Starting in summer 2018, JKQTPlotter received some major workover. During this, it lost compatibility to the <a href="">QuickFit 3.0</a> code base.
Changes, compared to \ref WHATSNEW_V2018_08 "v2018.08" include:
<li> new: added QMake-Projects for static and for shared library builds </li>
<li> new: \ref exampleTutorialProjects "extensive set of Examples and Tutorials" </li>
<li> new: checked builds with continuous integration from AppVeyor: <a href=""></a> </li>
<li> new/update: support for building with Microsoft Visual Studio (Win), MinGW (Win), GCC (Linux/MacOS) </li>
<li> new: Mix-In classes to unify plot styleing functions (setters/getters) in all graphs </li>
<li> new: additional options for graph filling (color gradients, textures, ...) as provided by QBrush </li>
<li> new: added a general feature to JKQTPPlotElement which allows to show a graph in a highlighted state (if supported by the derived graph class!) </li>
<li> new: JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph: added functors to transform column values into symbol type+size and line-width to give even more control </li>
<li> changed: removed old selection-code and replaced by general highlighting feature </li>
<li> changed: JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph has been renamed to JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph (vertical variants also) and have gained additional features (baseline for filling and drawing of symbols) </li>
<li> changed: filled curve graphs (e.g. JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph) are now merely a specializedly initialized JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph </li>
<li> deprecated: Removed datarange-feature </li>
<li> update: \ref JKQTPLOTTER_USERINTERACTION "reworked user interactions API" </li>
<li> fixed: colorbars at top were positioned over the plot label </li>
This is the final version of JKQTPlotter, which is still compatible with the <a href="">QuickFit 3.0</a> code base. It contains minor changes as compared to \ref WHATSNEW_V2015_10 "v2015.10":
- new: added Qt data model to switch graphs on/off
This is the initial release of the library. It was developed initially as part of <a href="">QuickFit 3.0</a> and then separated out into a separate repository.