This project (see `./examples/test_multiplot/`) shows how several JKQtPlotter widgets can be combined to in a layout (based on the [Qt layouting system]( It also shows how axes in such a layout can be linked to improve user experience.
// 3.3 set relative sizes of the plots via the layout (small plots have 1/3 the width and height of the large plot
With this simple setup, all three plots would be arranged by the QLayout, but they were all independent. This example could be part of a data fitting application, where the main plot shows data and a fit curve. A plot below that will display the residulas (errors) of the fit. Now if a user zooms one of the plots, he would expect that athe x-axes of the two plots are synchronized. The same for a third plot on the rhs of the residuals, which will show a residual histogram. This linking of the axes can be achieved by the following code:
// 3.4 synchronize width/x-axis of plotResid to width/x-axis of plotMain
Finally: When printing or saving an image of the plots, the plotter will no know anything about the arrangement of the plots and the plots cannot be printed/drawn in the same arrangement as in the window. If you want to arrange the plots in the same layout in a printout, as in the window, you will have to tell the main plot, in which arrangement to print the plots:
// 3.6 ensure that the plot are printed/exported in whole, when printing in plotMain
In the first line, grid-printing (i.e. the layouted printing of several graphs) is activated. Then the arrangement of the two slave plots `plotResid` and `plotResidHist` is defined as (`x,y`)-shifts with respect to the master plot `plotMain`.
Now some data is generated and several curves are added to the graphs. See [`test_multiplot.cpp`](../test_multiplot/test_multiplot.cpp) for the full source code.
You push the print button (![test_multiplot]( to open a print preview dialog, which will give an impression of how the three plots will be arranged in a printout: