2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2018 Jan W . Krieger ( < jan @ jkrieger . de > )
This software is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL )
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* \ defgroup jkqtplotter_elements Plot Elements
* \ ingroup jkqtplotter
* \ defgroup jkqtplotter_plots Graphs
* \ ingroup jkqtplotter_elements
2018-12-19 00:13:18 +08:00
/** \file jkqtpgraphs.h
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
* \ ingroup jkqtplotter
# include <QString>
# include <QPainter>
# include <QPair>
2018-11-26 03:25:44 +08:00
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h"
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtp_imexport.h"
2018-12-19 00:13:18 +08:00
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtpimagetools.h"
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
2018-12-19 00:13:18 +08:00
# ifndef jkqtpgraphsbase_H
# define jkqtpgraphsbase_H
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
// forward declarations
class JKQtBasePlotter ;
class JKQtPlotter ;
class JKQTPcoordinateAxis ;
class JKQTPdatastore ;
//class JKQTPColorPaletteTools;
/** \brief this virtual base class describes one of the graphs, which are part of a JKQtPlotter object
* \ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
* Each possible graph is represented by a subgraph of this . So additional plots may be created by
* deriving new JKQTPgraph classes . To do so implement / overwrite these functions :
* - void draw ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter ) ;
* - void drawKeyMarker ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , QRectF & rect ) ;
* - bool getXMinMax ( double & minx , double & maxx , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
* - void getGraphsYMinMax ( double & miny , double & maxy ) ;
* - QColor getKeyLabelColor ( ) = 0 ;
* .
* There are two properties datarange_start and datarange_end . By default they are - 1 and therefore ignored .
* if they are ! = - 1 the plotter only displays the datapoints with the indexes [ datarange_start . . datarange_end ]
* although there might be more data points available ( range [ 0 . . maxDataPoints ] ) . The datarange is cut at the
* full range , i . e . if datarange_end > maxDataPoints the plotter displays [ datarange_start . . maxDataPoints ] .
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPgraph : public QObject {
public :
/** \brief class constructor */
explicit JKQTPgraph ( JKQtBasePlotter * parent = nullptr ) ;
/** \brief class constructor */
explicit JKQTPgraph ( JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
/** \brief default wirtual destructor */
virtual ~ JKQTPgraph ( ) ;
/** \brief plots the graph to the plotter object specified as parent */
virtual void draw ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter ) = 0 ;
/** \brief plots a key marker inside the specified rectangle \a rect */
virtual void drawKeyMarker ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , QRectF & rect ) = 0 ;
/** \brief returns an image with a key marker inside */
QImage generateKeyMarker ( QSize size = QSize ( 16 , 16 ) ) ;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call - by - reference parameters !
virtual bool getXMinMax ( double & minx , double & maxx , double & smallestGreaterZero ) = 0 ;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call - by - reference parameters !
virtual bool getYMinMax ( double & miny , double & maxy , double & smallestGreaterZero ) = 0 ;
/** \brief returns the color to be used for the key label */
virtual QColor getKeyLabelColor ( ) = 0 ;
JKQTPGET_SET_VMACRO ( QString , title )
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( int , datarange_start )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( int , datarange_end )
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( bool , visible )
/** \brief returns the parent painter class */
inline JKQtBasePlotter * getParent ( ) { return parent ; }
/** \brief sets the parent painter class */
virtual void setParent ( JKQtBasePlotter * parent ) ;
/** \brief sets the parent painter class */
virtual void setParent ( JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
/*! \brief if the graph plots outside the actual plot field of view (e.g. color bars, scale bars, ...)
\ note If you want to draw outside , then you ' ll also have to implement drawOutside ( )
virtual void getOutsideSize ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , int & leftSpace , int & rightSpace , int & topSpace , int & bottomSpace ) ;
/*! \brief plots outside the actual plot field of view (e.g. color bars, scale bars, ...)
\ note If you want to draw outside , then you ' ll also have to implement getOutsideSize ( ) , so enough space is reserved
The four value supplied tell the method where to draw ( inside one of the rectangles ) .
virtual void drawOutside ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , QRect leftSpace , QRect rightSpace , QRect topSpace , QRect bottomSpace ) ;
/** \brief returns \c true if the given column is used by the graph */
virtual bool usesColumn ( int column ) ;
protected :
/** \brief the plotter object this object belongs to */
JKQtBasePlotter * parent ;
/** \brief this function is used to plot error inidcators before plotting the graphs.
* By default this function does nothing . But children of this class may overwrite it to implement
* drawing error indicators .
virtual void drawErrorsBefore ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & /*painter*/ ) ;
/** \brief this function is used to plot error inidcators after plotting the graphs.
* By default this function does nothing . But children of this class may overwrite it to implement
* drawing error indicators .
virtual void drawErrorsAfter ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & /*painter*/ ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules */
QPointF transform ( const QPointF & x ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that back-transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules */
QPointF backTransform ( const QPointF & x ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules */
inline QPointF transform ( double x , double y ) {
return transform ( QPointF ( x , y ) ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that back-transforms a QPointF according to the parent's transformation rules */
inline QPointF backTransform ( double x , double y ) {
return backTransform ( QPointF ( x , y ) ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that transforms a QVector<QPointF> according to the parent's transformation rules */
QVector < QPointF > transform ( const QVector < QPointF > & x ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that transforms a QVector<QPointF> according to the parent's transformation rules
* and returns a ( non - closed ) path consisting of lines */
QPainterPath transformToLinePath ( const QVector < QPointF > & x ) ;
/** \brief tool routine that transforms a QVector<QPointF> according to the parent's transformation rules
* and returns a polygon */
inline QPolygonF transformToPolygon ( const QVector < QPointF > & x ) {
return QPolygonF ( transform ( x ) ) ;
/** \brief title of the plot (for display in key!). If no title is supplied, no key entry is drawn. */
QString title ;
/** \brief start of the range of plot data. -1 switches the lower data range border off. */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
int datarange_start ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
/** \brief end of the range of plot data. -1 switches the upper data range border off. */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
int datarange_end ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
/** \brief indicates whether the graph is visible in the plot */
bool visible ;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum value of the given column
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call - by - reference parameters !
bool getDataMinMax ( int column , double & minx , double & maxx , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis ;
JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis ;
} ;
/*! \brief This virtual JKQTPgraph descendent may be used as base for all graphs that use at least two columns
that specify x and y coordinates for the single plot points .
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
This class implements basic management facilities for the data columns and implements the function
- bool getXMinMax ( double & minx , double & maxx , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
- bool getYMinMax ( double & miny , double & maxy , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPxyGraph : public JKQTPgraph {
public :
enum DataSortOrder {
Unsorted = 0 ,
SortedX = 1 ,
SortedY = 2
} ;
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPxyGraph ( JKQtBasePlotter * parent = nullptr ) ;
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPxyGraph ( JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call - by - reference parameters !
virtual bool getXMinMax ( double & minx , double & maxx , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call - by - reference parameters !
virtual bool getYMinMax ( double & miny , double & maxy , double & smallestGreaterZero ) ;
/** \copydoc JKQTPgraph::usesColumn() */
virtual bool usesColumn ( int column ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( int , xColumn )
JKQTPSET_CAST_MACRO ( size_t , int , xColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( int , yColumn )
JKQTPSET_CAST_MACRO ( size_t , int , yColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( DataSortOrder , sortData )
/** \brief sets the property sortData to the specified \a __value. \details Description of the parameter sortData is: <CENTER>\copybrief sortData.</CENTER> \see sortData for more information */
inline void set_sortData ( int __value ) {
sortData = ( DataSortOrder ) __value ;
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the x-component of the datapoints */
int xColumn ;
/** \brief the column that contains the y-component of the datapoints */
int yColumn ;
/** \brief if \c !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting */
DataSortOrder sortData ;
/** \brief this array contains the order of indices, in which to access the data in the data columns */
QVector < int > sortedIndices ;
virtual void intSortData ( ) ;
inline int getDataIndex ( int i ) {
if ( sortData = = Unsorted ) return i ;
return sortedIndices . value ( i , i ) ;
} ;
/*! \brief This virtual JKQTPgraph descendent may be used as base for all graphs that use at least one column
of data
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPsingleColumnGraph : public JKQTPgraph {
public :
enum DataSortOrder {
Unsorted = 0 ,
Sorted = 1
} ;
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( JKQtBasePlotter * parent = nullptr ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , JKQtBasePlotter * parent = nullptr ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , QColor color , Qt : : PenStyle style = Qt : : SolidLine , double lineWidth = 2.0 , JKQtBasePlotter * parent = nullptr ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , QColor color , Qt : : PenStyle style , double lineWidth , JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , QColor color , Qt : : PenStyle style , JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
JKQTPsingleColumnGraph ( int dataColumn , QColor color , JKQtPlotter * parent ) ;
/** \brief returns the color to be used for the key label */
virtual QColor getKeyLabelColor ( ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( int , dataColumn )
JKQTPSET_CAST_MACRO ( size_t , int , dataColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( QColor , color )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( Qt : : PenStyle , style )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( double , lineWidth )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( DataSortOrder , sortData )
/** \brief sets the property sortData to the specified \a __value. \details Description of the parameter sortData is: <CENTER>\copybrief sortData.</CENTER> \see sortData for more information */
inline void set_sortData ( int __value ) {
sortData = ( DataSortOrder ) __value ;
if ( __value > 0 ) sortData = Sorted ;
/** \copydoc JKQTPgraph::usesColumn() */
virtual bool usesColumn ( int c ) ;
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the datapoints */
int dataColumn ;
/** \brief which plot style to use from the parent plotter (via JKQtPlotterBase::getPlotStyle() and JKQtPlotterBase::getNextStyle() ) */
int parentPlotStyle ;
/** \brief color of the graph */
QColor color ;
/** \brief linestyle of the graph lines */
Qt : : PenStyle style ;
/** \brief width (pixels) of the graph */
double lineWidth ;
QPen getLinePen ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter ) const ;
/** \brief if \c !=Unsorted, the data is sorted before plotting */
DataSortOrder sortData ;
/** \brief this array contains the order of indices, in which to access the data in the data columns */
QVector < int > sortedIndices ;
virtual void intSortData ( ) ;
inline int getDataIndex ( int i ) {
if ( sortData = = Unsorted ) return i ;
return sortedIndices . value ( i , i ) ;
} ;
/*! \brief Descendents of this class add data fields for error indicators and methods to plot them to a class.
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
This class is meant to be used with multiple inheritance . I . e . if you implemented some kind of plot
you may derive an error plot class in which you will have to overwrite the JKQTPgraph : : drawErrorsBefor ( )
or drawErrorsAfter ( ) so it calls the plotErrorIndicators ( ) method from this class . In addition this class
will add some public datamemebers and methods to your class that allow to specify the properties of the
error indicators ( plot properties : color , width , . . . and columns for the data ) .
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPgraphErrors {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPgraphErrors ( QColor graphColor = QColor ( " black " ) ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( QColor , errorColor )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( Qt : : PenStyle , errorStyle )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( double , errorWidth )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( QColor , errorFillColor )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( Qt : : BrushStyle , errorFillStyle )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( double , errorbarSize )
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) ;
void setErrorColorFromGraphColor ( QColor graphColor ) ;
protected :
/** \brief color of the error lines/bars */
QColor errorColor ;
/** \brief linestyle of the error lines/bars */
Qt : : PenStyle errorStyle ;
/** \brief width (pixels) of the error lines/bars */
double errorWidth ;
/** \brief fill color for error polygons */
QColor errorFillColor ;
/** \brief fill style for error polygons */
Qt : : BrushStyle errorFillStyle ;
/** \brief size of the error bar end markers [pixels] */
double errorbarSize ;
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . This method is called by
* the JKQTPgraph descendents */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int datarange_start = - 1 , int datarange_end = - 1 , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) = 0 ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
void intPlotXYErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int xErrorColumn , int yErrorColumn , JKQTPerrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle , JKQTPerrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle , int datarange_start = - 1 , int datarange_end = - 1 , int xErrorColumnLower = - 1 , int yErrorColumnLower = - 1 , bool xErrorSymmetric = true , bool yErrorSymmetric = true , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
/** \brief this function can be used to set the color of the error indicators automatically
* return \ c true and the colors to use , if applicable , the default implementation returns false */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
virtual bool intPlotXYErrorIndicatorsGetColor ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int xErrorColumn , int yErrorColumn , JKQTPerrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle , JKQTPerrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle , int index , QColor & errorColor , QColor & errorFillColor ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
virtual double getXErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getXErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getYErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getYErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
//** \brief plot a single error indicator */
//void intPlotXYErrorIndicator(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, double x, double xperror, double xmerror, double y, double yperror, double ymerror, JKQTPerrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle=JKQTPnoError, JKQTPerrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle=JKQTPnoError, double lastx=0, double lastxperror=0, double lastxmerror=0, double lasty=0, double lastyperror=0, double lastymerror=0);
} ;
/*! \brief This class adds data fields for error indicators in x direction to a JKQTPgraph descendent.
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
\ see JKQTPgraphErrors
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPxGraphErrors : public JKQTPgraphErrors {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPxGraphErrors ( QColor graphColor = QColor ( " black " ) ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( bool , xErrorSymmetric )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , xErrorColumnLower )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , xErrorColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( JKQTPerrorPlotstyle , xErrorStyle )
inline void set_xErrorColumn ( int __value ) {
if ( this - > xErrorColumn ! = __value ) { \
this - > xErrorColumn = __value ; \
if ( xErrorColumn > = 0 & & xErrorStyle = = JKQTPnoError ) xErrorStyle = JKQTPerrorBars ; \
} \
inline void set_xErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) {
if ( this - > xErrorColumnLower ! = __value ) { \
this - > xErrorColumnLower = __value ; \
if ( xErrorColumnLower > = 0 & & xErrorStyle = = JKQTPnoError ) xErrorStyle = JKQTPerrorBars ; \
} \
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) ;
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int xErrorColumn ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if xErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int xErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool xErrorSymmetric ;
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPerrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle ;
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int datarange_start = - 1 , int datarange_end = - 1 , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
virtual double getXErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getXErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
} ;
/*! \brief This class adds data fields for error indicators in y direction to a class.
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
\ see JKQTPgraphErrors
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPyGraphErrors : public JKQTPgraphErrors {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPyGraphErrors ( QColor graphColor = QColor ( " black " ) ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( bool , yErrorSymmetric )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , yErrorColumnLower )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , yErrorColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( JKQTPerrorPlotstyle , yErrorStyle )
/** \copydoc JKQTPgraphErrors::errorUsesColumn() */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) ;
inline void set_yErrorColumn ( int __value ) {
if ( this - > yErrorColumn ! = __value ) { \
this - > yErrorColumn = __value ; \
if ( yErrorColumn > = 0 & & yErrorStyle = = JKQTPnoError ) yErrorStyle = JKQTPerrorBars ; \
} \
inline void set_yErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) {
if ( this - > yErrorColumnLower ! = __value ) { \
this - > yErrorColumnLower = __value ; \
if ( yErrorColumnLower > = 0 & & yErrorStyle = = JKQTPnoError ) yErrorStyle = JKQTPerrorBars ; \
} \
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int yErrorColumn ;
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPerrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle ;
/** \brief indicates whether the y-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool yErrorSymmetric ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the y-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if yErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int yErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int datarange_start = - 1 , int datarange_end = - 1 , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
virtual double getYErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getYErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
} ;
/*! \brief This class adds data fields for error indicators in x and y direction to a class.
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_plots
\ see JKQTPgraphErrors
class LIB_EXPORT JKQTPxyGraphErrors : public JKQTPgraphErrors {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPxyGraphErrors ( QColor graphColor = QColor ( " black " ) ) ;
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( bool , xErrorSymmetric )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( bool , yErrorSymmetric )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , xErrorColumnLower )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , xErrorColumn )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , yErrorColumnLower )
JKQTPGET_MACRO ( int , yErrorColumn )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( JKQTPerrorPlotstyle , yErrorStyle )
JKQTPGET_SET_MACRO ( JKQTPerrorPlotstyle , xErrorStyle )
/** \copydoc JKQTPgraphErrors::errorUsesColumn() */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) ;
2018-11-26 03:36:26 +08:00
void set_xErrorColumn ( int __value ) ;
void set_xErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) ;
void set_yErrorColumn ( int __value ) ;
void set_yErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) ;
void set_xErrorColumn ( size_t __value ) ;
void set_xErrorColumnLower ( size_t __value ) ;
void set_yErrorColumn ( size_t __value ) ;
void set_yErrorColumnLower ( size_t __value ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int yErrorColumn ;
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPerrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int xErrorColumn ;
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPerrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle ;
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool xErrorSymmetric ;
/** \brief indicates whether the y-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool yErrorSymmetric ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if xErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int xErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the y-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if yErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int yErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . */
2018-12-16 21:59:39 +08:00
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQtBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * xAxis , JKQTPcoordinateAxis * yAxis , int xColumn , int yColumn , int datarange_start = - 1 , int datarange_end = - 1 , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
2018-11-25 21:53:26 +08:00
virtual double getXErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getXErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getYErrorU ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
virtual double getYErrorL ( int i , JKQTPdatastore * ds ) const ;
} ;
2018-12-19 00:13:18 +08:00
# endif // jkqtpgraphsbase_H