2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2019 Jan W . Krieger ( < jan @ jkrieger . de > )
This software is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 2.1 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL )
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include <QString>
# include <QPainter>
# include <QPair>
# include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseelements.h"
# include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotter.h"
# include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphsbase.h"
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h"
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtp_imexport.h"
# include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtpimagetools.h"
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This mix-in class assembles all styling properties applicable to error indicators
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphs_stylemixins
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
\ image html jkqtplotter_simpletest_errorbarstyles . png " line-graphs with different types of error indicators "
\ see \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin {
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin ( ) = default ;
/** \brief initiaize the error indicator style (from the parent plotter) */
void initErrorStyle ( JKQTBasePlotter * parent , int & parentPlotStyle ) ;
/*! \copydoc m_errorBarCapSize */
void setErrorBarCapSize ( double __value ) ;
/*! \copydoc m_errorBarCapSize */
double getErrorBarCapSize ( ) const ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
/** \brief derive the properties of the error indicators from \a pen */
void setErrorStyleFromPen ( const JKQTBasePlotter : : JKQTPPen & pen ) ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief derive the colors of the error indicators from a given \a color */
void setErrorColorFromGraphColor ( QColor graphColor ) ;
/** \brief set the color of the error indicator (out)lines */
void setErrorLineColor ( const QColor & __value ) ;
/** \brief get the color of the error indicator (out)lines */
QColor getErrorLineColor ( ) const ;
/** \brief set the style of the error indicator (out)lines */
void setErrorLineStyle ( Qt : : PenStyle __value ) ;
/** \brief get the style of the error indicator (out)lines */
Qt : : PenStyle getErrorLineStyle ( ) const ;
/** \brief set the width [pt] of the error indicator (out)lines */
void setErrorLineWidth ( double __value ) ;
/** \brief get the width [pt] of the error indicator (out)lines */
double getErrorLineWidth ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets the dash offset for a custom dash style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setDashOffset
void setErrorLineDashOffset ( qreal offset ) ;
/** \brief returns the dash offset for a custom dash style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setDashOffset
qreal getErrorLineDashOffset ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets the dash pattern for a custom dash style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setDashPattern
void setErrorLineDashPattern ( const QVector < qreal > & pattern ) ;
/** \brief gets the dash pattern for a custom dash style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setDashPattern
QVector < qreal > getErrorLineDashPattern ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets the join style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setJoinStyle
void setErrorLineJoinStyle ( Qt : : PenJoinStyle style ) ;
/** \brief returns the join style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setJoinStyle
Qt : : PenJoinStyle getErrorLineJoinStyle ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets the cap style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setCapStyle
void setErrorLineCapStyle ( Qt : : PenCapStyle style ) ;
/** \brief gets the cap style of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setCapStyle
Qt : : PenCapStyle getErrorLineCapStyle ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets the brush used to fill the line area of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setBrush
void setErrorLineBrush ( const QBrush & style ) ;
/** \brief gets the brush used to fill the line area of the error indicator (out)lines
* \ see https : //doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpen.html#setBrush
QBrush getErrorLineBrush ( ) const ;
/** \brief set the fill color of the error indicators */
2019-04-22 19:27:50 +08:00
void setErrorFillColor ( const QColor & __value ) ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief get the fill color of the error indicators */
2019-04-22 19:27:50 +08:00
QColor getErrorFillColor ( ) const ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief set the fill style of the error indicators */
void setErrorFillStyle ( Qt : : BrushStyle __value ) ;
/** \brief get the fill style of the error indicators */
2019-04-22 19:27:50 +08:00
Qt : : BrushStyle getErrorFillStyle ( ) const ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief set the color of the error indicator filling and sets fill style to Qt::TexturePattern */
void setErrorFillTexture ( const QPixmap & __value ) ;
/** \brief set the color of the error indicator filling and sets fill style to Qt::TexturePattern */
void setErrorFillTexture ( const QImage & __value ) ;
/** \brief set the color of the error indicator filling */
QPixmap getErrorFillTexture ( ) const ;
/** \brief set the color of the error indicator filling */
QImage getErrorFillTextureImage ( ) const ;
/** \brief set the filling of the error indicators to a gradient and sets fill style to a gradient setting */
void setErrorFillGradient ( const QGradient & __value ) ;
/** \brief get the gradient object of the error indicator filling */
const QGradient * getErrorFillGradient ( ) const ;
/** \brief sets an error indicator fill brush (overwrites all internal properties!) */
void setErrorFillBrush ( const QBrush & b ) ;
/** \brief sets an error indicator fill transformation matrix*/
void setErrorFillTransform ( const QMatrix & b ) ;
/** \brief sets an error indicator fill transformation */
void setErrorFillTransform ( const QTransform & b ) ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
protected :
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief error indicator line pen */
QPen m_errorLinePen ;
/** \brief width of the error indicators' lines, given in pt */
double m_errorLineWidth ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief fill style of the graph */
QBrush m_errorFillBrush ;
/** \brief last fill color of the graph */
QColor m_errorFillColor ;
/** \brief size of the error bar end markers [pt] */
double m_errorBarCapSize ;
/** \brief constructs a QPen from the error indicator line styling properties */
QPen getErrorLinePen ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent ) const ;
/** \brief constructs a QPen from the error indicator line styling properties, suitable for drawing rectangles with sharp edges */
QPen getErrorLinePenForRects ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent ) const ;
/** \brief constructs a QBrush from the error indicator fill styling properties */
QBrush getErrorFillBrush ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent ) const ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
/** \brief draw error indicators with the parameters defined in this class. The position of the datapoints is
* given by the \ a xColumn and \ a yColumn . It is also possible to specify a datarange . */
void intPlotXYErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPGraph * parentGraph , int xColumn , int yColumn , int xErrorColumn , int yErrorColumn , JKQTPErrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle , JKQTPErrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle , int xErrorColumnLower = - 1 , int yErrorColumnLower = - 1 , bool xErrorSymmetric = true , bool yErrorSymmetric = true , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
/** \brief this function can be used to set the color of the error indicators automatically
* return \ c true and the colors to use , if applicable , the default implementation returns false */
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
virtual bool intPlotXYErrorIndicatorsGetColor ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPGraph * parentGraph , int xColumn , int yColumn , int xErrorColumn , int yErrorColumn , JKQTPErrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle , JKQTPErrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle , int index , QColor & errorLineColor , QColor & errorFillColor ) ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
} ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This class adds data fields for error indicators in x direction
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
\ see JKQTPYGraphErrorData , \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
JKQTPXGraphErrorData ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPXGraphErrorData ( ) = default ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorSymmetric*/
void setXErrorSymmetric ( bool __value ) ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorSymmetric */
bool getXErrorSymmetric ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorColumnLower */
int getXErrorColumnLower ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorColumn */
int getXErrorColumn ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorStyle */
void setXErrorStyle ( JKQTPErrorPlotstyle __value ) ;
/*! \copydoc xErrorStyle */
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle getXErrorStyle ( ) const ;
/** \copydoc xErrorColumn */
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
void setXErrorColumn ( int __value ) ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \copydoc xErrorColumnLower */
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
void setXErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) ;
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int xErrorColumn ;
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if xErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int xErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool xErrorSymmetric ;
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle xErrorStyle ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief returns the upper x-error for the i-th datapoint, read from datastore \a ds */
virtual double getXErrorU ( int i , JKQTPDatastore * ds ) const ;
/** \brief returns the lower x-error for the i-th datapoint, read from datastore \a ds */
virtual double getXErrorL ( int i , JKQTPDatastore * ds ) const ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
} ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This class adds data fields for error indicators in y direction
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
\ see JKQTPXGraphErrorData \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
JKQTPYGraphErrorData ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPYGraphErrorData ( ) = default ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorSymmetric */
void setYErrorSymmetric ( bool __value ) ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorSymmetric */
bool getYErrorSymmetric ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorColumnLower */
int getYErrorColumnLower ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorColumn */
int getYErrorColumn ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorStyle */
void setYErrorStyle ( JKQTPErrorPlotstyle __value ) ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorStyle */
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle getYErrorStyle ( ) const ;
/*! \copydoc yErrorColumn */
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
void setYErrorColumn ( int __value ) ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \copydoc yErrorColumnLower */
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
void setYErrorColumnLower ( int __value ) ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
protected :
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints */
int yErrorColumn ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief the column that contains the error of the x-component of the datapoints. This is used as the lower error length, if yErrorSymmetric \c ==false. */
int yErrorColumnLower ;
/** \brief indicates whether the x-errors are symmetric (from one column only) */
bool yErrorSymmetric ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
/** \brief how to draw the errors (if available) of the x-value */
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle yErrorStyle ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief returns the upper y-error for the i-th datapoint, read from datastore \a ds */
virtual double getYErrorU ( int i , JKQTPDatastore * ds ) const ;
/** \brief returns the lower y-error for the i-th datapoint, read from datastore \a ds */
virtual double getYErrorL ( int i , JKQTPDatastore * ds ) const ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
} ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This class is the base class for graphs that only display error indicators in x-direction
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
\ see JKQTPXGraphErrorData , JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin , \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPXGraphErrors : public JKQTPXGraphErrorData , public JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPXGraphErrors ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPXGraphErrors ( ) = default ;
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) const ;
protected :
/** \brief draws the error indicators */
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPGraph * parentGraph , int xColumn , int yColumn , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
} ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This class is the base class for graphs that only display error indicators in y-direction
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
\ see JKQTPYGraphErrorData , JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin , \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPYGraphErrors : public JKQTPYGraphErrorData , public JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin {
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
JKQTPYGraphErrors ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPYGraphErrors ( ) = default ;
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) const ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
protected :
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/** \brief draws the error indicators */
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPGraph * parentGraph , int xColumn , int yColumn , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
} ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
/*! \brief This class is the base class for graphs that only display error indicators in x- and y-direction
\ ingroup jkqtplotter_basegraphserrors
\ see JKQTPXGraphErrorData , JKQTPYGraphErrorData , JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin , \ ref jkqtplotter_graphsgroup_classstructure_mixins
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPXYGraphErrors : public JKQTPXGraphErrorData , public JKQTPYGraphErrorData , public JKQTPGraphErrorStyleMixin {
public :
/** \brief class contructor */
JKQTPXYGraphErrors ( ) ;
virtual ~ JKQTPXYGraphErrors ( ) = default ;
/** \brief returns true, if the error plots use the given column */
virtual bool errorUsesColumn ( int c ) const ;
protected :
/** \brief draws the error indicators */
virtual void plotErrorIndicators ( JKQTPEnhancedPainter & painter , JKQTBasePlotter * parent , JKQTPGraph * parentGraph , int xColumn , int yColumn , double xrelshift = 0 , double yrelshift = 0.0 , const QVector < int > * dataorder = nullptr ) ;
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00
} ;
2019-05-06 01:31:20 +08:00
2019-02-08 00:24:46 +08:00