This project (see `./examples/symbols_and_styles/`) simply creates a JKQTPlotter widget (as a new window) and adds a single line-graph (a sine-wave). Data is initialized from two QVector<double> objects.
The source code of the main application can be found in [`symbols_and_styles.cpp`]( Mainly several graphs are generated in a loop and then different symbol and line styles are applied to the graph (set by `graph->setSymbolType()` for the symbol and `graph->setLineStyle()` for the line style). The colors are set automtically from an internal default palette. The main loop looks like this:
In addition to the symbol type and line style, you can also alter the size of the symbols (`graph->setSymbolSize(14)`), the line-width used to draw them (`graph->setSymbolLineWidth(1.5)`) and theline width of the graph line (`graph->setLineWidth(1)`). If you want to switch off the line altogether, use `graph->setDrawLine(false)`.
Note: There are additional, more advanced options for styling the graphs. See the example [Advanced Line and Fill Styling](@ref JKQTPlotterAdvancedLineAndFillStyling) for details.