2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
# include "testform.h"
# include "ui_testform.h"
# include <QDebug>
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
# include <sstream>
2022-08-03 21:23:14 +08:00
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpstringtools.h"
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtexttextnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextbracenode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextdecoratednode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextfracnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextinstructionnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextlistnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextmatrixnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextsqrtnode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextsubsupernode.h"
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextsymbolnode.h"
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
# include "jkqtmathtext/nodes/jkqtmathtextwhitespacenode.h"
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
TestForm : : TestForm ( QWidget * parent ) :
QWidget ( parent ) ,
ui ( new Ui : : TestForm )
ui - > setupUi ( this ) ;
2022-07-11 04:01:11 +08:00
const QString testText = " ABCabc00, 123-45+6.0 \\ % \\ S " ;
const QString umla = " \\ \" A \\ \" a \\ `A \\ `a \\ 'A \\ 'a \\ ^A \\ ^a \\ ~A \\ ~a \\ r{A} \\ r{a} \\ u{A} \\ u{a} \\ =A \\ =a \\ AA \\ aa{ \\ AE}{ \\ ae} \\ v{C} \\ v{c} \\ \" E \\ \" e \\ .e \\ L \\ l \\ \" O \\ \" o \\ `O \\ `o \\ 'O \\ 'o \\ ^O \\ ^o \\ ~O \\ ~o \\ O \\ o{ \\ OE}{ \\ ae} \\ v{S} \\ v{s} \\ ss \\ \" U \\ \" u \\ `U \\ `u \\ 'U \\ 'u \\ ^U \\ ^u \\ ~U \\ ~u " ;
const QString testTextUmla = " \\ \" Aq{ \\ \" u} \\ \" {a}t{ \\ oe}r00, 123-45+6.0 \\ % \\ S " ;
const QString umla_math = " \\ ddot{A} \\ ddot{a} \\ grave{A} \\ grave{a} \\ acute{A} \\ acute{a} \\ hat{A} \\ hat{a} \\ tilde{A} \\ tilde{a} \\ r{A} \\ r{a} \\ u{A} \\ u{a} \\ bar{A} \\ bar{a} \\ AA \\ aa{ \\ AE}{ \\ ae} \\ check{C} \\ check{c} \\ ddot{E} \\ ddot{e} \\ dot{e} \\ L \\ l \\ ddot{O} \\ ddot{o} \\ grave{O} \\ grave{o} \\ acute{O} \\ acute{o} \\ hat{O} \\ hat{o} \\ tilde{O} \\ tilde{o} \\ O \\ o{ \\ OE}{ \\ ae} \\ check{S} \\ check{s} \\ ss \\ ddot{U} \\ ddot{u} \\ grave{U} \\ grave{u} \\ acute{U} \\ acute{u} \\ hat{U} \\ hat{u} \\ tilde{U} \\ tilde{u} " ;
const QString testTextUmla_math = " \\ ddot{A}q{ \\ ddot{u}} \\ ddot{{}a}t{ \\ oe}r00, 123-45+6.0 \\ % \\ S " ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: fonts " , " rm: \\ textrm{ " + testText + " }, sf: \\ textsf{ " + testText + " }, tt: \\ texttt{ " + testText + " }, cal: \\ textcal{ " + testText + " }, scr: \\ textscr{ " + testText + " }, bb: \\ textbb{ " + testText + " }, frak: \\ textfrak{ " + testText + " }, " ) ;
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: font comparison " ,
" \\ begin{matrix} \n "
" text: & abc123+d/e \\ \\ \n "
" textit: & \\ textit{abc123+d/e} \\ \\ \n "
" textbf: & \\ textbf{abc123+d/e} \\ \\ \n "
" math: & $abc123+d/e$ \\ \\ \n "
" mathrm: & $ \\ mathrm{abc123+d/e}$ \\ \\ \n "
" mathit: & $ \\ mathit{abc123+d/e}$ \\ \\ \n "
" mathbf: & $ \\ mathbf{abc123+d/e}$ \\ \\ \n "
" mathfrak: & $ \\ mathfrak{abc123+d/e}$ \n "
" \\ end{matrix} " ) ;
2022-07-11 04:01:11 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: umlaute " , umla ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: umlaute and fonts " , " rm: \\ textrm{ " + testTextUmla + " }, sf: \\ textsf{ " + testTextUmla + " }, tt: \\ texttt{ " + testTextUmla + " }, cal: \\ textcal{ " + testTextUmla + " }, scr: \\ textscr{ " + testTextUmla + " }, bb: \\ textbb{ " + testTextUmla + " }, frak: \\ textfrak{ " + testTextUmla + " }, " ) ;
2022-08-01 17:44:38 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: dashes " , " hyphen: - endash: -- emdash: --- \\ \\ \\ endash--within text \\ \\ \\ emdash---within text \\ \\ \\ enemdash-----within text \\ \\ \\ ememdash------within text " ) ;
2022-07-11 04:01:11 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: fonts " , " base: $ " + testText + " $, rm: $ \\ mathrm{ " + testText + " }$, sf: $ \\ mathsf{ " + testText + " }$, tt: $ \\ mathtt{ " + testText + " }$, cal: $ \\ mathcal{ " + testText + " }$, scr: $ \\ mathscr{ " + testText + " }$, bb: $ \\ mathbb{ " + testText + " }$, frak: $ \\ mathfrak{ " + testText + " }$, " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: umlaute " , " $ " + umla_math + " $ " ) ;
2022-08-01 17:44:38 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: umlaute and \\ text{...} " , " \\ ${ \\ backslash}text \\ {... \\ } \\ $: $ \\ text{ " + umla + " } \\ \\ \\ \\ $... \\ $: " + umla + " $ " ) ;
2022-07-11 04:01:11 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: umlaute and fonts " , " base: $ " + testTextUmla_math + " $, rm: $ \\ mathrm{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, sf: $ \\ mathsf{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, tt: $ \\ mathtt{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, cal: $ \\ mathcal{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, scr: $ \\ mathscr{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, bb: $ \\ mathbb{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, frak: $ \\ mathfrak{ " + testTextUmla_math + " }$, " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: simple relations " , " $a{ \\ leq}b$, $a{ \\ geq}b$, $a{ \\ equiv}b$, $a=b$, $a{ \\ neq}b$, $a<b$, $a>b$ " ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
const auto wsExample = [ ] ( const QStringList & spaces , const QString before , const QString & after ) - > QString {
QString s ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < spaces . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
s + = " text: { \\ backslash} " + spaces [ i ] + " : " + before + " { \\ " + spaces [ i ] + " } " + after ;
s + = " \\ \\ \\ \\ " ;
return s ;
} ;
QStringList whitespaces = QStringList ( ) < < " " < < " enspace " < < " quad " < < " qquad " < < " , " < < " : " < < " ; " < < " ! " < < " negmedspace " < < " negthickspace " ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: whitespaces arrows " , " text: " + wsExample ( whitespaces , " \\ rightarrow " , " \\ leftarrow " ) ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: whitespaces fg " , " text: " + wsExample ( whitespaces , " f " , " g " ) ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: whitespaces arrows " , " math: " + wsExample ( whitespaces , " $ \\ rightarrow " , " \\ leftarrow$ " ) ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: whitespaces fg " , " math: " + wsExample ( whitespaces , " $f " , " g$ " ) ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: simple relations in different modes " , " math: $a{ \\ leq}b$, math/no braces: $a \\ leq b$, no math: a{ \\ leq}b, no math/no braces: a \\ leq b " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 1 " , " ll: $ \\ ll$ \\ gg: $ \\ gg$ \\ leq: $ \\ leq$ \\ geq: $ \\ geq$ \\ pm: $ \\ pm$ \\ mp: $ \\ mp$ \\ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 2 " , " nexists: $ \\ nexists$ \\ ni: $ \\ ni$ \\ notni: $ \\ notni$ \\ circ: $ \\ circ$ \\ sim: $ \\ sim$ \\ emptyset: $ \\ emptyset$ \\ odot: $ \\ odot$ \\ ominus: $ \\ ominus$ \\ subsetnot: $ \\ subsetnot$ \\ bot: $ \\ bot$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 3 " , " leftharpoonup: $ \\ leftharpoonup$ \\ rightharpoonup: $ \\ rightharpoonup$ \\ upharpoonleft: $ \\ upharpoonleft$ \\ downharpoonleft: $ \\ downharpoonleft$ \\ leftrightharpoon: $ \\ leftrightharpoon$ \\ rightleftharpoon: $ \\ rightleftharpoon$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 4 " , " coprod: $ \\ coprod$ \\ leftharpoondown: $ \\ leftharpoondown$ \\ rightharpoondown: $ \\ rightharpoondown$ \\ upharpoonright: $ \\ upharpoonright$ \\ downharpoonright: $ \\ downharpoonright$ \\ nwarrow: $ \\ nwarrow$ \\ nearrow: $ \\ nearrow$ \\ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 5 " , " searrow: $ \\ searrow$ \\ swarrow: $ \\ swarrow$ \\ mapsto: $ \\ mapsto$ \\ div: $ \\ div$ \\ multimap: $ \\ multimap$ \\ maporiginal: $ \\ maporiginal$ \\ mapimage: $ \\ mapimage$ \\ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 6 " , " times: $ \\ times$ \\ ast: $ \\ ast$ \\ star: $ \\ star$ \\ propto: $ \\ propto$ \\ bullet: $ \\ bullet$ \\ neq: $ \\ neq$ \\ ne: $ \\ ne$ \\ equiv: $ \\ equiv$ \\ approx: $ \\ approx$ \\ otimes: $ \\ otimes$ \\ oplus: $ \\ oplus$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 7 " , " oslash: $ \\ oslash$ \\ cap: $ \\ cap$ \\ land: $ \\ land$ \\ cup: $ \\ cup$ \\ lor: $ \\ lor$ \\ supset: $ \\ supset$ \\ supseteq: $ \\ supseteq$ \\ supsetnot: $ \\ supsetnot$ \\ subset: $ \\ subset$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols 8 " , " subseteq: $ \\ subseteq$ \\ in: $ \\ in$ \\ notin: $ \\ notin$ \\ cdot: $ \\ cdot$ \\ wedge: $ \\ wedge$ \\ vee: $ \\ vee$ \\ cong: $ \\ cong$ \\ bot: $ \\ bot$ " ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: named symbols with special fallback-drawing " , " \\ infty \\ \\ prod \\ \\ coprod \\ \\ nexists \\ \\ sum \\ \\ varnothing \\ \\ exists \\ \\ forall \\ \\ neq \\ \\ ni \\ \\ alpha \\ beta \\ Omega " ) ;
2022-07-07 03:00:03 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: named symbols from custom fonts " , " \\ HandRight \\ HandLeft " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: symbols " , " $ \\ ll \\ gg \\ leq \\ geq \\ leftrightarrow \\ leftarrow \\ rightarrow \\ to \\ uparrow \\ downarrow \\ updownarrow \\ Leftrightarrow \\ iff \\ Leftarrow \\ Rightarrow \\ Uparrow \\ Downarrow \\ Updownarrow \\ pm \\ mp \\ nexists \\ ni \\ notni \\ circ \\ sim \\ emptyset \\ odot \\ ominus \\ subsetnot \\ bot \\ leftharpoonup \\ rightharpoonup \\ upharpoonleft \\ downharpoonleft \\ leftrightharpoon \\ rightleftharpoon \\ coprod \\ leftharpoondown \\ rightharpoondown \\ upharpoonright \\ downharpoonright \\ nwarrow \\ nearrow \\ searrow \\ swarrow \\ mapsto \\ div \\ multimap \\ maporiginal \\ mapimage \\ times \\ propto \\ bullet \\ neq \\ ne \\ equiv \\ approx \\ otimes \\ oplus \\ oslash \\ cap \\ land \\ cup \\ lor \\ supset \\ supseteq \\ supsetnot \\ subset \\ subseteq \\ in \\ notin \\ cdot \\ wedge \\ vee \\ cong \\ bot$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: std dev " , " $ \\ sigma_x= \\ sqrt{ \\ langle (x- \\ langle x \\ rangle)^2 \\ rangle}= \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{N-1} \\ cdot \\ left( \\ sum_{i=1}^N{x_i}^2- \\ frac{1}{N} \\ cdot \\ left( \\ sum_{i=1}^Nx_i \\ right)^2 \\ right)}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: std dev 2 " , " $ \\ sigma_x= \\ sqrt{ \\ langle (x- \\ langle x \\ rangle)^2 \\ rangle}= \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{N-1} \\ cdot \\ left( \\ sum_{i=1}^Nx_i^2- \\ frac{1}{N} \\ cdot \\ left( \\ sum_{i=1}^Nx_i \\ right)^2 \\ right)}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: rotation matrix " , " $ \\ mathrm{ \\ mathbf{M}}( \\ alpha) = \\ left( \\ begin{matrix} \\ cos( \\ alpha)+n_x^2 \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha)) & n_x \\ cdot n_y \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))-n_z \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) & n_x \\ cdot n_z \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))+n_y \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) \\ \\ n_x \\ cdot n_y \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))+n_z \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) & \\ cos( \\ alpha)+n_y^2 \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha)) & n_y \\ cdot n_z \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))-n_x \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) \\ \\ n_z \\ cdot n_x \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))-n_y \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) & n_z \\ cdot n_y \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha))+n_x \\ cdot \\ sin( \\ alpha) & \\ cos( \\ alpha)+n_z^2 \\ cdot (1- \\ cos( \\ alpha)) \\ end{matrix} \\ right)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: like in label at bottom " , " $ \\ left( \\ left[ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ cdot \\ int_{- \\ infty}^ \\ infty f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x} \\ right] \\ right)$ " ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: like in label at bottom) " , " \\ left( \\ left[ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ cdot \\ int_{- \\ infty}^ \\ infty f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x} \\ right] \\ right) " ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text 0 " , " text " ) ;
2022-07-25 04:31:38 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text (bold) " , " text \\ mathbf{bold} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " textcolor " , " text \\ mathbf{bold} \\ textcolor{red}{RED} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " userfont " , " text, \\ userfont{Arial}{Arial}, \\ userfont{Comic Sans MS}{Comic Sans MS} " ) ;
2022-08-01 19:39:34 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: \\ char " , " A: \\ char65, circonflex: \\ char \" 109 accent: \\ char \' 351 " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: \\ char " , " A: $ \\ char65$, circonflex: $ \\ char \" 109$ accent: $ \\ char \' 351 " ) ;
2022-07-27 04:27:16 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " unicode " , " star: \\ unicode{2605}, circonflex: \\ unicode{109} emoticons: \\ usym{1F440} \\ usym{1F929} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " UTF8 " , " star: \\ utfeight{e29885} emoticons \\ utfeight{F09F9881} \\ utfeight{f09f98bb} " ) ;
2022-06-07 05:24:05 +08:00
const auto mathDecoExample = [ ] ( const QString & deco ) - > QString { return " \\ " + deco + " {x} \\ " + deco + " {i} \\ " + deco + " {X} \\ " + deco + " { \\ psi} \\ " + deco + " {abc} " ; } ;
2022-07-11 04:01:11 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " decoration: math " , " $ " + mathDecoExample ( " vec " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " grave " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " acute " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " dot " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " ddot " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " ocirc " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " overline " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " underline " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " hat " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " widehat " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " check " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " widecheck " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " breve " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " tilde " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " widetilde " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " uul " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " ool " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " bar " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " arrow " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " cancel " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " bcancel " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " xcancel " ) + " -- " + mathDecoExample ( " sout " ) + " $ " ) ;
2022-06-06 20:16:50 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " decoration: text " , " Text \\ ul{underlined Text Equator} -- \\ ol{overlined Text Equator} -- \\ sout{striked out Text Equator} -- \\ cancel{canceled out Text Equator} -- \\ bcancel{b-canceled out Text Equator} -- \\ xcancel{x-canceled out Text Equator} " ) ;
2022-08-03 21:23:14 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: \\ verb " , " \\ verb! \\ LaTeX{} is not pares inside \\ verb~..~! outside { \\ backslash}verb " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: \\ begin{verbatim} " , " outside \\ begin{verbatim} \n inside \\ LaTeX verbatim \n 2nd verbaimline \n \t 3rd line \n \\ end{verbatim} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: \\ begin{verbatim*} " , " outside \\ begin{verbatim*} \n inside \\ LaTeX verbatim \n 2nd verbaimline \n \t 3rd line \n \\ end{verbatim*} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: \\ begin{lstlistings} " , " outside \\ begin{lstlisting} \n int main() { \n printf( \" Hello World \\ n \" ); \n } \n \\ end{lstlisting} " ) ;
2022-07-31 13:56:13 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: flushleft " , " \\ begin{flushleft}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{flushleft} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: flushright " , " \\ begin{flushright}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{flushright} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: center " , " \\ begin{center}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{center} " ) ;
2022-07-31 14:17:45 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: framed " , " \\ begin{framed}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{framed} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: shaded " , " \\ begin{shaded}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{shaded} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: snugshade " , " \\ begin{snugshade}text \\ \\ \\ textbf{2^{nd} line of text} \\ \\ last \\ textit{line!} $ \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ end{snugshade} " ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " mathtest " , " This is normal text: $this is math: \\ langle r^2( \\ tau) \\ rangle= \\ left \\ langle ( \\ vec{r}(t)- \\ vec{r}(t+ \\ tau) )^2 \\ right \\ rangle \\ \\ \\ g( \\ tau)= \\ frac{1}{N} \\ cdot \\ left(1+ \\ frac{2}{3} \\ frac{ \\ langle r^2( \\ tau) \\ rangle}{w_{xy}^2} \\ right)^{-1} \\ lfloor \\ rfloor \\ lceil \\ rceil \\ langle \\ rangle \\ left \\ { \\ vec{a} \\ left| \\ | \\ vec{a} \\ |_2 \\ geq2 \\ right. \\ right \\ } \\ vec{r} \\ vec{R} \\ frac{ \\ sqrt{ \\ sqrt{ \\ sqrt{ \\ sum_{i=0}^ \\ infty \\ hat{i}^2}+y^ \\ alpha}+1}}{ \\ dot{v} \\ equiv \\ ddot{r}} \\ argmin_{ \\ vec{k}} \\ sum_{ \\ sqrt{i}=0}^{N} \\ int_{x_0}^{x_1} \\ left( \\ left( \\ left(x \\ right) \\ right) \\ right) \\ underbrace{ \\ left[ \\ left \\ { \\ frac{ \\ partial f}{ \\ partial x} \\ right \\ } \\ cdot \\ frac{1}{2} \\ right]}{ \\ text{underbraced text \\ hbar}} \\ cdots \\ frac{ \\ sqrt{ \\ sum_{i=0}^2 \\ hat{i}^2}+y^ \\ alpha}{ \\ dot{v} \\ equiv \\ ddot{r}}, \\ hat{t} \\ hat{T} \\ overbrace{ \\ left| \\ sqrt{x \\ cdot Y} \\ right|}{ \\ propto \\ bbN \\ circ \\ bbZ} \\ left< \\ arrow{x( \\ tau)} \\ cdot \\ vec{R}(t+ \\ bar{ \\ tau}) \\ right> \\ alpha \\ beta \\ gamma \\ delta \\ epsilon \\ Gamma \\ Delta \\ Theta \\ Omega \\ left \\ _ \\ left~ \\ cbrt{ \\ hbar \\ omega} \\ right~ \\ right \\ _$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: upper/lower parantheses test: " , " $ \\ text{bblabla} \\ frac{1}{2} \\ cdot \\ left( \\ frac{1}{ \\ mathrm{e}^x+ \\ mathrm{e}^{-x}} \\ right) \\ cdot \\ left( \\ frac{1}{ \\ frac{1+2}{5+x}} \\ right) \\ cdot \\ left( \\ frac{1}{ \\ exp \\ left[- \\ frac{y^2}{ \\ sqrt{x}} \\ right] \\ cdot \\ exp \\ left[- \\ frac{1}{ \\ frac{1}{2}} \\ right]} \\ right) $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: ACF test " , " $g_{rg}^{ab}( \\ tau)= \\ frac{1}{N} \\ cdot \\ left(1+ \\ frac{2}{3} \\ frac{ \\ langle r^2( \\ tau) \\ rangle}{w_{xy}^2} \\ right)^{-1} \\ cdot \\ left(1+ \\ frac{2}{3} \\ frac{ \\ langle r^2( \\ tau) \\ rangle}{w_{xy}^2} \\ right)^{- \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: MSD test " , " $ \\ mathrm{MSD}( \\ tau) \\ equiv \\ langle r^2( \\ tau) \\ rangle= \\ left \\ langle ( \\ vec{r}(t)- \\ vec{r}(t+ \\ tau) )^2 \\ right \\ rangle=2n \\ cdot \\ frac{K_ \\ alpha}{ \\ Gamma(1+ \\ alpha)} \\ cdot \\ tau^ \\ alpha$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: f() test " , " $f( \\ vec{x})= \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ cdot \\ sigma^2}} \\ exp \\ left(- \\ frac{( \\ vec{x}- \\ vec{x}_0)^2}{ \\ sigma^2} \\ right)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: chi^2 test " , " $ \\ vec{p}^ \\ ast= \\ argmax \\ limits_{ \\ vec{p}} \\ chi^2= \\ argmax \\ limits_{ \\ vec{p}} \\ sum \\ limits_{i=1}^N \\ left| \\ frac{ \\ hat{f}_i-f(x_i; \\ vec{p})}{ \\ sigma_i} \\ right|^2$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: symbol test " , " \\ vdots \\ cdots \\ ddots \\ iddots \\ lfloor \\ rfloor \\ lceil \\ rceil \\ langle \\ rangle \\ sum \\ int \\ iint \\ oint \\ prod \\ leftrightarrow \\ leftarrow \\ Leftarrow \\ rightarrow \\ Rightarrow \\ pm \\ mp \\ leq \\ geq \\ ll \\ gg \\ hbar \\ euro \\ bbC \\ bbH \\ bbN \\ bbP \\ bbQ \\ bbZ \\ bbR \\ Angstrom \\ Alef \\ Bet \\ Gimel \\ Dalet \\ nexists \\ ni \\ notni \\ circ \\ tilde \\ oiint \\ oiiint \\ emptyset \\ odot \\ ominus \\ subsetnot \\ DC \\ bot \\ cdots \\ perthousand \\ leftharpoonup \\ rightharpoonup \\ upharpoonleft \\ downharpoonleft \\ leftrightharpoon \\ rightleftharpoon \\ coprod \\ leftharpoondown \\ rightharpoondown \\ nwarrow \\ nearrow \\ mapsto \\ cent \\ pound \\ yen \\ div \\ multimap \\ maporiginal \\ mapimage \\ bigcap \\ bigcup \\ benzene \\ times \\ cdot \\ propto \\ equiv \\ Im \\ Re \\ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: arrowtest 1 " , " $ \\ leftarrow \\ longleftarrow \\ Leftarrow \\ Longleftarrow \\ rightarrow \\ longrightarrow \\ Rightarrow \\ Longrightarrow \\ uparrow \\ Uparrow \\ downarrow \\ Downarrow \\ leftrightarrow \\ Leftrightarrow \\ longleftrightarrow \\ Longleftrightarrow$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: arrowtest 2 " , " $ \\ nwarrow \\ nearrow \\ searrow \\ swarrow \\ mapsto \\ leftharpoonup \\ rightharpoonup \\ upharpoonleft \\ downharpoonleft \\ leftrightharpoon \\ rightleftharpoon \\ leftharpoondown \\ rightharpoondown \\ upharpoonright \\ downharpoonright $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: greek letters " , " $ \\ alpha \\ beta \\ gamma \\ delta \\ epsilon \\ varepsilon \\ zeta \\ eta \\ theta \\ vartheta \\ iota \\ kappa \\ lambda \\ mu \\ nu \\ xi \\ pi \\ varpi \\ rho \\ varrho \\ sigma \\ varsigma \\ tau \\ upsilon \\ phi \\ varphi \\ chi \\ psi \\ omega \\ Omega \\ Gamma \\ Delta \\ Theta \\ Lambda \\ Xi \\ Pi \\ Sigma \\ Upsilon \\ Phi \\ Psi$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text-font: greek letters " , " \\ alpha \\ beta \\ gamma \\ delta \\ epsilon \\ varepsilon \\ zeta \\ eta \\ theta \\ vartheta \\ iota \\ kappa \\ lambda \\ mu \\ nu \\ xi \\ pi \\ varpi \\ rho \\ varrho \\ sigma \\ varsigma \\ tau \\ upsilon \\ phi \\ varphi \\ chi \\ psi \\ omega \\ Omega \\ Gamma \\ Delta \\ Theta \\ Lambda \\ Xi \\ Pi \\ Sigma \\ Upsilon \\ Phi \\ Psi " ) ;
2022-07-07 03:00:03 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: upgreek letters " , " $ \\ upalpha \\ upbeta \\ upgamma \\ updelta \\ upepsilon \\ upvarepsilon \\ upzeta \\ upeta \\ uptheta \\ upvartheta \\ upiota \\ upkappa \\ uplambda \\ upmu \\ upnu \\ upxi \\ uppi \\ upvarpi \\ uprho \\ upvarrho \\ upsigma \\ upvarsigma \\ uptau \\ upupsilon \\ upphi \\ upvarphi \\ upchi \\ uppsi \\ upomega \\ upOmega \\ upGamma \\ upDelta \\ upTheta \\ upLambda \\ upXi \\ upPi \\ upSigma \\ upUpsilon \\ upPhi \\ upPsi$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text-font: upgreek letters " , " \\ upalpha \\ upbeta \\ upgamma \\ updelta \\ upepsilon \\ upvarepsilon \\ upzeta \\ upeta \\ uptheta \\ upvartheta \\ upiota \\ upkappa \\ uplambda \\ upmu \\ upnu \\ upxi \\ uppi \\ upvarpi \\ uprho \\ upvarrho \\ upsigma \\ upvarsigma \\ uptau \\ upupsilon \\ upphi \\ upvarphi \\ upchi \\ uppsi \\ upomega \\ upOmega \\ upGamma \\ upDelta \\ upTheta \\ upLambda \\ upXi \\ upPi \\ upSigma \\ upUpsilon \\ upPhi \\ upPsi " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: blackboard " , " $ \\ mathbb{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: bf " , " $ \\ mathbf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: it " , " $ \\ mathit{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: frak " , " $ \\ mathfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: sf " , " $ \\ mathsf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: rm " , " $ \\ mathrm{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: cal " , " $ \\ mathcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: script " , " $ \\ mathscr{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math-font: tt " , " $ \\ mathtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: bf " , " \\ textbf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: it " , " \\ textit{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: frak " , " \\ textfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: sf " , " \\ textsf{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: rm " , " \\ textrm{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: cal " , " \\ textcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: script " , " \\ textscr{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: tt " , " \\ texttt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ120} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subscript test " , " $r_{123} \\ \\ r_{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subscript0 test " , " $r_{123}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subscript1 test " , " $r_{123} \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subscript2 test " , " $r_{123} \\ \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subscript3 test " , " $r_{123}r_{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: superscript test " , " $r^{123} \\ \\ r^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: superscript0 test " , " $r^{123}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: superscript1 test " , " $r^{123} \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: superscript2 test " , " $r^{123} \\ \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: superscript3 test " , " $r^{123}r^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: asuperscript test " , " $a^{123} \\ \\ a^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: asuperscript0 test " , " $a^{123}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: gsuperscript1 test " , " $g^{123} \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: gsuperscript2 test " , " $g^{123} \\ \\ $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: gsuperscript3 test " , " $g^{123}g^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: subsuperscript test " , " $r_{123}^2$ \\ \\ $r^2_{123}$ \\ \\ $ \\ left( \\ stackrel{a}{b} \\ right)_{123}^2$ \\ \\ $ \\ left( \\ stackrel{a}{b} \\ right)^2_{123}$ \\ \\ $r_{ \\ frac{1}{2}}^2$ \\ \\ $r^2_{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ \\ \\ $r^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}_2$ \\ \\ $r_2^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ \\ \\ $ \\ left( \\ stackrel{a}{b} \\ right)_2^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}$ \\ \\ $ \\ left( \\ stackrel{a}{b} \\ right)^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}_2$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: radicals " , " $ \\ sqrt{a} \\ sqrt{5} \\ sqrt{-1} \\ sqrt{h} \\ sqrt{jA} \\ sqrt{ \\ vec{A}} \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{a}} \\ frac{ \\ sqrt{a}}{ \\ sqrt{a}} \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ sqrt{a+ \\ sqrt{a+b}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: radicals " , " \\ sqrt{a} \\ sqrt{5} \\ sqrt{-1} \\ sqrt{h} \\ sqrt{jA} \\ sqrt{ \\ vec{A}} \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{a}} \\ frac{ \\ sqrt{a}}{ \\ sqrt{a}} \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ sqrt{a+ \\ sqrt{a+b}} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: non-2 radicals " , " $ \\ sqrt[3]{a} \\ sqrt[3]{5} \\ sqrt[3]{-1} \\ sqrt[3]{h} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ vec{A}} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ frac{1}{a}} \\ frac{ \\ sqrt[3]{a}}{ \\ sqrt[3]{a}} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ sqrt[3]{a+ \\ sqrt[3]{a+b}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: non-2 radicals " , " \\ sqrt[3]{a} \\ sqrt[3]{5} \\ sqrt[3]{-1} \\ sqrt[3]{h} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ vec{A}} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ frac{1}{a}} \\ frac{ \\ sqrt[3]{a}}{ \\ sqrt[3]{a}} \\ sqrt[3]{ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ sqrt[3]{a+ \\ sqrt[3]{a+b}} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: long non-2 radicals " , " $ \\ sqrt[3.14156]{a} \\ sqrt[3.14156]{5}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: long non-2 radicals " , " \\ sqrt[3.14156]{a} \\ sqrt[3.14156]{5} " ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: sum, prod, ... bare/+ \\ nolimits " , " no-limits: $ \\ prod \\ nolimits_{i=1}^n \\ sum \\ nolimits_{j=1}^c (i + j) \\ cdot \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ bare: $ \\ prod_{i=1}^n \\ sum_{j=1}^c (i + j) \\ cdot \\ frac{1}{2}$ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ long-below, bare: $ \\ sum_{n= \\ {a,b,c,d,e,f,g \\ }} f(x)$ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ long-above, bare: $ \\ sum^{n= \\ {a,b,c,d,e,f,g \\ }} f(x)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: sum, prod, ... bare/+ \\ limits " , " bare: \\ prod_{i=1}^n \\ sum_{j=1}^c (i + j) \\ cdot \\ frac{1}{2} \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ limits: \\ prod \\ limits_{i=1}^n \\ sum \\ limits_{j=1}^c (i + j) \\ cdot \\ frac{1}{2} \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ long-below, bare: \\ sum_{n= \\ {a,b,c,d,e,f,g \\ }} f(x) \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ long-above, bare: \\ sum^{n= \\ {a,b,c,d,e,f,g \\ }} f(x) " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: more sum-symbols " , " $ \\ sum \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ prod \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ coprod \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigcup \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigcap \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigsqcup \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigvee \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigwedge \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigoplus \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigotimes \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ bigodot \\ limits_{i=0}^N \\ biguplus \\ limits_{i=0}^N$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integrals+sums, bare/+ \\ nolimits " , " bare: $ \\ int_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ sum_{x=0}^1f(x) \\ \\ iint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ iiint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ oint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ int_{x} f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x$ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ nolimits: $ \\ int \\ nolimits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ sum \\ nolimits_{x=0}^1f(x) \\ \\ iint \\ nolimits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ iiint \\ nolimits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ oint \\ nolimits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ int \\ nolimits_{x} f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: integrals+sums, bare/+ \\ limits " , " bare: \\ int_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ sum_{x=0}^1f(x) \\ \\ iint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ iiint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ oint_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ int_{x} f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x$ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ limits: $ \\ int \\ limits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ sum \\ limits_{x=0}^1f(x) \\ \\ iint \\ limits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ iiint \\ limits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ oint \\ limits_{0}^1 f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ \\ int \\ limits_{x} f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x " ) ;
2022-06-28 03:31:02 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sub, bare " , " $ \\ iint_{ \\ partial S} f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sup, bare " , " $ \\ iint^{ \\ partial S} f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sub, no-limits " , " $ \\ iint \\ nolimits_{ \\ partial S} f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sup, no-limits " , " $ \\ iint \\ nolimits^{ \\ partial S} f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sub+sup, bare " , " $ \\ iint_0^1f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: integral+sub+sup, no-limits " , " $ \\ iint \\ nolimits_0^1f(s) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}s$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: frac test " , " $ \\ frac{a}{b}+ \\ frac{g}{a}- \\ frac{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ frac{a^2}{b^{ \\ frac{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math/text: stacked frac " , " math: $ \\ frac{1+ \\ frac{a}{b}}{1+ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}}$ \\ \\ text: \\ frac{1+ \\ frac{a}{b}}{1+ \\ frac{1}{1+ \\ frac{1}{a}}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ math: $a_0+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_1+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_2+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_3+ \\ cdots}}}$ \\ \\ text: a_0+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_1+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_2+ \\ cfrac{1}{a_3+ \\ cdots}}} " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: tfrac test " , " $ \\ tfrac{a}{b}+ \\ tfrac{g}{a}- \\ tfrac{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ tfrac{a^2}{b^{ \\ tfrac{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: dfrac test " , " $ \\ dfrac{a}{b}+ \\ dfrac{g}{a}- \\ dfrac{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ dfrac{a^2}{b^{ \\ dfrac{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: sfrac test " , " $ \\ sfrac{a}{b}+ \\ sfrac{g}{a}- \\ sfrac{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ sfrac{a^2}{b^{ \\ sfrac{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: stfrac test " , " $ \\ stfrac{a}{b}+ \\ stfrac{g}{a}- \\ stfrac{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ stfrac{a^2}{b^{ \\ stfrac{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: number fractions test " , " frac: \\ frac{1}{2}, \\ frac{3}{4}, \\ \\ \\ tfrac: \\ tfrac{1}{2}, \\ tfrac{3}{4}, \\ \\ \\ sfrac: \\ sfrac{1}{2}, \\ sfrac{3}{4}, \\ \\ \\ stfrac: \\ stfrac{1}{2}, \\ stfrac{3}{4}, \\ \\ \\ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: stackrel test " , " $ \\ stackrel{a}{b}+ \\ stackrel{g}{a}- \\ stackrel{a^2}{b^2} \\ cdot \\ stackrel{a^2}{b^{ \\ stackrel{1}{2}}}$ " ) ;
2022-06-27 03:17:42 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test langle " , " text: \\ langle \\ langle -- math: $ \\ langle \\ langle$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test lange+super 1 " , " text: \\ langle \\ langle r^{123} -- math: $ \\ langle \\ langle r^{123}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test lange+super 2 " , " text: \\ langle \\ langle r^{123} \\ rangle \\ rangle -- math: $ \\ langle \\ langle r^{123} \\ rangle \\ rangle$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test left-langle 1 " , " text: \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle -- math: $ \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test left-langle 2 " , " text: \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle -- math: $ \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle$ " ) ;
2022-06-09 20:30:15 +08:00
auto fAddBraceTest = [ ] ( const QString & open , const QString & close ) {
QString res = " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " r^{123} \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close ;
res + = " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " r_{123} \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close ;
res + = " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " \\ left " + open + " r_{123}^{123} \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close + " \\ right " + close ;
return res ;
} ;
2022-06-27 03:17:42 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right ( ) " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " ( " , " ) " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " ( " , " ) " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right [ ] " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " [ " , " ] " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " [ " , " ] " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right { } " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ { " , " \\ } " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ { " , " \\ } " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right || || " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ | " , " \\ | " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ | " , " \\ | " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right | | " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " | " , " | " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " | " , " | " ) + " $ " ) ;
2022-06-27 05:42:06 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right angles " , " text: \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle -- math: $ \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle \\ left \\ langle r^{123} \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle \\ right \\ rangle$ " ) ;
2022-06-27 03:17:42 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right floor " , " text: \\ left \\ lfloor \\ left \\ lfloor \\ left \\ lfloor r^{123} \\ right \\ rfloor \\ right \\ rfloor \\ right \\ rfloor -- math: $ \\ left \\ lfloor \\ left \\ lfloor \\ left \\ lfloor r^{123} \\ right \\ rfloor \\ right \\ rfloor \\ right \\ rfloor$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right ceil " , " text: \\ left \\ lceil \\ left \\ lceil \\ left \\ lceil r^{123} \\ right \\ rceil \\ right \\ rceil \\ right \\ rceil -- math: $ \\ left \\ lceil \\ left \\ lceil \\ left \\ lceil r^{123} \\ right \\ rceil \\ right \\ rceil \\ right \\ rceil$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right top-corner " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ ulcorner " , " \\ urcorner " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ ulcorner " , " \\ urcorner " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right bottom-corner " , " text: " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ llcorner " , " \\ lrcorner " ) + " -- math: $ " + fAddBraceTest ( " \\ llcorner " , " \\ lrcorner " ) + " $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: left/right mixed " , " text: \\ left \\ { \\ left[ \\ left( r^{123} \\ right) \\ right] \\ right \\ } -- math: $ \\ left \\ { \\ left[ \\ left( r^{123} \\ right) \\ right] \\ right \\ }$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right ( ) " , " text: (((r^{123}))) -- math: $(((r^{123})))$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right [ ] " , " text: [[[r^{123}]]] -- math: $[[[r^{123}]]]$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right { } " , " text: \\ { \\ { \\ {r^{123} \\ } \\ } \\ } -- math: $ \\ { \\ { \\ { r^{123} \\ } \\ } \\ }$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right | | " , " text: |||r^{123}||| -- math: $|||r^{123}|||$ " ) ;
2022-06-27 05:42:06 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right angle " , " text: \\ langle \\ langle \\ langle r^{123} \\ rangle \\ rangle \\ rangle -- math: $ \\ langle \\ langle \\ langle r^{123} \\ rangle \\ rangle \\ rangle$ " ) ;
2022-06-27 03:17:42 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right floor " , " text: \\ lfloor \\ lfloor \\ lfloor r^{123} \\ rfloor \\ rfloor \\ rfloor -- math: $ \\ lfloor \\ lfloor \\ lfloor r^{123} \\ rfloor \\ rfloor \\ rfloor$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right ceil " , " text: \\ lceil \\ lceil \\ lceil r^{123} \\ rceil \\ rceil \\ rceil -- math: $ \\ lceil \\ lceil \\ lceil r^{123} \\ rceil \\ rceil \\ rceil$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right top-corner " , " text: \\ ulcorner \\ ulcorner \\ ulcorner r^{123} \\ urcorner \\ urcorner \\ urcorner -- math: $ \\ ulcorner \\ ulcorner \\ ulcorner r^{123} \\ urcorner \\ urcorner \\ urcorner$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right bottom-corner " , " text: \\ llcorner \\ llcorner \\ llcorner r^{123} \\ lrcorner \\ lrcorner \\ lrcorner -- math: $ \\ llcorner \\ llcorner \\ llcorner r^{123} \\ lrcorner \\ lrcorner \\ lrcorner$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: brace test: non-left/right { | } " , " text: \\ {r^{123}|r \\ equiv 5 \\ } -- math: $ \\ {r^{123}|r \\ equiv 5 \\ }$ " ) ;
2022-08-03 15:55:45 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: brace test: bigl/Bigl/... mixed " , " math: $ \\ Biggl \\ langle \\ biggl \\ { \\ Bigl[ \\ bigl(( r^{123}) \\ bigr) \\ Bigr] \\ biggr \\ } \\ Biggr \\ rangle$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: sub-, superscript test " , " text: r^{1234}_{321} r_{321}^{1234} -- math: $r^{1234}_{321} r_{321}^{1234} -- \\ kappa^2 -- \\ kappa_2 -- \\ kappa_2^2$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text/math: super-, subscript test " , " text: r^{123}_{4321} r_{4321}^{123} -- math: $r^{123}_{4321} r_{4321}^{123} -- \\ kappa^2 -- \\ kappa_2 -- \\ kappa_2^2$ " ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
//ui->cmbTestset->addItem("", "");
2022-07-31 05:30:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: nested sqrt " , " $ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ sqrt{1+ \\ sqrt{1+x}}}}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: nested cbrt " , " $ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ sqrt[3]{1+ \\ sqrt[3]{1+x}}}}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: nested sqrt, high contents " , " $ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+ \\ sqrt{ \\ frac{1}{2}+x}}}}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: frac+stackrel " , " $ \\ left( \\ stackrel{p}{2} \\ right)=x^2y^{p-2}- \\ frac{1}{1-x} \\ frac{1}{1-x^2}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: nested frac " , " $a_0+ \\ frac{1}{a_1+ \\ frac{1}{a_2+ \\ frac{1}{a_3+ \\ frac{1}{a_4}}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: partial derivatives " , " $ \\ left( \\ frac{ \\ partial^2}{ \\ partial x^2}+ \\ frac{ \\ partial^2}{ \\ partial y^2} \\ right) \\ left| \\ varphi(x+ \\ mathrm{i}y) \\ right|^2=0$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: powers of powers " , " $2^{2^{2^{x}}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: double-integral " , " $ \\ iint_Df(x,y) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}y$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: overbrace+overbracket " , " $ \\ overbrace{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}} \\ \\ \\ \\ overbracket{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: underbrace+underbracket " , " $ \\ underbrace{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}} \\ \\ \\ \\ underbracket{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: under/overbrace+under/overbracket " , " $ \\ underbrace{ \\ overbrace{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}} \\ overbrace{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}}}{2k \\ \\ mathrm{times}} \\ \\ \\ \\ underbracket{ \\ overbracket{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}} \\ overbracket{x+x+...+x}{k \\ \\ mathrm{times}}}{2k \\ \\ mathrm{times}}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: apostrophy/prime derivatives " , " $y_1' \\ y_2'' \\ y_3''' \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ y_1^ \\ prime \\ y_2^ \\ dprime \\ y_3^ \\ trprime \\ \\ \\ -- \\ \\ \\ y_1^ \\ prime \\ y_2^{ \\ prime \\ prime} \\ y_3^{ \\ prime \\ prime \\ prime}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: cases " , " $f(x)= \\ begin{cases} 1/3 & \\ mathrm{if} \\ 0 \\ leq x \\ leq1 \\ \\ 2/3 & \\ mathrm{if} \\ 3 \\ leq x \\ leq4 \\ \\ 0 & \\ mathrm{elsewhere} \\ end{cases}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: overset " , " $X \\ overset{=}{def} Y$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ $X \\ overset{=}{!} Y$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ $X \\ overset{ \\ rightarrow}{f} Y$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ $ \\ frac{f(x+ \\ Delta x)-f(x)}{ \\ Delta x} \\ overset{ \\ longrightarrow}{ \\ Delta x \\ to 0}f'(x)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: underset " , " $X \\ underset{=}{ \\ text{def (5)}} Y$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ $X \\ underset{ \\ rightarrow}{f} Y$ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ $ \\ frac{f(x+ \\ Delta x)-f(x)}{ \\ Delta x} \\ underset{ \\ longrightarrow}{ \\ Delta x \\ to 0}f'(x)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: substack " , " substack: $ \\ substack{i=0 \\ \\ \\ sin(x) \\ equiv \\ pi \\ \\ a=a \\ \\ a=b}$ \\ \\ \\ substack[l]: $ \\ substack[l]{i=0 \\ \\ \\ sin(x) \\ equiv \\ pi \\ \\ a=a \\ \\ a=b}$ \\ \\ \\ lsubstack: $ \\ lsubstack{i=0 \\ \\ \\ sin(x) \\ equiv \\ pi \\ \\ a=a \\ \\ a=b}$ \\ \\ \\ rsubstack: $ \\ rsubstack{i=0 \\ \\ \\ sin(x) \\ equiv \\ pi \\ \\ a=a \\ \\ a=b}$ \\ \\ \\ comma: $ \\ sum \\ limits_{0 \\ leq i \\ leq 10, -5 \\ leq j \\ leq100}f_{i,j}$ \\ \\ \\ substack: $ \\ sum \\ limits_ \\ substack{0 \\ leq i \\ leq 10 \\ \\ -5 \\ leq j \\ leq100}f_{i,j}$ \\ \\ \\ rsubstack: $ \\ sum \\ limits_ \\ rsubstack{0 \\ leq i \\ leq 10 \\ \\ -5 \\ leq j \\ leq100}f_{i,j}$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Jacobi Matrix and VarCov matrix " , " $J_{ij}= \\ left. \\ frac{ \\ partial f(x, \\ vec{p})}{ \\ partial p_i} \\ right|_{ \\ vec{p},x=x_j} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ mat{C}= \\ left( \\ mat{J}^ \\ mathrm{T} \\ J \\ right)^{-1} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ test: \\ left| \\ frac{ \\ partial f(x, \\ vec{p})}{ \\ partial p_i} \\ right|_{ \\ vec{p},x=x_j}^2$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: operator test (textmode) " , " x=0 \\ \\ y>0 \\ \\ x+y \\ \\ -1 \\ \\ x-2 \\ \\ x \\ cdot y \\ \\ x \\ geq 4 \\ \\ x~4 " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: operator test (mathmode) " , " $x=0 \\ \\ y>0 \\ \\ x+y \\ \\ -1 \\ \\ x-2 \\ \\ x \\ cdot y \\ \\ x \\ geq 4 \\ \\ x~4$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: color test " , " \\ textcolor{red}{RED} \\ textcolor{blue}{BLUE} " ) ;
2022-08-01 21:17:34 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " text: boxed test " , " test: { \\ backslash}boxed: \\ boxed{boxed text} { \\ backslash}doublebox: \\ doublebox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}ovalbox: \\ ovalbox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}Ovalbox: \\ Ovalbox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}ovaldoublebox: \\ ovaldoublebox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}dashbox \\ {... \\ }: \\ dashbox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}dottedbox \\ {... \\ }: \\ dottedbox{boxed text} { \\ backslash}colorbox \\ {red \\ }: \\ colorbox{red}{boxed text} { \\ backslash}shaded \\ {AliceBlue \\ }: \\ shaded{AliceBlue}{boxed text} { \\ backslash}fcolorbox \\ {red \\ } \\ {AliceBlue \\ }: \\ fcolorbox{red}{AliceBlue}{boxed text} in the middle " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " mathboxed test " , " $ \\ fbox{2^{2^{ \\ colorbox{red}{2^{x}}}}}$ " ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " axiom of power test " , " $ \\ forall A \\ , \\ exists P \\ , \\ forall B \\ , [B \\ in P \\ iff \\ forall C \\ , (C \\ in B \\ Rightarrow C \\ in A)]$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: De Morgan's law " , " $ \\ neg(P \\ land Q) \\ iff( \\ neg P) \\ lor( \\ neg Q)$ or $ \\ overline{ \\ bigcap_{i \\ in I} A_{i}} \\ equiv \\ bigcup_{i \\ in I} \\ overline{A_{i}}$ or $ \\ overline{A \\ cup B} \\ equiv \\ overline{A} \\ cap \\ overline{B}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: combination " , " $ \\ binom{n}{k} = \\ frac{n(n-1)...(n-k+1)}{k(k-1) \\ dots1}= \\ frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Sophomore's dream 1 " , " $ \\ int_0^1 x^{-x} \\ ,dx = \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty n^{-n}( \\ scriptstyle{= 1.29128599706266354040728259059560054149861936827 \\ dots)}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Sophomore's dream 2 " , " $ \\ int_0^1 x^x \\ ,dx = \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty (-1)^{n+1}n^{-n} = - \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty (-n)^{-n} ( \\ scriptstyle{= 0.78343051071213440705926438652697546940768199014 \\ dots})$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: divergence 1 " , " $ \\ operatorname{div} \\ vec{F} = \\ nabla \\ cdot \\ vec{F}= \\ frac{ \\ partial U}{ \\ partial x}+ \\ frac{ \\ partial V}{ \\ partial y}+ \\ frac{ \\ partial W}{ \\ partial z}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: divergence 2 " , " $ \\ overrightarrow{ \\ operatorname{div}} \\ ,( \\ mathbf{ \\ underline{ \\ underline{ \\ epsilon}}}) = "
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
" \\ begin{bmatrix} "
" \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{xx}}{ \\ partial x} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{yx}}{ \\ partial y} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{zx}}{ \\ partial z} \\ \\ "
" \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{xy}}{ \\ partial x} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{yy}}{ \\ partial y} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{zy}}{ \\ partial z} \\ \\ "
" \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{xz}}{ \\ partial x} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{yz}}{ \\ partial y} + \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ epsilon_{zz}}{ \\ partial z} "
" \\ end{bmatrix}$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: lim, sum ... " , " $ \\ lim_{x \\ to \\ infty} f(x) = \\ binom{k}{r} + \\ frac{a}{b} \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty a_n + \\ displaystyle{ \\ left \\ { \\ frac{1}{13} \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty b_n \\ right \\ } }.$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: array test " , " $f(x) := \\ left \\ { \\ begin{array} x^2 \\ sin \\ frac{1}{x} & \\ textrm{if } x \\ ne 0, \\ \\ 0 & \\ textrm{if } x = 0 . \\ end{array} \\ right.$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Schwinger-Dyson " , " $ \\ left \\ langle \\ psi \\ left| \\ mathcal{T} \\ {F \\ phi^j \\ } \\ right| \\ psi \\ right \\ rangle= \\ left \\ langle \\ psi \\ left| \\ mathcal{T} \\ {iF_{,i}D^{ij}-FS_{int,i}D^{ij} \\ } \\ right| \\ psi \\ right \\ rangle.$ " ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( QString ( QString ( " math: Schr " ) + QChar ( 0xF6 ) + " dinger's equation " ) , QString ( " Schr " ) + QChar ( 0xF6 ) + " dinger's equation: $ \\ left[- \\ frac{ \\ hbar^2}{2m} \\ frac{ \\ partial^2}{ \\ partial x^2}+V \\ right] \\ Psi(x)= \\ mathrm{i} \\ hbar \\ frac{ \\ partial}{ \\ partial t} \\ Psi(x)$ " ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Cauchy-Schwarz inequality " , " $ \\ left( \\ sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \\ right)^2 \\ leq \\ left( \\ sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \\ right) \\ left( \\ sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \\ right)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Maxwell's equations " , " $ \\ begin{aligned} \\ nabla \\ times \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{B}} - \\ , \\ frac{1}{c} \\ , \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{E}}}{ \\ partial t} & = \\ frac{4 \\ pi}{c} \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{j}} \\ \\ \\ nabla \\ cdot \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{E}} & = 4 \\ pi \\ rho \\ \\ \\ nabla \\ times \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{E}} \\ , + \\ , \\ frac{1}{c} \\ , \\ frac{ \\ partial \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{B}}}{ \\ partial t} & = \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{0}} \\ \\ \\ nabla \\ cdot \\ vec{ \\ mathbf{B}} & = 0 \\ end{aligned}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Langevin Equation " , " $m \\ dot{v}(t) = - \\ gamma v(t) + F(x,t)+ f(t)$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Fokker-Planck Equation " , " $ \\ frac{ \\ partial}{ \\ partial t}P(y,t)=- \\ frac{ \\ partial}{ \\ partial y} \\ left[ A(y,t)P(y,t) \\ right] + \\ frac{ \\ Gamma}{2} \\ frac{ \\ partial^2}{ \\ partial y^2} \\ left[ P(y,t) \\ right]$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Hamilton Equations of motion " , " $ \\ mathcal{H}( \\ mathbf{q}, \\ mathbf{p})= \\ frac{ \\ mathbf{p}^2}{2 \\ ,m}+V( \\ mathbf{q}) \\ \\ \\ \\ text{and} \\ \\ \\ \\ dot{q}_k = \\ frac{p_k}{m} \\ , \\ \\ dot{p}_k = - \\ frac{ \\ partial V}{ \\ partial q_k}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: Gaussian Distrubution " , " $f(x | \\ mu, \\ sigma^2)= \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ sigma^2}} \\ operatorname{exp} \\ left(- \\ frac{(x- \\ mu)^2}{2 \\ sigma^2} \\ right)= \\ frac{1}{ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ sigma^2}} e^{- \\ frac{(x- \\ mu)^2}{2 \\ sigma^2}} \\ quad - \\ infty<x< \\ infty$ " ) ;
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math: quadratic equation " , " $x_{1/2} = \\ frac{-b \\ pm \\ sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$ " ) ;
2022-07-31 05:30:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 1 " , " $f(x)= \\ int_{- \\ infty}^xe^{-t^2} \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}t$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 2 " , " $ \\ sum_{i=1}^ \\ infty \\ frac{-e^{i \\ pi}}{2^n}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 3 " , " $ \\ mbox{det} \\ begin{pmatrix} 1 & x_1 & \\ ldots & x_1^{n-1} \\ \\ 1 & x_2 & \\ ldots & x_2^{n-1} \\ \\ \\ vdots & \\ vdots & \\ ddots & \\ vdots \\ \\ 1 & x_n & \\ ldots & x_n^{n-1} \\ end{pmatrix} = \\ prod_{1 \\ leq i < j \\ leq n} (x_j - x_i) $ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 4 " , " $ \\ Re(z) = \\ frac{n \\ pi \\ dfrac{ \\ theta + \\ psi}{2}}{ \\ left( \\ dfrac{ \\ theta + \\ psi}{2} \\ right)^2 + \\ left( \\ dfrac{1}{2} \\ log \\ left \\ lvert \\ dfrac{B}{A} \\ right \\ rvert \\ right)^2}.$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 5 " , " $ \\ sum_{m=1}^ \\ infty \\ sum_{n=1}^ \\ infty \\ frac{m^2 \\ ,n}{3^m \\ left(m \\ ,3^n+n \\ ,3^m \\ right)}$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 6 " , " $ \\ phi_n( \\ kappa) = \\ frac{1}{4 \\ pi^2 \\ kappa^2} \\ int_0^ \\ infty \\ frac{ \\ sin( \\ kappa R)}{ \\ kappa R} \\ frac{ \\ partial}{ \\ partial R} \\ left[R^2 \\ frac{ \\ partial D_n(R)}{ \\ partial R} \\ right] \\ ,dR$ " ) ;
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " math 7 " , " ${}_pF_q(a_1, \\ dots,a_p;c_1, \\ dots,c_q;z)= \\ sum_{n=0}^ \\ infty \\ frac{(a_1)_n \\ cdots(a_p)_n}{(c_1)_n \\ cdots(c_q)_n} \\ frac{z^n}{n!}$ " ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > addItem ( " User-Editable Text " ) ;
//ui->cmbTestset->addItem("", "$$");
//ui->cmbTestset->addItem("", "$$");
//ui->cmbTestset->addItem("", "");
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
JKQTMathText mt ( this ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeSerif - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontRoman ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingSerif - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingRoman ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeSans - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontSans ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingSans - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingSans ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeSerifMath - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontMathRoman ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingSerifMath - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingMathRoman ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeSansMath - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontMathSans ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingSansMath - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingMathSans ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
ui - > cmbUnicodeTypewriter - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontTypewriter ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
ui - > cmbEncodingTypewriter - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingTypewriter ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbCaligraphic - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontCaligraphic ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingCaligraphic - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingCaligraphic ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbScript - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontScript ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingScript - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingScript ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeFraktur - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontFraktur ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingFraktur - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingFraktur ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbUnicodeBlackboard - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFontBlackboard ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingBlackboard - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingBlackboard ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
ui - > cmbUnicodeSymbol - > setCurrentFont ( QFont ( mt . getFallbackFontSymbols ( ) ) ) ;
ui - > cmbEncodingSymbol - > setCurrentIndex ( static_cast < int > ( mt . getFontEncodingFallbackFontSymbols ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
ui - > chkSimulateBlackboard - > setChecked ( mt . isFontBlackboardSimulated ( ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbTestset - > setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
ui - > labMath - > setMath ( " $ \\ left( \\ left[ \\ sqrt{2 \\ pi \\ cdot \\ int_{- \\ infty}^ \\ infty f(x) \\ ; \\ mathrm{d}x} \\ right] \\ right)$ " ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > cmbFont - > setCurrentIndex ( 1 ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
connect ( ui - > chkBoxes , SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
connect ( ui - > chkBigBox , SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
connect ( ui - > chkAntiAlias , SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > chkAntiAliasText , SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > chkSimulateBlackboard , SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbLastAlign , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbFont , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbScript , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-05 03:02:43 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbSizeUnit , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbTestset , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbCaligraphic , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSans , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSansMath , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingSans , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingSansMath , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeTypewriter , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSerif , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSerifMath , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingSerif , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingSerifMath , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSymbol , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingScript , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingSymbol , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeFraktur , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingFraktur , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbUnicodeBlackboard , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingBlackboard , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingTypewriter , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > cmbEncodingCaligraphic , SIGNAL ( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( ui - > edtSizes , SIGNAL ( textChanged ( QString ) ) , this , SLOT ( updateMath ( ) ) ) ;
updateMath ( ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
TestForm : : ~ TestForm ( )
delete ui ;
2022-07-07 03:00:03 +08:00
# define W 4000
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
# define H 2000
# define X1 15
# define Y1 50
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
double TestForm : : draw ( QPainter & painter , double X , double YY , JKQTMathText & mt , QString name , double & durationSizingMS , double & durationTimingMS , QStringList * lstErrors ) {
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
double Y = YY ;
painter . save ( ) ;
ht . start ( ) ;
QSizeF s = mt . getSize ( painter ) ;
Y = Y + mt . getAscent ( painter ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
durationSizingMS = ht . getTime ( ) / 1000.0 ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < " sizing in " < < durationSizingMS < < " ms \n " ;
QPen p = painter . pen ( ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
if ( ui - > chkBigBox - > isChecked ( ) ) {
p . setColor ( " lightcoral " ) ;
p . setStyle ( Qt : : DashLine ) ;
p . setWidth ( 2 ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
QRectF r ( X , Y - mt . getAscent ( painter ) , s . width ( ) , s . height ( ) ) ;
painter . drawRect ( r ) ;
p . setColor ( " lightblue " ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
painter . drawLine ( X , Y , X + s . width ( ) , Y ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < getFonts ( mt ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ht . start ( ) ;
p . setStyle ( Qt : : SolidLine ) ;
p . setWidth ( 1 ) ;
p . setColor ( " black " ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
mt . draw ( painter , X , Y , ui - > chkBoxes - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
durationTimingMS = ht . getTime ( ) / 1000.0 ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < " drawing in " < < durationTimingMS < < " ms " ;
p . setColor ( " blue " ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
if ( lstErrors ) * lstErrors = mt . getErrorList ( ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
QFont f ;
f . setFamily ( " sans serif " ) ;
f . setUnderline ( true ) ;
f . setPointSize ( 10 ) ;
painter . setFont ( f ) ;
painter . drawText ( X , Y - mt . getAscent ( painter ) - 6 , name + " : " ) ;
painter . restore ( ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < name < < " : width= " < < s . width ( ) < < " height= " < < s . height ( ) < < " ascent= " < < mt . getAscent ( painter ) < < " descent= " < < mt . getDescent ( painter ) ;
return mt . getDescent ( painter ) + mt . getAscent ( painter ) + 40 ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
double TestForm : : drawAligned ( QPainter & painter , double X , double YY , JKQTMathText & mt , QString name ) {
double Y = YY ;
painter . save ( ) ;
ht . start ( ) ;
const QSizeF s = mt . getSize ( painter ) ;
const QRectF rect ( X , Y , s . width ( ) + 32 , s . height ( ) + 32 ) ;
int flags = Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : AlignTop ;
switch ( ui - > cmbLastAlign - > currentIndex ( ) ) {
case 0 : flags = Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : AlignTop ; break ;
case 1 : flags = Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : AlignVCenter ; break ;
case 2 : flags = Qt : : AlignLeft | Qt : : AlignBottom ; break ;
case 3 : flags = Qt : : AlignHCenter | Qt : : AlignTop ; break ;
case 4 : flags = Qt : : AlignHCenter | Qt : : AlignVCenter ; break ;
case 5 : flags = Qt : : AlignHCenter | Qt : : AlignBottom ; break ;
case 6 : flags = Qt : : AlignRight | Qt : : AlignTop ; break ;
case 7 : flags = Qt : : AlignRight | Qt : : AlignVCenter ; break ;
case 8 : flags = Qt : : AlignRight | Qt : : AlignBottom ; break ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < getFonts ( mt ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
QPen p = painter . pen ( ) ;
p . setColor ( " darkred " ) ;
p . setStyle ( Qt : : SolidLine ) ;
p . setWidth ( 2 ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
painter . drawRect ( rect ) ;
p . setStyle ( Qt : : SolidLine ) ;
p . setWidth ( 1 ) ;
p . setColor ( " black " ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
mt . draw ( painter , flags , rect , ui - > chkBoxes - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
p . setColor ( " blue " ) ;
painter . setPen ( p ) ;
QFont f ;
f . setFamily ( " sans serif " ) ;
f . setUnderline ( true ) ;
f . setPointSize ( 10 ) ;
painter . setFont ( f ) ;
painter . drawText ( X , Y - 6 , name + " : " ) ;
painter . restore ( ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < name < < " : width= " < < s . width ( ) < < " height= " < < s . height ( ) < < " ascent= " < < mt . getAscent ( painter ) < < " descent= " < < mt . getDescent ( painter ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < getFonts ( mt ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
return rect . bottom ( ) + 40 ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
QString TestForm : : getFonts ( const JKQTMathText & mt ) const
std : : ostringstream str ;
str < < " Roman: " < < mt . getFontRoman ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingRoman ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Math-Roman: " < < mt . getFontMathRoman ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingMathRoman ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Sans: " < < mt . getFontSans ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingSans ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Math-Sans: " < < mt . getFontMathSans ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingMathSans ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " FallbackSymbols: " < < mt . getFallbackFontSymbols ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingFallbackFontSymbols ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Fraktur: " < < mt . getFontFraktur ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingFraktur ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Script: " < < mt . getFontScript ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingScript ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Typewriter: " < < mt . getFontTypewriter ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingTypewriter ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Caligraphic: " < < mt . getFontCaligraphic ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingCaligraphic ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " \n " ;
str < < " Blackboard: " < < mt . getFontBlackboard ( ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , " < < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding2String ( mt . getFontEncodingBlackboard ( ) ) . toStdString ( ) < < " , isSimulated= " < < mt . isFontBlackboardSimulated ( ) ;
return str . str ( ) . c_str ( ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
QTreeWidgetItem * TestForm : : createTree ( JKQTMathTextNode * node , QTreeWidgetItem * parent )
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
QString name ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
JKQTMathTextTextNode * txtN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextTextNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextWhitespaceNode * spN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextWhitespaceNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextSymbolNode * symN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextSymbolNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-07-31 05:30:47 +08:00
JKQTMathTextHorizontalListNode * lstN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextHorizontalListNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextVerticalListNode * lstNV = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextVerticalListNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-07-09 05:15:42 +08:00
JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode * inst1N = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextBoxInstructionNode * inst1B = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextBoxInstructionNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-07-25 05:22:54 +08:00
JKQTMathTextSimpleInstructionNode * instS = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextSimpleInstructionNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
JKQTMathTextSubscriptNode * subN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextSubscriptNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextSuperscriptNode * superN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextSuperscriptNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextBraceNode * braceN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextBraceNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextSqrtNode * sqrtN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextSqrtNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextFracNode * fracN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextFracNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextMatrixNode * matrixN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextMatrixNode * > ( node ) ;
JKQTMathTextDecoratedNode * decoN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextDecoratedNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-08-03 15:55:45 +08:00
JKQTMathTextEmptyBoxNode * emptyN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextEmptyBoxNode * > ( node ) ;
2022-08-03 21:23:14 +08:00
JKQTMathTextVerbatimNode * verbN = dynamic_cast < JKQTMathTextVerbatimNode * > ( node ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
QTreeWidgetItem * ti = nullptr ;
if ( parent ) ti = new QTreeWidgetItem ( parent ) ;
else ti = new QTreeWidgetItem ( ui - > tree ) ;
if ( decoN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " DecoratedNode: mode='%1' " ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextDecoratedNode : : DecorationType2String ( decoN - > getDecoration ( ) ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( decoN - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( decoN - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( matrixN ) {
2019-01-26 03:16:04 +08:00
int l = matrixN - > getLines ( ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
int c = matrixN - > getColumns ( ) ;
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " MatrixNode: l*c=%1*%2 " ) . arg ( l ) . arg ( c ) ;
2022-06-08 21:38:26 +08:00
QVector < QVector < JKQTMathTextNode * > > children = matrixN - > getChildren ( ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
for ( int y = 0 ; y < l ; y + + ) {
for ( int x = 0 ; x < c ; x + + ) {
if ( children [ y ] . at ( x ) ! = nullptr ) {
QTreeWidgetItem * it = createTree ( children [ y ] . at ( x ) , ti ) ;
it - > setText ( 0 , QString ( " (%1,%2): " ) . arg ( y ) . arg ( x ) + it - > text ( 0 ) ) ;
ti - > addChild ( it ) ;
} else if ( fracN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " FracNode: mode='%1' " ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextFracNode : : FracType2String ( fracN - > getMode ( ) ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( fracN - > getChild1 ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( fracN - > getChild1 ( ) , ti ) ) ;
if ( fracN - > getChild2 ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( fracN - > getChild2 ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( sqrtN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " SqrtNode " ) ;
2022-06-29 03:59:50 +08:00
if ( sqrtN - > getChildDegree ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( sqrtN - > getChildDegree ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( sqrtN - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( sqrtN - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( braceN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " BraceNode: l='%1', r='%2' " ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextBraceType2String ( braceN - > getOpenbrace ( ) ) ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextBraceType2String ( braceN - > getClosebrace ( ) ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( braceN - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( braceN - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( superN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " SuperscriptNode " ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( superN - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( superN - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( subN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " SubscriptNode " ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( subN - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( subN - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2022-07-25 05:22:54 +08:00
} else if ( instS ) {
name = QString ( " SimpleInstructionNode: \' %1 \' (subsuper=%2, params=%3) " ) . arg ( instS - > getInstructionName ( ) ) . arg ( instS - > isSubSuperscriptAboveBelowNode ( ) ) . arg ( instS - > getParameters ( ) . join ( " / " ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( inst1N ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " ModifiedTextPropsInstructionNode: \' %1 \' (subsuper=%2, params=%3) " ) . arg ( inst1N - > getInstructionName ( ) ) . arg ( inst1N - > isSubSuperscriptAboveBelowNode ( ) ) . arg ( inst1N - > getParameters ( ) . join ( " / " ) ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( inst1N - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( inst1N - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2022-07-09 05:15:42 +08:00
} else if ( inst1B ) {
name = QString ( " BoxInstructionNode: \' %1 \' (subsuper=%2, params=%3) " ) . arg ( inst1B - > getInstructionName ( ) ) . arg ( inst1B - > isSubSuperscriptAboveBelowNode ( ) ) . arg ( inst1B - > getParameters ( ) . join ( " / " ) ) ;
if ( inst1B - > getChild ( ) ) ti - > addChild ( createTree ( inst1B - > getChild ( ) , ti ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( lstN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " HorizontalListNode " ) ;
2022-06-20 04:36:38 +08:00
QList < JKQTMathTextNode * > list = lstN - > getChildren ( ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
ti - > addChild ( createTree ( list [ i ] , ti ) ) ;
2022-07-31 05:30:47 +08:00
} else if ( lstNV ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " VerticalListNode (align=%1, spacingFactor=%2x, spacingMode=%3, verticalOrientation=%4) " ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextHorizontalAlignment2String ( lstNV - > getAlignment ( ) ) ) . arg ( lstNV - > getLineSpacingFactor ( ) ) . arg ( lstNV - > SpacingMode2String ( lstNV - > getSpacingMode ( ) ) ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextVerticalOrientation2String ( lstNV - > getVerticalOrientation ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-31 05:30:47 +08:00
QList < JKQTMathTextNode * > list = lstNV - > getChildren ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
ti - > addChild ( createTree ( list [ i ] , ti ) ) ;
2022-08-03 21:23:14 +08:00
} else if ( verbN ) {
name = QString ( " VerbatimTextNode (align=%1, spacingFactor=%2x, verticalOrientation=%3, text='%4') " ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextHorizontalAlignment2String ( verbN - > getAlignment ( ) ) ) . arg ( verbN - > getLineSpacingFactor ( ) ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextVerticalOrientation2String ( verbN - > getVerticalOrientation ( ) ) ) . arg ( jkqtp_backslashEscape ( verbN - > getText ( ) ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( symN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " SymbolNode: \' %1 \' (subsuper=%3) " ) . arg ( symN - > getSymbolName ( ) ) . arg ( symN - > isSubSuperscriptAboveBelowNode ( ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( spN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " WhitespaceNode :type=%1, count=%2 " ) . arg ( spN - > Type2String ( spN - > getWhitespaceType ( ) ) ) . arg ( spN - > getWhitespaceCount ( ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else if ( txtN ) {
2022-08-02 18:16:10 +08:00
name = QString ( " TextNode: \' %1 \' " ) . arg ( txtN - > getText ( ) ) ;
2022-08-03 15:55:45 +08:00
} else if ( emptyN ) {
name = QString ( " EmptyBoxNode %1%2 x %3%4 " ) . arg ( emptyN - > getWidth ( ) ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextEmptyBoxNode : : Units2String ( emptyN - > getWidthUnit ( ) ) ) . arg ( emptyN - > getHeight ( ) ) . arg ( JKQTMathTextEmptyBoxNode : : Units2String ( emptyN - > getHeightUnit ( ) ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else {
name = QString ( " unknown " ) ;
ti - > setText ( 0 , name ) ;
QString space = " " ;
QTreeWidgetItem * p = ti - > parent ( ) ;
while ( p ) {
space + = " " ;
p = p - > parent ( ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < space < < " createTree() " ;
return ti ;
void TestForm : : updateMath ( )
QApplication : : setOverrideCursor ( QCursor ( Qt : : WaitCursor ) ) ;
QString mathTest = " " ;
//QString symbolTest="\\lfloor\\rfloor\\lceil\\rceil\\langle\\rangle\\sum\\int \\iint \\oint \\prod \\leftrightarrow \\leftarrow\\Leftarrow\\rightarrow\\Rightarrow\\pm\\mp\\leq\\geq\\ll\\gg\\hbar\\euro\\bbC\\bbH\\bbN\\bbP\\bbQ\\bbZ\\bbR\\Angstrom\\Alef\\Bet\\Gimel\\Dalet\\nexists\\ni\\notni\\circ\\tilde\\oiint\\oiiint\\emptyset\\odot\\ominus\\subsetnot\\DC\\bot\\cdots\\perthousand\\leftharpoonup\\rightharpoonup \\upharpoonleft \\downharpoonleft \\leftrightharpoon \\rightleftharpoon \\coprod \\leftharpoondown \\rightharpoondown \\nwarrow \\nearrow \\mapsto \\cent \\pound \\yen \\div \\multimap \\maporiginal \\mapimage \\bigcap \\bigcup \\benzene \\times \\cdot \\propto \\equiv \\Im \\Re \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ";
2022-07-23 22:05:13 +08:00
//QString mathTest="$\\left\\|\\stackrel{1}{2}\\right\\|\\cdot\\left|\\begin{Bmatrix}1123&2^2&\\frac{3}{4}\\\\4&5_5&6\\\\72_8&8_{\\text{l\"{a}erer Index}}&9&10&11\\end{Bmatrix}\\right|\\cdots f(x)$";
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
//QString mathTest="0";
2022-06-06 20:16:50 +08:00
//QString text="x_0 \\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\\underbrace{underbrace}{x_0} (\\bf{Test})\\_\\it{Text} ... ! Equator\\alpha\\beta $f(x)=\\sin(x{\\cdot}y)$ \\ul{Text\\ol{\\gamma}} \\script{Script}, \\tt{Typewriter}, \\sf{sans serif}";
//QString text="$\\sum_{i=0_{j=-1_{k=-45}}}^{n^{m^{123456789}}}\\left(\\left(\\left(\\int_0^\\inf\\left[r+i^{\\left\\{2^2\\right\\}}\\right]{\\dd}r\\right)\\right)\\right)$ \\bf{Test}\\_\\it{Text} ... ! \\sc{&Equator \\&}\\alpha\\beta $f(x)=\\sin(x\\cdot\\cos(a+{\\ii}b))$ \\ul{Text\\gamma} \\script{Script-Text}\\tt{ and Typewriter} \\sf{also sans serif}";
//QString text="$\\sum_{i=0_{j=-1_{k=-45}}}^2\\left(\\left(\\left(\\int_0^\\inf\\left[r+i^{\\left\\{2^2\\right\\}}\\right]{\\dd}r\\right)\\right)\\right)$ \\bf{Test}\\_\\it{Text} ... ! \\sc{&Equator \\&}\\alpha\\beta $f(x)=\\sin(x\\cdot\\cos(a+{\\ii}b))$ \\ul{Text\\gamma} \\script{Script-Text}\\tt{ and Typewriter} \\sf{also sans serif}";
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
//QString text="x_0My Text$\\sqrt{a^2+b^2 } \\underbrace{underbrace}{x_0}$";
if ( ui - > cmbTestset - > currentIndex ( ) = = ui - > cmbTestset - > count ( ) - 1 ) {
mathTest = ui - > textBrowserSource - > toPlainText ( ) ;
ui - > textBrowserSource - > setReadOnly ( false ) ;
ui - > btnRender - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
} else {
mathTest = ui - > cmbTestset - > itemData ( ui - > cmbTestset - > currentIndex ( ) ) . toString ( ) ;
ui - > textBrowserSource - > setPlainText ( mathTest ) ;
ui - > textBrowserSource - > setReadOnly ( true ) ;
ui - > btnRender - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
ui - > scrollArea - > setBackgroundRole ( QPalette : : Dark ) ;
2022-06-03 04:17:38 +08:00
const qreal dpr = devicePixelRatioF ( ) ;
QPixmap pix ( W * dpr , H * dpr ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
pix . fill ( ) ;
2022-06-03 04:17:38 +08:00
pix . setDevicePixelRatio ( dpr ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
QPainter painter ;
2019-01-20 17:49:29 +08:00
JKQTMathText mt ( this ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
double Y = Y1 ;
painter . begin ( & pix ) ;
if ( ui - > chkAntiAlias - > isChecked ( ) ) painter . setRenderHint ( QPainter : : Antialiasing ) ;
if ( ui - > chkAntiAliasText - > isChecked ( ) ) painter . setRenderHint ( QPainter : : TextAntialiasing ) ;
ht . start ( ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . setFallbackFontSymbols ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSymbol - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSymbol - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) < = 3 ) {
mt . setFontRoman ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSerif - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSerif - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontSans ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSans - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSans - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontMathRoman ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSerifMath - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSerifMath - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontMathSans ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSansMath - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSansMath - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
mt . setFontTypewriter ( ui - > cmbUnicodeTypewriter - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingTypewriter - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
mt . setFontCaligraphic ( ui - > cmbCaligraphic - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingCaligraphic - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontScript ( ui - > cmbScript - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingScript - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontFraktur ( ui - > cmbUnicodeFraktur - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingFraktur - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
mt . setFontBlackboard ( ui - > cmbUnicodeBlackboard - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingBlackboard - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 02:30:12 +08:00
mt . setFallbackFontSymbols ( ui - > cmbUnicodeSymbol - > currentFont ( ) . family ( ) , static_cast < JKQTMathTextFontEncoding > ( ui - > cmbEncodingSymbol - > currentIndex ( ) ) ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 5 | | ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 6 ) {
mt . setFontRoman ( QGuiApplication : : font ( ) . family ( ) ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . setFontMathRoman ( QGuiApplication : : font ( ) . family ( ) ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 7 ) {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
mt . useAnyUnicode ( " Times New Roman " , " Times New Roman " ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 8 ) {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
mt . useAnyUnicode ( " Arial " , " Arial " ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 9 ) {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
mt . useAnyUnicode ( " Courier New " , " Courier New " ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 10 ) {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
mt . useAnyUnicode ( " Comic Sans MS " , " Comic Sans MS " ) ;
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 11 ) {
mt . useAnyUnicodeForTextOnly ( " Times New Roman " , " Times New Roman " ) ;
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 12 ) {
mt . useAnyUnicodeForTextOnly ( " Arial " , " Arial " ) ;
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 13 ) {
mt . useAnyUnicodeForTextOnly ( " Courier New " , " Courier New " ) ;
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 14 ) {
mt . useAnyUnicodeForTextOnly ( " Comic Sans MS " , " Comic Sans MS " ) ;
mt . useXITS ( ) ;
} else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 15 ) {
mt . useXITS ( false ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
2019-03-07 06:18:29 +08:00
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
mt . setFontBlackboardSimulated ( ui - > chkSimulateBlackboard - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
2019-06-30 23:34:41 +08:00
if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 1 ) qDebug ( ) < < " useXITS: " < < mt . useXITS ( ) ;
else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 2 ) qDebug ( ) < < " useSTIX: " < < mt . useSTIX ( ) ;
else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 3 ) qDebug ( ) < < " useASANA: " < < mt . useASANA ( ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
else if ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentIndex ( ) = = 6 ) qDebug ( ) < < " useXITS: " < < mt . useXITS ( ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > tree - > clear ( ) ;
ht . start ( ) ;
double durationParse = 0 ;
if ( mt . parse ( mathTest ) ) {
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
durationParse = ht . getTime ( ) / 1000.0 ;
ui - > tree - > addTopLevelItem ( createTree ( mt . getParsedNode ( ) ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else {
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
durationParse = ht . getTime ( ) / 1000.0 ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > labParsingTimes - > setText ( QString ( " %1ms " ) . arg ( durationParse , 0 , ' f ' , 3 ) ) ;
ui - > tree - > expandAll ( ) ;
bool okh = true ;
ui - > textBrowser - > clear ( ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
qDebug ( ) < < " parse mathTest in " < < ht . getTime ( ) / 1000.0 < < " ms \n " ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
QStringList sl = ui - > edtSizes - > text ( ) . split ( " , " ) ;
ui - > labRenderTimes - > setText ( " " ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sl . size ( ) - 1 ; i + + ) {
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
bool ok = true ;
int size = sl [ i ] . trimmed ( ) . toUInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok ) size = 10 + i * 5 ;
2022-07-05 03:02:43 +08:00
QString unit = " " ;
if ( ui - > cmbSizeUnit - > currentIndex ( ) = = 0 ) { unit = " pt " ; mt . setFontSize ( size ) ; }
else { unit = " px " ; mt . setFontSizePixels ( size ) ; }
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
double durationSizingMS = 0 , durationTimingMS = 0 ;
2022-07-05 03:02:43 +08:00
Y + = draw ( painter , X1 , Y , mt , QString ( " %1, %2, %3 " + unit ) . arg ( ui - > cmbTestset - > currentText ( ) ) . arg ( ui - > cmbFont - > currentText ( ) ) . arg ( size ) , durationSizingMS , durationTimingMS ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
if ( i = = 0 ) {
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
ui - > labError - > clear ( ) ;
2019-01-26 20:00:40 +08:00
if ( mt . getErrorList ( ) . size ( ) > 0 ) {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
ui - > labError - > setHtml ( QString ( " <span color= \" red \" > " + mt . getErrorList ( ) . join ( " <br> " ) + " </span><br><br><b>Fonts:</b><br><i>%1</i> " ) . arg ( getFonts ( mt ) . replace ( " \n " , " <br> " ) ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
} else {
2022-07-06 04:03:08 +08:00
ui - > labError - > setHtml ( QString ( " <span color= \" green \" >OK</span><br><br><b>Fonts:</b><br><i>%1</i> " ) . arg ( getFonts ( mt ) . replace ( " \n " , " <br> " ) ) ) ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
ui - > labRenderTimes - > setText ( ui - > labRenderTimes - > text ( ) + QString ( " %1pt: %2ms/%3ms " ) . arg ( size ) . arg ( durationSizingMS , 0 , ' F ' , 1 ) . arg ( durationTimingMS , 0 , ' F ' , 1 ) ) ;
2022-06-26 06:28:49 +08:00
if ( i = = 0 ) {
ui - > textBrowser - > textCursor ( ) . insertHtml ( " <hr> " + mt . toHtml ( & okh ) + " <hr><br><br> " ) ;
qDebug ( ) < < " HTML: --------------------------------------------- \n " < < mt . toHtml ( & okh ) < < " \n HTML: --------------------------------------------- ok= " < < okh ;
if ( mt . getErrorList ( ) . size ( ) > 0 ) {
qDebug ( ) < < mt . getErrorList ( ) . join ( " \n " ) < < " \n " ;
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
if ( sl . size ( ) > 0 ) {
bool ok = true ;
int size = sl . last ( ) . trimmed ( ) . toUInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok ) size = font ( ) . pointSizeF ( ) ;
2022-07-05 03:02:43 +08:00
QString unit ;
if ( ui - > cmbSizeUnit - > currentIndex ( ) = = 0 ) { unit = " pt " ; mt . setFontSize ( size ) ; }
else { unit = " px " ; mt . setFontSizePixels ( size ) ; }
Y + = drawAligned ( painter , X1 , Y , mt , QString ( " %1, %2 " + unit + " , align: %3 " ) . arg ( ui - > cmbTestset - > currentText ( ) ) . arg ( size ) . arg ( ui - > cmbLastAlign - > currentText ( ) ) ) ;
2022-07-04 03:30:12 +08:00
2018-12-29 00:46:47 +08:00
painter . end ( ) ;
ui - > label - > setPixmap ( pix ) ;
QApplication : : restoreOverrideCursor ( ) ;