JKQTMathText parses an input string of mathematical markup (i.e. LaTeX) and in a first step generates a memory representation of the it (cf. \ref jkqtmathtext_items ).
Then this memory representation is used to draw the represented math using the renndering API of <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qpainter.html">QPainter</a>.
As an example, we look at the following LaTeX markup, representing the solution to a quadratic equation:
$x_{1/2} = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$
LaTeX itself would render this as follows:
\image html jkqtmathtext/jkqtmathtext_doc_quadraticeq_latex.png
JKQTMathText produces this output:
\image html jkqtmathtext/jkqtmathtext_doc_quadraticeq.png
The memory representation of the expression above looks like this:
\image html jkqtmathtext/jkqtmathtext_doc_quadraticeq_tree.png
\note The memory representation is independent of the actual math markup language (e.g. LaTeX) which was initially parsed.