUILDTYPE : If set, the build-type is appended to the library name (default: \c ON )
- \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS : If set, the build uses precompiled headers to speed up (a bit) (default: \c ON )
- \c CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : Install directory for the library
\section page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_USAGE Using a built, generated with CMake
After building and installing JKQTPlotter you have all files that you need inside the instal directory:
- \c \<INSTALLDIR\>/include contains all required header files
- \c \<INSTALLDIR\>/bin contains the shared libraries
- \c \<INSTALLDIR\>/lib contains the link libraries
- \c \<INSTALLDIR\>/lib/cmake contains files necessary for CMake's \c find_package() to work
You can find an example project that uses a complete cmake-build here: \ref JKQTCMakeLinkExample (online: <a href="https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/blob/master/examples/cmake_link_example">https://github.com/jkriege2/JKQtPlotter/blob/master/examples/cmake_link_example</a>).
Here is the \c CMakeLists.txt from that directory:
# set minimum required CMake-Version
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# set Project name
set(EXAMPLE_NAME simpletest)
set(EXENAME jkqtptest_${EXAMPLE_NAME})
# some basic configurations
# Configure project for usage of Qt5
find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport Svg Xml OpenGl REQUIRED)
The you can use the generated makefiles (e.g. load them in an editor, or build them jsing \c make ). In the last line above, you need to specify two directories:
- \c \<path_to_your_qt_sources\> points to you Qt installation
- \c \<path_to_lib/cmake_dir_of_JKQTPLOTTER\> points to the directory containing the \c XYZ.cmake -files from the JKQTPlotter build. Typically this is \c \<JKQTPLOTTER_INSTALL_DIR\>/lib/cmake , where \c \<JKQTPLOTTER_INSTALL_DIR\> is the directory into which you installed JKQTPlotter.