This project (see `./examples/simpletest_imageplot/`) simply creates a JKQtPlotter widget (as a new window) and adds a color-coded image plot of a mathematical function (here the Airy disk). The image is stored as a simple C-array in row-major ordering and then copied into a single column of the internal datasdtore (JKQTPMathImage could be directly used without the internal datastore). This very simple interface can also be used to interface with many common image processing libraries, like CImg or OpenCV.
The soruce code of the main application is (see [`jkqtplotter_simpletest_imageplot.cpp`](../simpletest_imageplot/jkqtplotter_simpletest_imageplot.cpp):
// set size of the data (the datastore does not contain this info, as it only manages 1D columns of data and this is used to assume a row-major ordering
// where does the image start in the plot, given in plot-axis-coordinates (bottom-left corner)
// width and height of the image in plot-axis-coordinates
// color-map is "MATLAB"
// get coordinate axis of color-bar and set its label
Note how the color scale is not used completely, because data really only scales between 0 and 1.
2. If you set the color-range to 0.1 .. 0.8 with
Then there will be datapoints above or below the range of the colorscale. The default behaviour of the graph is to use the first color of the palette for every pixel with a value below the minimum (here 0.1) and the last color in the palette for every pixel with a value above the maximum.<br>