<li>graphic elements: make coordinate systems selectable for all: x/y-axis, 0..1/0..1, topleft/topright... </li>
<li>plot: reqork layouting of legends: there are some inconsistencies/too large gaps ...</li>
<li>plot: legend positioning as combination of 3 values: inside|outside + left|center|right + top|vcenter|bottom</li>
<li>styling/plot: make axes more customizable, e.g. color for each element, font for each element ...</li>
<li>plot: axes with symlog (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/24/2/027001) and logit (https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logit) scaling? </li>
<li>graphs: add candlestick charts (financial, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlestick_chart)</li>
<li>graphs: add OHLC charts (financial, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-high-low-close_chart)</li>
<li>graphs: explore/demonstrate/improve plotting speed for large dataset (e.g. only draw visible elements, use algorithm to draw fewer lines if they overlay ...)</li>
<li>add support for \\bigl,\\bigr,\\Bigr,... commands for fixed-size but large paramtheses</li>
<li>explore options to make font-environment-modifying commands avails, like "{blacktext\\color{red}redtext}", today only commands like "\\textcolor{red}{redtext}" work</li>
<li>improve support for array-environment with limited support for formatting string like l|r|c and maybe add support for \\hline command, possibly also \\cellcolor etz.</li>