2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
2022-07-19 19:40:43 +08:00
Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2022 Jan W . Krieger ( < jan @ jkrieger . de > )
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
last modification : $ LastChangedDate $ ( revision $ Rev $ )
This software is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 2.1 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL ) for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ( LGPL )
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include <stdint.h>
# include <cmath>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <iostream>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <limits>
# include <vector>
# include <utility>
# include <cfloat>
# include <ostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <sstream>
2022-07-23 21:31:56 +08:00
# include "jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math/jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math_imexport.h"
# include "jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math/jkqtplinalgtools.h"
# include "jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math/jkqtparraytools.h"
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
# include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpdebuggingtools.h"
2022-07-23 21:31:56 +08:00
# include "jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math/jkqtpstatbasics.h"
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
/*! \brief defines where the returned x-coordinates (in histogramXOut) lie inside a histogram bin
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist
\ see jkqtpstatHistogram ( )
enum class JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode {
XIsLeft , /*!< \brief x-location is the left edge of the bin */
XIsMid , /*!< \brief x-location is the middle of the bin */
XIsRight /*!< \brief x-location is the right edge of the bin */
} ;
/*! \brief calculate an autoranged 1-dimensional histogram from the given data range \a first ... \a last, bins defined by their number
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist
\ tparam InputIt standard iterator type of \ a first and \ a last .
\ tparam OutputIt standard output iterator type used for the outliers output \ a histogramXOut and \ a histogramYOut , use e . g . std : : back_inserter
\ param first iterator pointing to the first item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_1 \ f $
\ param last iterator pointing behind the last item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_N \ f $
\ param [ out ] histogramXOut output iterator that receives x - positions of the histogram bins . Location of this value inside the bin range is defined by \ a binXMode
\ param [ out ] histogramYOut output iterator that receives counts / frequencies of the histogram bins
\ param bins number of bins in the output histogram
\ param normalized indicates whether the histogram has to be normalized
\ param cummulative if \ c true , a cummulative histogram is calculated
\ param binXMode defines where the returned x - coordinates ( in histogramXOut ) lie inside the histogram bin ( see JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode )
\ see jkqtpstatAddHHistogram1DAutoranged ( )
template < class InputIt , class OutputIt >
inline void jkqtpstatHistogram1DAutoranged ( InputIt first , InputIt last , OutputIt histogramXOut , OutputIt histogramYOut , int bins = 11 , bool normalized = true , bool cummulative = false , JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode binXMode = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsLeft ) {
double minV = 0 , maxV = 0 ;
size_t N = 0 ;
jkqtpstatMinMax < InputIt > ( first , last , minV , maxV , nullptr , nullptr , & N ) ;
std : : vector < double > histX ;
std : : vector < double > histY ;
const double range = maxV - minV ;
const double binw = range / static_cast < double > ( bins ) ;
// initialize the histogram
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bins ; i + + ) {
histX . push_back ( minV + static_cast < double > ( i ) * binw ) ;
histY . push_back ( 0 ) ;
// calculate the histogram
for ( auto it = first ; it ! = last ; + + it ) {
const double v = jkqtp_todouble ( * it ) ;
if ( JKQTPIsOKFloat ( v ) ) {
size_t b = jkqtp_bounded < size_t > ( 0 , static_cast < size_t > ( floor ( ( v - minV ) / binw ) ) , bins - 1 ) ;
histY [ b ] + + ;
// output the histogram
double xoffset = 0 ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsRight ) xoffset = binw ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsMid ) xoffset = binw / 2.0 ;
double NNorm = 1 ;
if ( normalized ) {
NNorm = static_cast < double > ( N ) ;
double h = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < histX . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramXOut = histX [ i ] + xoffset ;
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
if ( cummulative ) h + = ( histY [ i ] / NNorm ) ;
else h = histY [ i ] / NNorm ;
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramYOut = h ;
+ + histogramXOut ;
+ + histogramYOut ;
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
/*! \brief calculate an autoranged 1-dimensional histogram from the given data range \a first ... \a last, bins defined by their width
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist
\ tparam InputIt standard iterator type of \ a first and \ a last .
\ tparam OutputIt standard output iterator type used for the outliers output \ a histogramXOut and \ a histogramYOut , use e . g . std : : back_inserter
\ param first iterator pointing to the first item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_1 \ f $
\ param last iterator pointing behind the last item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_N \ f $
\ param [ out ] histogramXOut output iterator that r eceives x - positions of the histogram bins . Location of this value inside the bin range is defined by \ a binXMode
\ param [ out ] histogramYOut output iterator that receives counts / frequencies of the histogram bins
\ param binWidth width of the bins
\ param normalized indicates whether the histogram has to be normalized
\ param cummulative if \ c true , a cummulative histogram is calculated
\ param binXMode defines where the returned x - coordinates ( in histogramXOut ) lie inside the histogram bin ( see JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode )
\ see jkqtpstatAddHHistogram1DAutoranged ( )
template < class InputIt , class OutputIt >
inline void jkqtpstatHistogram1DAutoranged ( InputIt first , InputIt last , OutputIt histogramXOut , OutputIt histogramYOut , double binWidth , bool normalized = true , bool cummulative = false , JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode binXMode = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsLeft ) {
double minV = 0 , maxV = 0 ;
size_t N = 0 ;
jkqtpstatMinMax < InputIt > ( first , last , minV , maxV , nullptr , nullptr , & N ) ;
std : : vector < double > histX ;
std : : vector < double > histY ;
const double range = maxV - minV ;
const double binw = binWidth ;
const int bins = static_cast < int > ( ceil ( range / binWidth ) ) ;
// initialize the histogram
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bins ; i + + ) {
histX . push_back ( minV + static_cast < double > ( i ) * binw ) ;
histY . push_back ( 0 ) ;
// calculate the histogram
for ( auto it = first ; it ! = last ; + + it ) {
const double v = jkqtp_todouble ( * it ) ;
if ( JKQTPIsOKFloat ( v ) ) {
size_t b = jkqtp_bounded < size_t > ( 0 , static_cast < size_t > ( floor ( ( v - minV ) / binw ) ) , bins - 1 ) ;
histY [ b ] + + ;
// output the histogram
double xoffset = 0 ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsRight ) xoffset = binw ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsMid ) xoffset = binw / 2.0 ;
double NNorm = 1 ;
if ( normalized ) {
NNorm = static_cast < double > ( N ) ;
double h = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < histX . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramXOut = histX [ i ] + xoffset ;
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
if ( cummulative ) h + = ( histY [ i ] / NNorm ) ;
else h = histY [ i ] / NNorm ;
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramYOut = h ;
+ + histogramXOut ;
+ + histogramYOut ; }
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
/*! \brief calculate an autoranged 1-dimensional histogram from the given data range \a first ... \a last, bins defined the range \a binsFirst ... \a binsLast
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist
\ tparam InputIt standard iterator type of \ a first and \ a last .
\ tparam BinsInputIt standard iterator type of \ a binsFirst and \ a binsLast .
\ tparam OutputIt standard output iterator type used for the outliers output \ a histogramXOut and \ a histogramYOut , use e . g . std : : back_inserter
\ param first iterator pointing to the first item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_1 \ f $
\ param last iterator pointing behind the last item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_N \ f $
\ param binsFirst iterator pointing to the first item in the set of histogram bins
\ param binsLast iterator pointing behind the last item in the set of histogram bins
\ param [ out ] histogramXOut output iterator that receives x - positions of the histogram bins . Location of this value inside the bin range is defined by \ a binXMode
\ param [ out ] histogramYOut output iterator that receives counts / frequencies of the histogram bins
\ param normalized indicates whether the histogram has to be normalized
\ param cummulative if \ c true , a cummulative histogram is calculated
\ param binXMode defines where the returned x - coordinates ( in histogramXOut ) lie inside the histogram bin ( see JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode )
\ see jkqtpstatAddHHistogram1D ( )
template < class InputIt , class BinsInputIt , class OutputIt >
inline void jkqtpstatHistogram1D ( InputIt first , InputIt last , BinsInputIt binsFirst , BinsInputIt binsLast , OutputIt histogramXOut , OutputIt histogramYOut , bool normalized = true , bool cummulative = false , JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode binXMode = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsLeft ) {
double minV = 0 , maxV = 0 ;
size_t N = 0 ;
jkqtpstatMinMax < InputIt > ( first , last , minV , maxV , nullptr , nullptr , & N ) ;
std : : vector < double > histX ;
std : : vector < double > histY ;
// initialize the histogram
for ( auto it = binsFirst ; it ! = binsLast ; + + it ) {
histX . push_back ( jkqtp_todouble ( * it ) ) ;
histY . push_back ( 0 ) ;
std : : sort ( histX . begin ( ) , histX . end ( ) ) ;
// calculate the histogram
for ( auto it = first ; it ! = last ; + + it ) {
const double v = jkqtp_todouble ( * it ) ;
if ( JKQTPIsOKFloat ( v ) ) {
auto itb = std : : lower_bound ( histX . begin ( ) , histX . end ( ) , v ) ;
2019-11-24 19:20:43 +08:00
size_t bin = jkqtp_bounded < size_t > ( 0 , static_cast < size_t > ( std : : abs ( std : : distance ( histX . begin ( ) , itb ) ) ) , histY . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
histY [ bin ] + + ;
// output the histogram
double NNorm = 1 ;
if ( normalized ) {
NNorm = static_cast < double > ( N ) ;
double h = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < histX . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
double xoffset = 0 ;
double binw = 1 ;
if ( binXMode ! = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsLeft ) {
if ( i = = 0 & & i + 1 < histX . size ( ) ) binw = histX [ 1 ] - histX [ 0 ] ;
else if ( i = = histX . size ( ) - 1 & & static_cast < int > ( i ) - 1 > 0 ) binw = histX [ histX . size ( ) - 1 ] - histX [ histX . size ( ) - 2 ] ;
else if ( i < histX . size ( ) & & i + 1 < histX . size ( ) ) binw = histX [ i + 1 ] - histX [ i ] ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsRight ) xoffset = binw ;
if ( binXMode = = JKQTPStatHistogramBinXMode : : XIsMid ) xoffset = binw / 2.0 ;
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramXOut = histX [ i ] + xoffset ;
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
if ( cummulative ) h + = ( histY [ i ] / NNorm ) ;
else h = histY [ i ] / NNorm ;
2019-06-21 21:46:53 +08:00
* histogramYOut = h ;
+ + histogramXOut ;
+ + histogramYOut ; }
2019-06-12 18:58:47 +08:00
/*! \brief calculate a 2-dimensional histogram from the given data range \a firstX / \a firstY ... \a lastY / \a lastY
\ ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dhist
\ tparam InputItX standard iterator type of \ a firstX and \ a lastX .
\ tparam InputItY standard iterator type of \ a firstY and \ a lastY .
\ tparam OutputIt standard output iterator type used for the outliers output \ a histogramXOut and \ a histogramYOut , use e . g . std : : back_inserter
\ param firstX iterator pointing to the first x - position item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_1 \ f $
\ param lastX iterator pointing behind the last x - position item in the dataset to use \ f $ X_N \ f $
\ param firstY iterator pointing to the first y - position item in the dataset to use \ f $ Y_1 \ f $
\ param lastY iterator pointing behind the last y - position item in the dataset to use \ f $ Y_N \ f $
\ param [ out ] histogramImgOut output iterator that receives counts of the histogram bins in row - major ordering
\ param xmin position of the first histogram bin in x - direction
\ param xmax position of the last histogram bin in x - direction
\ param ymin position of the first histogram bin in y - direction
\ param ymax position of the last histogram bin in y - direction
\ param xbins number of bins in x - direction ( i . e . width of the output histogram \ a histogramImgOut )
\ param ybins number of bins in y - direction ( i . e . height of the output histogram \ a histogramImgOut )
\ param normalized indicates whether the histogram has to be normalized
\ see jkqtpstatAddHHistogram1DAutoranged ( )
template < class InputItX , class InputItY , class OutputIt >
inline void jkqtpstatHistogram2D ( InputItX firstX , InputItX lastX , InputItY firstY , InputItY lastY , OutputIt histogramImgOut , double xmin , double xmax , double ymin , double ymax , size_t xbins = 10 , size_t ybins = 10 , bool normalized = true ) {
const double binwx = fabs ( xmax - xmin ) / static_cast < double > ( xbins ) ;
const double binwy = fabs ( ymax - ymin ) / static_cast < double > ( ybins ) ;
std : : vector < double > hist ;
std : : fill_n ( std : : back_inserter ( hist ) , xbins * ybins , 0.0 ) ;
// calculate the histogram
auto itX = firstX ;
auto itY = firstY ;
size_t N = 0 ;
for ( ; ( itX ! = lastX ) & & ( itY ! = lastY ) ; + + itX , + + itY ) {
const double vx = jkqtp_todouble ( * itX ) ;
const double vy = jkqtp_todouble ( * itY ) ;
if ( JKQTPIsOKFloat ( vx ) & & JKQTPIsOKFloat ( vy ) ) {
const size_t bx = jkqtp_bounded < size_t > ( 0 , static_cast < size_t > ( floor ( ( vx - xmin ) / binwx ) ) , xbins - 1 ) ;
const size_t by = jkqtp_bounded < size_t > ( 0 , static_cast < size_t > ( floor ( ( vy - ymin ) / binwy ) ) , ybins - 1 ) ;
hist [ by * xbins + bx ] + + ;
N + + ;
// output the histogram
double NNorm = 1 ;
if ( normalized ) {
NNorm = static_cast < double > ( N ) ;
std : : transform ( hist . begin ( ) , hist . end ( ) , histogramImgOut , [ NNorm ] ( double v ) { return v / NNorm ; } ) ;