This page explains how to use JKQTPlotter in your own Projects
\section BUILDINSTRUCTIONS_QMAKE Build using QMake
If you want to simply include the JKQTPlotter Source code into your projects, without build a shared or static library and linking against it, you can use one of these QMake-Include files:
- <a href="">lib/jkqtplotter.pri</a> includes the complete library (JKQTPlotter, JKQTFastPlotter, JKQTMathText)
- <a href="">lib/jkqtmathtext.pri</a> includes only JKQTMathText
- <a href="">lib/jkqtfastplotter.pri</a> includes only JKQTFastPlotter
In your QMake-projects it is then sufficient to add a line like:
- <a href="">staticlib/jkqtplotterlib/</a> builds the complete library (JKQTPlotter, JKQTFastPlotter, JKQTMathText) as static link library
- <a href="">staticlib/jkqtmathtextlib/</a> builds only JKQTMathText as static link library
- <a href="">staticlib/jkqtfastplotterlib/</a> builds only JKQTFastPlotter as static link library
This snippet assumes that you built the libraries with the provided `.PRO`-files. You can also add a second `.pro`-file to your projects, which integrates both as subdirs. Such files are used for all examples in this project. Here is an example:
- <a href="">sharedlib/jkqtplotterlib/</a> builds the complete library (JKQTPlotter, JKQTFastPlotter, JKQTMathText) as shared library
- <a href="">sharedlib/jkqtmathtextlib/</a> builds only JKQTMathText as shared library
- <a href="">sharedlib/jkqtfastplotterlib/</a> builds only JKQTFastPlotter as shared library
This snippet assumes that you built the libraries with the provided `.PRO`-files. You can also add a second `.pro`-file to your projects, which integrates both as subdirs. Such files are used for all examples in this project. Here is an example:
# your project file, with declared dependencies on jkqtplotterlib_shared
test_styling.depends = jkqtplotterlib_shared
# add the two entries to SUBDIRS
SUBDIRS += jkqtplotterlib_shared test_styling
\note You will have to run a deployment step `make install` before running your executable, so the shared libararies are actually copied to the output directory (see `INSTALLS + ...` above).