2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2019 Jan W . Krieger ( < jan @ jkrieger . de > )
last modification : $ LastChangedDate $ ( revision $ Rev $ )
This software is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 2.1 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL )
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include <stdint.h>
# include <cmath>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <iostream>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <limits>
# include <vector>
# include <utility>
# include <cfloat>
# include <ostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <sstream>
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtp_imexport.h"
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtparraytools.h"
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpmathtools.h"
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpstringtools.h"
# ifdef _OPENMP
# include <omp.h>
# endif
# endif
# include <Eigen / Core>
# include <Eigen / SVD>
# include <Eigen / Jacobi>
# include <Eigen / LU>
# include <Eigen / QR>
# endif
/** \brief calculate the index of the entry in line \a l and column \a c
* in a row - major matrix with \ a C columns
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* You can use this to access a matrix with L rows and C columns :
* \ code
* for ( long l = 0 ; l < L ; l + + ) {
* for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
* matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) = 0 ;
* if ( l = = c ) matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) = 1 ;
* }
* }
* \ endcode
# define jkqtplinalgMatIndex(l,c,C) ((l)*(C)+(c))
/** \brief print the given LxC matrix to std::cout
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam type of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
* \ param matrix the matrix to print out
2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
* \ param L number of lines / rows in the matrix
* \ param C number of columns in the matrix
* \ param width width ( in characters ) of each cell in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param precision precision ( in digits ) for string - conversions in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param mode if \ c = = ' f ' the mode \ c std : : fixed is used for output , otherwise \ c std : : scientific is used
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgPrintMatrix ( T * matrix , long L , long C , int width = 9 , int precision = 3 , char mode = ' f ' ) {
for ( long l = 0 ; l < L ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
if ( c > 0 ) std : : cout < < " , " ;
std : : cout . precision ( precision ) ;
std : : cout . width ( width ) ;
if ( mode = = ' f ' ) std : : cout < < std : : fixed < < std : : right < < matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
else std : : cout < < std : : scientific < < std : : right < < matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
std : : cout < < std : : endl ;
/** \brief convert the given LxC matrix to std::string
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam type of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
* \ param matrix the matrix to convert
2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
* \ param L number of lines / rows in the matrix
* \ param C number of columns in the matrix
* \ param width width ( in characters ) of each cell in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param precision precision ( in digits ) for string - conversions in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param mode the ( printf ( ) ) string conversion mode for output of the cell values
template < class T >
inline std : : string jkqtplinalgMatrixToString ( T * matrix , long L , long C , int width = 9 , int precision = 3 , const std : : string & mode = std : : string ( " g " ) ) {
std : : string format = " % " + jkqtp_inttostr ( width ) + std : : string ( " . " ) + jkqtp_inttostr ( precision ) + std : : string ( " l " ) + mode ;
std : : ostringstream ost ;
for ( long l = 0 ; l < L ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
if ( c > 0 ) ost < < " , " ;
char buf [ 500 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , format . c_str ( ) , jkqtp_todouble ( matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ) ) ;
ost < < buf ;
ost . width ( width ) ;
if ( mode = = ' f ' ) ost < < std : : fixed < < std : : right < < matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
else ost < < std : : scientific < < std : : right < < matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ; */
ost < < std : : endl ;
return ost . str ( ) ;
/** \brief maps the number range -1 ... +1 to a color-scale lightblue - white - lightred (used for coloring matrices!)
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ param val the value to convert
* \ param [ out ] r returns the red value ( 0. .255 )
* \ param [ out ] g returns the green value ( 0. .255 )
* \ param [ out ] b returns the blue value ( 0. .255 )
inline void jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( double val , uint8_t & r , uint8_t & g , uint8_t & b ) {
r = 255 ;
g = 255 ;
b = 255 ;
const double fval = fabs ( val ) ;
if ( val < 0 & & val > = - 1 ) {
r = jkqtp_boundedRoundTo < uint8_t > ( 0 , 255.0 - fval * 127.0 , 255 ) ;
g = jkqtp_boundedRoundTo < uint8_t > ( 0 , 255.0 - fval * 127.0 , 255 ) ;
} else if ( val > 0 & & val < = 1 ) {
b = jkqtp_boundedRoundTo < uint8_t > ( 0 , 255.0 - fval * 127.0 , 255 ) ;
g = jkqtp_boundedRoundTo < uint8_t > ( 0 , 255.0 - fval * 127.0 , 255 ) ;
} else if ( val < - 1 ) {
r = 127 ;
g = 127 ;
b = 255 ;
} else if ( val > 1 ) {
r = 255 ;
g = 127 ;
b = 127 ;
/** \brief maps the number range -1 ... +1 to a non-linear color-scale lightblue - white - lightred (used for coloring matrices!)
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ param val the value to convert
* \ param [ out ] r returns the red value ( 0. .255 )
* \ param [ out ] g returns the green value ( 0. .255 )
* \ param [ out ] b returns the blue value ( 0. .255 )
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
* \ param gamma a gamma - value for non - linear color scaling
2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
inline void jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( double val , uint8_t & r , uint8_t & g , uint8_t & b , double gamma = 0.5 ) {
if ( val < 0 ) {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( - 1.0 * pow ( - val , gamma ) , r , g , b ) ;
} else {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( pow ( val , gamma ) , r , g , b ) ;
/** \brief convert the given LxC matrix to std::string, encoded as HTML table
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam type of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
* \ param matrix the matrix to convert
2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
* \ param L number of lines / rows in the matrix
* \ param C number of columns in the matrix
* \ param width width ( in characters ) of each cell in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param precision precision ( in digits ) for string - conversions in the output ( used for formatting )
* \ param mode the ( printf ( ) ) string conversion mode for output of the cell values
* \ param tableformat this is inserted into the \ c < table . . . > tag ( may contain HTML property definitions )
* \ param prenumber this is inserted before each number ( may contain HTML markup )
* \ param postnumber this is inserted after each number ( may contain HTML markup )
* \ param colorcoding if \ c true , teh cell backgrounds are color - coded
* \ param zeroIsWhite if \ c the color - coding is forced to white for 0 and then encodes in positive / negative direction with colors ( red and blue )
* \ param [ out ] colorlabel outputs a label explaining the auto - generated color - coding
* \ param nonlinColors if \ c true , a non - linear color - coding is used
* \ param nonlinColorsGamma gamma - value for a non - linear color - coding
* \ param colortableformat lie \ a tableformat , but for the legend table output in \ a colorLabel
* \ see jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( ) and jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( )
template < class T >
inline std : : string jkqtplinalgMatrixToHTMLString ( T * matrix , long L , long C , int width = 9 , int precision = 3 , const std : : string & mode = std : : string ( " g " ) , const std : : string & tableformat = std : : string ( ) , const std : : string & prenumber = std : : string ( ) , const std : : string & postnumber = std : : string ( ) , bool colorcoding = false , bool zeroIsWhite = true , std : : string * colorlabel = nullptr , bool nonlinColors = false , double nonlinColorsGamma = 0.25 , const std : : string & colortableformat = std : : string ( ) ) {
std : : ostringstream ost ;
ost < < " <table " < < tableformat < < " > \n " ;
std : : string format = " % " + jkqtp_inttostr ( width ) + std : : string ( " . " ) + jkqtp_inttostr ( precision ) + std : : string ( " l " ) + mode ;
double minv = 0 , maxv = 0 ;
if ( colorcoding ) {
jkqtpstatMinMax ( matrix , L * C , minv , maxv ) ;
for ( long l = 0 ; l < L ; l + + ) {
ost < < " <tr> " ;
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
const double val = matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
std : : string cols = " " ;
if ( colorcoding ) {
double valrel = 0 ;
uint8_t r = 255 , g = 255 , b = 255 ;
if ( zeroIsWhite ) {
if ( val < 0 ) valrel = - 1.0 * fabs ( val / minv ) ;
if ( val > 0 ) valrel = fabs ( val / maxv ) ;
} else {
valrel = ( ( val - minv ) / ( maxv - minv ) - 0.5 ) * 2.0 ;
if ( nonlinColors ) {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( valrel , r , g , b , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
} else {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( valrel , r , g , b ) ;
char buf [ 500 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" " , int ( r ) , int ( g ) , int ( b ) ) ;
cols = buf ;
ost < < " <td align= \" center \" valign= \" middle \" width= \" " < < ( 100.0 / double ( C ) ) < < " % \" " < < cols < < " ><nobr> " ;
ost . precision ( precision ) ;
ost . width ( width ) ;
char buf [ 500 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , format . c_str ( ) , val ) ;
ost < < prenumber < < buf < < postnumber ;
ost < < " </nobr></td> " ;
ost < < " </tr> \n " ;
ost < < " </table> " ;
if ( colorcoding & & colorlabel ) {
char buf [ 8192 ] ;
uint8_t rm = 255 , gm = 255 , bm = 255 ;
uint8_t rmc = 255 , gmc = 255 , bmc = 255 ;
uint8_t rc = 255 , gc = 255 , bc = 255 ;
uint8_t rcp = 255 , gcp = 255 , bcp = 255 ;
uint8_t rp = 255 , gp = 255 , bp = 255 ;
double vm = minv ;
double vc = 0 ;
double vp = maxv ;
if ( ! zeroIsWhite ) {
vc = ( maxv + minv ) / 2.0 ;
if ( nonlinColors ) {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( - 1 , rm , gm , bm , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( - 0.5 , rmc , gmc , bmc , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( 0 , rc , gc , bc , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( 0.5 , rcp , gcp , bcp , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToNonlinRWBColors ( 1 , rp , gp , bp , nonlinColorsGamma ) ;
} else {
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( - 1 , rm , gm , bm ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( - 0.5 , rmc , gmc , bmc ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( 0 , rc , gc , bc ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( 0.5 , rcp , gcp , bcp ) ;
jkqtplinalgPM1ToRWBColors ( 1 , rp , gp , bp ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " <table %s cellpadding= \" 2 \" cellspacing= \" 0 \" border= \" 1 \" ><tr><td><table width= \" 100%% \" cellpadding= \" 3 \" cellspacing= \" 0 \" border= \" 0 \" ><tr> "
" <td bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" width= \" 20%% \" ><nobr> %9.3lg </nobr></td> "
" <td bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" width= \" 20%% \" ><nobr> — </nobr></td> "
" <td bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" width= \" 20%% \" ><nobr> %9.3lg </nobr></td> "
" <td bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" width= \" 20%% \" ><nobr> — </nobr></td> "
" <td bgcolor= \" #%02X%02X%02X \" width= \" 20%% \" ><nobr> %9.3lg </nobr></td> "
" </tr></table></td></tr></table> " , colortableformat . c_str ( ) , int ( rm ) , int ( gm ) , int ( bm ) , vm , int ( rmc ) , int ( gmc ) , int ( bmc ) , int ( rc ) , int ( gc ) , int ( bc ) , vc , int ( rcp ) , int ( gcp ) , int ( bcp ) , int ( rp ) , int ( gp ) , int ( bp ) , vp ) ;
( * colorlabel ) = std : : string ( buf ) ;
return ost . str ( ) ;
/** \brief dot-product between two vectors \a vec1 and \a vec2, each with a length of \a N entries
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam T of the vector cells ( typically double or float )
* \ param vec1 first vector
* \ param vec2 second vector
* \ param N number of entries in \ a vec1 and \ a vec2
template < class T >
inline T jkqtplinalgDotProduct ( const T * vec1 , const T * vec2 , long N ) {
T res = 0 ;
for ( long l = 0 ; l < N ; l + + ) {
res = res + vec1 [ l ] * vec2 [ l ] ;
return res ;
/** \brief transpose the given NxN matrix
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
* \ param matrix the matrix to transpose
* \ param N number of rows and columns in the matrix
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgTransposeMatrix ( T * matrix , long N ) {
for ( long l = 0 ; l < N ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = l + 1 ; c < N ; c + + ) {
jkqtpArraySwap ( matrix , jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , N ) , jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( c , l , N ) ) ;
/** \brief transpose the given LxC matrix
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
* \ param matrix the matrix to transpose
* \ param L number of rows in the matrix
* \ param C number of columns in the matrix
* \ note The output is interpreted as CxL matrix ! ! !
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgTransposeMatrix ( T * matrix , long L , long C ) {
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > t ( jkqtpArrayDuplicate < T > ( matrix , L * C ) ) ;
for ( long l = 0 ; l < L ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( c , l , L ) ] = t [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
/** \brief swap two lines in a matrix
* \ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
* \ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
* \ param m the matrix to work on
* \ param l1 the row to swap with row \ a l2
* \ param l2 the row to swap with row \ a l1
* \ param C number of columns in the matrix
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgMatrixSwapLines ( T * m , long l1 , long l2 , long C ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) {
jkqtpArraySwap ( m , jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l1 , c , C ) , jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l2 , c , C ) ) ;
/*! \brief matrix-matrix product
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
\ param M1 matrix 1 , size : L1xC1
\ param L1 number of r ows in the matrix \ a M1
\ param C1 number of columns in the matrix \ a M1
\ param M2 matrix 1 , size : L2xC2
\ param L2 number of rows in the matrix \ a M2
\ param C2 number of columns in the matrix \ a M2
\ param [ out ] M output matrix M = M1 * M2 , size : L1xC2
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( const T * M1 , long L1 , long C1 , const T * M2 , long L2 , long C2 , T * M ) {
if ( M1 ! = M & & M2 ! = M ) {
for ( long l = 0 ; l < L1 ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C2 ; c + + ) {
double s = T ( 0 ) ;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < C1 ; i + + ) {
s = s + M1 [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , i , C1 ) ] * M2 [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , c , C2 ) ] ;
M [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C2 ) ] = s ;
} else if ( M1 = = M & & M2 ! = M ) {
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > MM ( jkqtpArrayDuplicate ( M1 , L1 * C1 ) ) ;
jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( MM , L1 , C1 , M2 , L2 , C2 , M ) ;
} else if ( M1 ! = M & & M2 = = M ) {
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > MM ( jkqtpArrayDuplicate ( M1 , L1 * C1 ) ) ;
jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( M1 , L1 , C1 , MM , L2 , C2 , M ) ;
} else if ( M1 = = M & & M2 = = M ) {
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > MM ( jkqtpArrayDuplicate ( M1 , L1 * C1 ) ) ;
jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( MM , L1 , C1 , MM , L2 , C2 , M ) ;
/*! \brief matrix-matrix product of two NxN matrices
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ param M1 matrix 1 , size : NxN
\ param M2 matrix 1 , size : NxN
\ param N number os rows / columns in the matrices \ a M1 , \ a M2 and \ a M
\ param [ out ] M output matrix M = M1 * M2 , size : NxN
template < class T >
inline void jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( const T * M1 , const T * M2 , long N , T * M ) {
jkqtplinalgMatrixProduct ( M1 , N , N , M2 , N , N , M ) ;
/*! \brief performs a Gauss-Jordan eliminaion on a LxC matrix m
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
For a matrix equation \ f [ A \ cdot \ vec { x } = \ vec { b } \ f ] the input matrix is \ f [ \ left [ A | \ vec { b } \ right ] \ f ] for matrix inversion it is
\ f [ \ left [ A | I_L \ right ] \ f ] where \ f $ I_L \ f $ is the unit matrix with LxL entries .
\ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
\ param m the matrix
\ param L number of rows in the matrix
\ param C number of columns in the matrix
\ see http : //www.virtual-maxim.de/matrix-invertieren-in-c-plus-plus/
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgGaussJordan ( T * m , long L , long C ) {
const long N = L ;
//std::cout<<"\nstep 0:\n";
//linalgPrintMatrix(m, N, C);
// first we perform a Gauss-elimination, which transforms the matrix in the left half of m into upper triangular form
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N - 1 ; k + + ) {
//std::cout<<"\nstep G"<<k<<": pivot="<<m[jkqtpstatisticsMatIndex(k,k,C)]<<"\n";
if ( m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] = = 0.0 ) {
// if pivot(m[k,k])==0, then swap this line with a line, which does not have a 0 in the k-th column
for ( long ks = k + 1 ; ks < N ; ks + + ) {
if ( m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( ks , k , C ) ] ! = 0.0 ) {
jkqtplinalgMatrixSwapLines ( m , ks , k , C ) ;
break ;
} else if ( ks = = N - 1 ) {
// if no such element is found, the matrix may not be inverted!
return false ;
// now we can eliminate all entries i below the pivot line p, by subtracting
// the pivot line, scaled by s, from every line, where
// s=m[i,p]/m[p,p]
for ( long i = k + 1 ; i < N ; i + + ) {
const T s = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , k , C ) ] / m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] ;
for ( long c = k ; c < C ; c + + ) {
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , c , C ) ] - = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , C ) ] * s ;
//linalgPrintMatrix(m, N, C);
// now we can caluate the determinant of the left half-matrix, which can be used to determine, whether matrix
// is invertible at all: if det(T)==0.0 -> matrix is not invertible
// the determinant of an upper triangular marix equals the product of the diagonal elements
T det = 1.0 ;
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N ; k + + ) {
det = det * m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] ;
//linalgPrintMatrix(m, N, C);
//std::cout<<"\nstep 2: det(M)="<<det<<"\n";
if ( fabs ( det ) < DBL_MIN * 10.0 ) return false ;
// if the matrix may be inverted, we can go on with the JOrdan part of the algorithm:
// we work the Nx(2N) matrix from bottom to top and transform the left side into a unit matrix
// - the last row is left unchanged
// - the last row is subtracted from every row i above, scaled by m[i,N]/m[N,N]
// then we repeat this for the (N-1)*(N-1) left upper matrix, which has again full triangular form
for ( long k = N - 1 ; k > 0 ; k - - ) {
//std::cout<<"\nstep J"<<k<<":\n";
for ( long i = k - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
const T s = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , k , C ) ] / m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] ;
for ( long c = k ; c < C ; c + + ) {
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , c , C ) ] - = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , C ) ] * s ;
//linalgPrintMatrix(m, N, C);
// finally each line is normalized to 1 by dividing by the diagonal entry in the left NxN matrix
// and copy the result to matrix_out
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N ; k + + ) {
const T s = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] ;
for ( long c = N ; c < C ; c + + ) {
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , C ) ] = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , C ) ] / s ;
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , k , C ) ] = T ( 1 ) ;
return true ;
/*! \brief invert the given NxN matrix using Gauss-Jordan elimination
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
\ param matrix the matrix to invert
\ param [ out ] matrix_out target for the inverted matrix
\ param N number of rows and columns in the matrix
\ return \ c true on success and the inverted matrix in matrix_out .
\ note It is save to call \ c jkqtpstatMatrixInversion ( A , A , N ) with the same argument for in and out matrix . Then the input will be overwritten with the new matrix !
\ note matrix and matrix_out have to be of size N * N . Matrices are interpreted as row - major !
\ see http : //www.virtual-maxim.de/matrix-invertieren-in-c-plus-plus/
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgMatrixInversion ( const T * matrix , T * matrix_out , long N ) {
if ( N = = 2 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 2 , 2 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( matrix ) ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , 2 , 2 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eO ( matrix_out ) ;
eO = eA . inverse ( ) ;
//std::cout<<"\n--------------------------------------\n2x2 input matrix\n"<<eA<<"\n--------------------------------------\n";
return eO . allFinite ( ) ;
} else if ( N = = 3 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 3 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( matrix ) ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 3 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eO ( matrix_out ) ;
//std::cout<<"\n--------------------------------------\n3x3 input matrix\n"<<eA<<"\n--------------------------------------\n";
eO = eA . inverse ( ) ;
return eO . allFinite ( ) ;
} else if ( N = = 4 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 4 , 4 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( matrix ) ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , 4 , 4 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eO ( matrix_out ) ;
//std::cout<<"\n--------------------------------------\n4x4 input matrix\n"<<eA<<"\n--------------------------------------\n";
eO = eA . inverse ( ) ;
return eO . allFinite ( ) ;
} else {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( matrix , N , N ) ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eO ( matrix_out , N , N ) ;
eO = eA . inverse ( ) ;
//std::cout<<"\n--------------------------------------\nNxN input matrix\n"<<eA<<"\n--------------------------------------\n";
return eO . allFinite ( ) ;
return true ;
# else
// first build a N*(2N) matrix of the form
// m11 m12 ... | 1 0 0
// m21 m22 ... | 0 1 0
// ... ... ... | .....
const long msize = N * N * 2 ;
std : : vector < T > m ;
m . resize ( msize ) ;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < msize ; i + + ) m [ i ] = T ( 0 ) ; // init with 0
for ( long l = 0 ; l < N ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < N ; c + + ) { // init left half with matrix
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , 2 * N ) ] = matrix [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , N ) ] ;
// init right half with unit matrix
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , N + l , 2 * N ) ] = T ( 1 ) ;
bool ok = linalgGaussJordanV ( m , N , 2 * N ) ;
if ( ok ) {
// finally we copy the result to matrix_out
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N ; k + + ) {
for ( long c = N ; c < 2 * N ; c + + ) {
matrix_out [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c - N , N ) ] = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , 2 * N ) ] ;
return ok ;
# endif
/*! \brief invert the given NxN matrix using Gauss-Jordan elimination
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
\ param [ in , out ] matrix the matrix to invert ( at the same time the target )
\ param N number of rows and columns in the matrix
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgMatrixInversion ( T * matrix , long N ) {
return jkqtplinalgMatrixInversion ( matrix , matrix , N ) ;
/*! \brief solve a system of N linear equations \f$ A\cdot\vec{x}=B \f$ simultaneously for C columns in B
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ param A an NxN matrix of coefficients
\ param B an NxC marix
\ param N number of equations
\ param C number of columns in B
\ param result_out a NxC matrix with the results after the inversion of the system of equations
\ return \ c true on success
\ note This function uses the Gauss - Jordan algorithm
\ note It is save to call \ c jkqtpstatLinSolve ( A , B , N , C , B ) with the same argument for B and result_out . Then the input will be overwritten with the new matrix !
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( const T * A , const T * B , long N , long C , T * result_out ) {
# if defined(JKQTP_STATISTICS_TOOLS_MAY_USE_EIGEN3) && (!defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_noeigen))
if ( N = = 2 & & C = = 1 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 2 , 2 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( A ) ;
Eigen : : Matrix < T , 2 , 1 > eB ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , 2 , 1 > > x ( result_out ) ;
eB = Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > ( B , 2 , 1 ) ;
# ifdef STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivLu
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_householderQr)
x = eA . householderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . fullPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_jacobiSvd)
x = eA . jacobiSVD ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_colPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . colPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# else
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# endif
} else if ( N = = 3 & & C = = 1 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 3 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( A ) ;
Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 1 > eB ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 1 > > x ( result_out ) ;
eB = Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > ( B , 3 , 1 ) ;
# ifdef STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivLu
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_householderQr)
x = eA . householderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . fullPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_jacobiSvd)
x = eA . jacobiSVD ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_colPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . colPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# else
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# endif
} else {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( A , N , N ) ;
Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > eB ( N , C ) ;
Eigen : : Map < Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > x ( result_out , N , C ) ;
eB = Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > ( B , N , C ) ;
# ifdef STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivLu
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_householderQr)
x = eA . householderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_fullPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . fullPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_jacobiSvd)
x = eA . jacobiSVD ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# elif defined(STATISTICS_TOOLS_linalgLinSolve_EIGENMETHOD_colPivHouseholderQr)
x = eA . colPivHouseholderQr ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# else
x = eA . fullPivLu ( ) . solve ( eB ) ;
# endif
return true ;
# else
// first build a N*(N+C) matrix of the form
// <---- N ----> <---- C ---->
// ^ A11 A12 ... | B11 B12 ...
// | A21 A22 ... | B21 B22 ...
// N ... ... ... | .....
// | ... ... ... | .....
// v ... ... ... | .....
const long msize = N * ( N + C ) ;
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > m ( static_cast < T * > ( jkqtpArrayMalloc ( msize * sizeof ( T ) ) ) ) ; // use scoped pointer to ensure, that m is free'd, when the function is ending
for ( long l = 0 ; l < N ; l + + ) {
for ( long c = 0 ; c < N ; c + + ) { // init left half with matrix A
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , N + C ) ] = A [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , N ) ] ;
// init right half with B
for ( long c = 0 ; c < C ; c + + ) { // init left half with matrix B
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , N + c , N + C ) ] = B [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( l , c , C ) ] ;
bool ok = linalgGaussJordan ( m . data ( ) , N , N + C ) ;
if ( ok ) {
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N ; k + + ) {
for ( long c = N ; c < ( N + C ) ; c + + ) {
if ( ! JKQTPIsOKFloat ( m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , N + C ) ] ) ) {
ok = false ;
break ;
if ( ! ok ) break ;
if ( ok ) {
// finally we copy the result to matrix_out
for ( long k = 0 ; k < N ; k + + ) {
for ( long c = N ; c < ( N + C ) ; c + + ) {
result_out [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c - N , C ) ] = m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( k , c , N + C ) ] ;
return ok ;
# endif
/*! \brief solve a system of N linear equations \f$ A\cdot\vec{x}=B \f$ simultaneously for C columns in B
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ param A an NxN matrix of coefficients
\ param [ in , out ] B an NxC marix ( also receives the result )
\ param N number of equations
\ param C number of columns in B
\ return \ c true on success
\ note This function uses the Gauss - Jordan algorithm
\ note It is save to call \ c jkqtpstatLinSolve ( A , B , N , C , B ) with the same argument for B and result_out . Then the input will be overwritten with the new matrix !
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( const T * A , T * B , long N , long C ) {
return jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( A , B , N , C , B ) ;
/*! \brief solve a system of N linear equations \f$ A\cdot\vec{x}=\vec{b} \f$
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ param A an NxN matrix of coefficients
\ param b an N - entry vector
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
\ param N number of rows and columns in \ a A
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\ param [ out ] result_out a N - entry vector with the result
\ return \ c true on success
\ note This function uses the Gauss - Jordan algorithm
\ note It is save to call \ c jkqtpstatLinSolve ( A , B , N , C , B ) with the same argument for B and result_out . Then the input will be overwritten with the new matrix !
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( const T * A , const T * b , long N , T * result_out ) {
return jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( A , b , N , 1 , result_out ) ;
/*! \brief solve a system of N linear equations \f$ A\cdot\vec{x}=\vec{b} \f$
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ param A an NxN matrix of coefficients
\ param [ in , out ] b an N - entry vector ( also receives the result )
\ param N number of equations
2019-05-30 17:19:56 +08:00
\ param N number of rows and columns in \ a A
2019-05-30 04:40:02 +08:00
\ return \ c true on success
\ note This function uses the Gauss - Jordan algorithm
\ note It is save to call \ c jkqtpstatLinSolve ( A , B , N , C , B ) with the same argument for B and result_out . Then the input will be overwritten with the new matrix !
template < class T >
inline bool jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( const T * A , T * b , long N ) {
return jkqtplinalgLinSolve ( A , b , N , 1 , b ) ;
/*! \brief determinant the given NxN matrix
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_linalg
\ tparam T of the matrix cells ( typically double or float )
\ param a the matrix for which to calculate the determinant
\ param N number of rows and columns in the matrix
\ return the determinant of \ a a
\ note for large matrices this algorithm is very slow , think about defining the macro JKQTP_STATISTICS_TOOLS_MAY_USE_EIGEN3 to use faster methods from the EIGEN library !
template < class T >
inline T jkqtplinalgMatrixDeterminant ( const T * a , long N ) {
if ( N < 1 ) { /* Error */
return NAN ;
} else if ( N = = 1 ) { /* Shouldn't get used */
return a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 0 , N ) ] ;
} else if ( N = = 2 ) {
return a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 0 , N ) ] * a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 1 , 1 , N ) ] - a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 1 , 0 , N ) ] * a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 1 , N ) ] ;
} else if ( N = = 3 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 3 , 3 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( a ) ;
return eA . determinant ( ) ;
} else if ( N = = 4 ) {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , 4 , 4 , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( a ) ;
return eA . determinant ( ) ;
} else {
Eigen : : Map < const Eigen : : Matrix < T , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : Dynamic , Eigen : : RowMajor > > eA ( a , N , N ) ;
return eA . determinant ( ) ;
# else
long i , j , j1 , j2 ;
T det = 0 ;
if ( N < 1 ) { /* Error */
det = NAN ;
} else if ( N = = 1 ) { /* Shouldn't get used */
det = a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 0 , N ) ] ;
} else if ( N = = 2 ) {
det = a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 0 , N ) ] * a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 1 , 1 , N ) ] - a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 1 , 0 , N ) ] * a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , 1 , N ) ] ;
} else {
det = 0 ;
for ( j1 = 0 ; j1 < N ; j1 + + ) {
JKQTPArrayScopedPointer < T > m ( static_cast < T * > ( jkqtpArrayCalloc ( ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 1 ) , sizeof ( T * ) ) ) ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < N ; i + + ) {
j2 = 0 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < N ; j + + ) {
if ( j ! = j1 ) {
m [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i - 1 , j2 , N - 1 ) ] = a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( i , j , N ) ] ;
j2 + + ;
//printf("%d: %lf (%lf %lf)\n",j1,pow(-1.0,1.0+double(j1)+1.0),a[jkqtplinalgMatIndex(0,j1,N)], jkqtplinalgMatrixDeterminant(m,N-1));
det = det + double ( ( ( 1 + j1 + 1 ) % 2 = = 0 ) ? 1.0 : - 1.0 ) /* pow(-1.0,1.0+double(j1)+1.0)*/ * a [ jkqtplinalgMatIndex ( 0 , j1 , N ) ] * jkqtplinalgMatrixDeterminant ( m , N - 1 ) ;
//printf("\n\n jkqtplinalgMatrixDeterminant(%d):\n",N);
//printf(" jkqtplinalgMatrixDeterminant(%d) = %lf\n", N, det);
return ( det ) ;
# endif