This project (see `./examples/simpletest_functionplot/`) demonstrates how to plot mathematical functions as line graphs. The functions may be defined as static C functions, C++ functors or c++ inline functions. See [test/simpletest_parsedfunctionplot]( for an example of how to use an internal equation parser provided with JKQtPlotter instead of directly defining functions.
In any such plot function, you can also use parameters, provided via the second parameter. Usually these are "internal parameters", defined by `func2->set_paramsV(p0, p1, ...)`:
Finally `JKQTPxFunctionLineGraph` provides a small set of special functions (polynomial `p0+p1*x+p2*x^2+...`, exponential `p0+p1*exp(x/p2)`, power-law `p0+p1*x^p2`, ...), which are parametrized from the internal or external parameters:
To demonstrate how to use parameters from a datastore column, have a look at the next example. It is derived from the special-function plot above, but adds a line with a different offset and slope and reads the parameters from a datastore column `paramCol`, which is initialized from the vector `params`:
Also see the example [Plotting Parsed Mathematical Functions as Line Graphs]( for details on how the actual plotting algorithm works. That example also shows how to define a function as a string, which is then parsed and evaluated by an expression parser library embedded in JKQtPlotter.
All examples above use the graph class `JKQTPxFunctionLineGraph`, which plots a function `y=f(x)`. If you want to plot a function `x=f(y)`, you can use the class `JKQTPyFunctionLineGraph` instead. If in the examples above, we exchange all `JKQTPxFunctionLineGraph` for `JKQTPyFunctionLineGraph`, the graphs will be rotated by 90 degree, as all functions are interpreted as `x=f(y)`: